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So where does it rank on your list of DOOM ?

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RightField said:

Doom 2016 is great, but it really is too short and lackluster in content to the point of it feeling rushed. They should have gotten a bigger team to work on it and perfected it. Oh well, it might be a tactic to save money though. Wait and see if it sells well and then go all in for the expanded effort. :)

Doom 2016 from start has great potential to be best Doom game since classic two games. Just wait.

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I have a hard time figuring out whether I like Doom3 or 16 better, so I've given them a shared 3rd place.

1. Doom 2
2. Doom 1
3. Doom 2016
3. Doom 3
4. Doom 3 RoE
5. Final Doom
6. The Ultimate Doom (4th episode only)
7. Lost Missions (Doom 3: BFG Edition)

I don't really view Doom64/PSX/Whatever as first class citizens in the Doom society.

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Ultimate Doom
Doom 2 (Only because mods and added stuff, hate the levels)
'16 Doom (Though SnapMap's prefabs suck, I spent all weekend playing with it mostly because the combat is so addicting I didn't much care how limited the prefabs are.)
Doom 64 & PSX Doom
Doom 3
Final Doom

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RightField said:

Doom 2016 is great, but it really is too short and lackluster in content to the point of it feeling rushed. They should have gotten a bigger team to work on it and perfected it. Oh well, it might be a tactic to save money though. Wait and see if it sells well and then go all in for the expanded effort. :)

Too short? By modern standards I find the game is a decent length. 13 levels is pretty good, and the game could even be like 20+ hours if you explore

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hardcore_gamer said:

Well to be honest, while the new Doom may technically win over Doom 3 in the gameplay department I would argue that Doom 3 was much more memorable as an actual game. The new Doom is just a dumb shooter that I may soon put away in favor of other things. There are no real memorable moments in it. Doom 3 had lots of memorable moments as well as high levels of immersion. I would not say either game is better or worse than the other, just different.

maybe you were just younger or more impressionable. I find this to be the case with lots of people and it sort of biases them towards nostalgia since it was so novel at the time, so you tend to remember certain things.

All the dooms are great, even the alternative style of doom 3 has it's place in the doom archives for me. But honestly Doom 3, while a great game, got sloppy after awhile with it's sort of generic environments and imp-spawns-in-front-of-you combat which isn't really the best gameplay idea for a slower-paced deadspace type shooter.

Doom 2016 may be repetitive too with it's constant arena-style stuff but the sheer combat dynamics really stand out to me and compensate for it. Not many modern games really feel as fluid to me. I definitely had a bit more fun overall playing doom 2016 than doom 3.

doom 2 ofc is the best, I agree there

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HXCpr0n said:

maybe you were just younger or more impressionable. I find this to be the case with lots of people and it sort of biases them towards nostalgia since it was so novel at the time, so you tend to remember certain things.

No, Doom 3 just has more memorable moments in it. The first time I played the hell level was a horrifying experience.

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People putting Doom 64 high on the list; why?

From what I recall, it was mostly Doom 2 style level design with the brightness level set to 0.5 out of 10. Though, I admit I don't have much experience with it I did watch many speedruns of it.

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Because Doom 64 was real Doom very actual and look cool at date. Real Horror FPS, not Doom 3 bullshit.

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1. Ultimate Doom
2. Doom II: Hell On Earth

3. Doom 3 (RoE+Lost Missions)
(Followed very closely by)
4. Doom 2016

5. Final Doom: TNT Evilution
6. Final Doom: Plutiona

EDIT: Never played Doom 64, so I can't list it here.

If they really up the antique on Doom 2016 with extensive modding support and good DLC, it will move up past Doom 3 on my watch.

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Doom 64
Doom 2016
No Rest for the Living
Ultimate Doom
Resurrection of Evil
Doom 3
The Lost Mission
Master Levels
Doom II

In that order.

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For me it's gonna be:
Ultimate DooM
DooM 64
DooM 2
Doom 2016
Doom 3
Final DooM (Can't decide which of the two I like the least)

Mechazawa said:

People putting Doom 64 high on the list; why?

