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Resources issue


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Hello all,
So I'm trying to create a 2 player co-op mission, but I want to make it a score based battle between the two players. When a kill is attained by a player, I want the resource points or score to go to the person who killed the demon.
I figured out how to attribute score or resources per kill to a player, I just can't figure out how to specify it to the player who made the kill. Has anyone figured out or know how to attain this through the logic chains?

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I THINK it's in the team proxy or score settings. There is an option that you can enable or disable that asks if player score contributes to team score. I imagine you just disable that option and then you should have it sorted. I had similar issue but the other way round and that sorted it for me.

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Cool. I'll try that out when I get home from work. I thought about trying it with a team score instead of player score, but forgot to try it. Thanks. I'll post if it works.

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