From what I recall, it was mostly Doom 2 style level design with the brightness level set to 0.5 out of 10. Though, I admit I don't have much experience with it I did watch many speedruns of it.

Personal Preference?

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hardcore_gamer said:

Well to be honest, while the new Doom may technically win over Doom 3 in the gameplay department I would argue that Doom 3 was much more memorable as an actual game. The new Doom is just a dumb shooter that I may soon put away in favor of other things. There are no real memorable moments in it. Doom 3 had lots of memorable moments as well as high levels of immersion. I would not say either game is better or worse than the other, just different.

Doom 3 had much more of a "soul" -- you knew that the people who built the game really wanted to craft a unique experience, even if execution was sloppy/bad in some cases.

The new Doom is a blast to play and I love it, but it is basically a product , not really a lovingly crafted work of art.

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HXCpr0n said:

Too short? By modern standards I find the game is a decent length. 13 levels is pretty good, and the game could even be like 20+ hours if you explore

Modern standards are not really up to par these days. Though it can be done. The Witcher 3 is 100 hours. And if you explore.. oh sheeeee

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Plasma Gun said:

Doom 3 had much more of a "soul" -- you knew that the people who built the game really wanted to craft a unique experience, even if execution was sloppy/bad in some cases.

The new Doom is a blast to play and I love it, but it is basically a product , not really a lovingly crafted work of art.

Please Explain, I don't see What your saying Because Doom 16 is quite unique and Extremely well crafted.

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1) Doom 2016
2) Plutonia
3) Doom
4) Doom 3
5) Doom 64
6) Doom 2

Talking about original games without mods, of course.

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Shareware DOOM (What got me into FPS)
Ultimate DOOM
Final DOOM
DOOM 2016

I hope a lot of people don't get mad about 64 being at the bottom; but it was an awful game when it came out. I specifically remember my friend bringing over his 64 for my birthday party and we all got pumped about Golden Eye cause it had just come out. At one point someone said "Let's play Doom 64!" which he rented and we all sat there; disappointed. I think my childhood experience soured me on that game. LOL. I might go back and play it again now that there's a cool port for the PC.

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hardcore_gamer said:

Well to be honest, while the new Doom may technically win over Doom 3 in the gameplay department I would argue that Doom 3 was much more memorable as an actual game. The new Doom is just a dumb shooter that I may soon put away in favor of other things. There are no real memorable moments in it. Doom 3 had lots of memorable moments as well as high levels of immersion. I would not say either game is better or worse than the other, just different.

Plasma Gun said:

Doom 3 had much more of a "soul" -- you knew that the people who built the game really wanted to craft a unique experience, even if execution was sloppy/bad in some cases.

The new Doom is a blast to play and I love it, but it is basically a product , not really a lovingly crafted work of art.

I feel the same way. Doom 3 really felt like a work of art, it offered a horror experience and complete immersion. Every part of a level, even the smallest corridor or crawling space was designated a name, making it really feel you were part of a fully functioning UAC facility that felt alive. All the PDA's with the audio logs and e-mails as well as audio recordings (like Doctor reports on soldiers infected with a pathogen and changing, or the UAC commercial video's) throughout the game really made Doom 3 something special despite its shortcomings. (And there were several of them)

Having said that, Doom 4 is awesome, action-packed, beautiful and one amazing rollercoasterride.

Doom - Final Doom - Doom 3 (ROE)/Doom 4 - Doom 2

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New Doom suffers from technologies. With same level as Doom 3 at date or Crysis in 2016 this game must feels competely different. IMHO. Whatever, Doom 2016 is FPS of the decade, unique.

It's much more Doom than Doom 3, for sure.

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I think it's much more Doom in some ways Doom 3 isn't, but much less Doom in some ways Doom 3 was, I think they are both opposites and none of them are perfectly balanced.

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Doom 64
Doom 2016
Doom 2
Doom 3
Doom 3 RoE
Final Doom

final doom is the only doom i don't enjoy playing. It lacks the pacing of every other doom game.

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