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What would you want added from an expansion?

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From what the developers have been saying & how the new game ends, its almost clear that this was really just the first step into a whole new DooM universe.
Personally if they decide to go with an expansion later on this year I'd like to see a handful of demons added, to really spice things up even more.

A perfect addition IMO would be a Phobos/Deimos pack that includes complete coverage of the bases, totally reimagined for a modern futuristic look.
With Coop support added and extra snapmap features to create Mars and Hell landscapes.
Also CGI scenes like how the trailers and credits were made with those slow motion camera pans/movements would be Epic.

-Added demons like the Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, various colors and skins for existing demons. Various new demons like those seen in Doom 3, the cherub for example was a unique and horrible demon in packs..

-Added weapons, various powerups for the BFG.

-A Phobos/Deimos themed level design, complete with the ability to explore inside the bases interior, and its outside facilities around the main moons crater. Completely non linear with main objectives and plenty of side quests.

-Added Cutscene's that make use of the games engine, IE the credits.

What would you like to see added?
Its only a matter of time before extra content is announced..

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I just need a level pack with new levels and maybe some new weapons and demons

I think 15 long non story based non liner levels would be a pretty nice addition (remastered old levels would be neat but we don't need them [unless the old levels are changed for the new gameplay, meaning they are longer, with more areas, and you can do more in the old areas])

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ArchangelOfHell said:

From what the developers have been saying & how the new game ends, its almost clear that this was really just the first step into a whole new DooM universe.

What have the devs been saying? I can't find it.

I'd love any more DOOM, it's all good by me. I'd love to see a new take on Hell on Earth in the style of this game, with winding crazy abandoned buildings. But they'd probably save that for a full sequel.

For a mission pack, Phobos or something like that would work. Just would have to make sure it doesn't feel exactly like the Mars locations.

These days expansions usually have some kind of fun gimmick, like FarCry3 Blood Dragon being 80s comedy, or Wolfenstein The Old Blood being a campy prequel. I wouldn't mind a Doom expansion being more funny somehow.

For new enemies I'd throw in a female demon, and maybe some kind of evil wizardy demon. New weapons, maybe some magnum-esque huge revolver Clint Eastwood style. Might fit in with the old wood handled super shotgun.

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ArchangelOfHell said:

From what the developers have been saying & how the new game ends, its almost clear that this was really just the first step into a whole new DooM universe.
Personally if they decide to go with an expansion later on this year I'd like to see a handful of demons added, to really spice things up even more.

A perfect addition IMO would be a Phobos/Deimos pack that includes complete coverage of the bases, totally reimagined for a modern futuristic look.
With Coop support added and extra snapmap features to create Mars and Hell landscapes.
Also CGI scenes like how the trailers and credits were made with those slow motion camera pans/movements would be Epic.

-Added demons like the Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, various colors and skins for existing demons. Various new demons like those seen in Doom 3, the cherub for example was a unique and horrible demon in packs..

-Added weapons, various powerups for the BFG.

-A Phobos/Deimos themed level design, complete with the ability to explore inside the bases interior, and its outside facilities around the main moons crater. Completely non linear with main objectives and plenty of side quests.

-Added Cutscene's that make use of the games engine, IE the credits.

What would you like to see added?
Its only a matter of time before extra content is announced..

A goddamn pause function when playing offline in snapmap then I'll gladly take in other additional things for snapmap.

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PsychoGoatee said:

What have the devs been saying? I can't find it.

I'd love any more DOOM, it's all good by me. I'd love to see a new take on Hell on Earth in the style of this game, with winding crazy abandoned buildings. But they'd probably save that for a full sequel.

For a mission pack, Phobos or something like that would work. Just would have to make sure it doesn't feel exactly like the Mars locations.

These days expansions usually have some kind of fun gimmick, like FarCry3 Blood Dragon being 80s comedy, or Wolfenstein The Old Blood being a campy prequel. I wouldn't mind a Doom expansion being more funny somehow.

For new enemies I'd throw in a female demon, and maybe some kind of evil wizardy demon. New weapons, maybe some magnum-esque huge revolver Clint Eastwood style. Might fit in with the old wood handled super shotgun.

IMHO they should make it have a STRONG Evil Dead vibe and they should throw in some Phobos, Deimos, and Hell levels. That would make it awesome in my books. They should also make the Shotgun have a wooden pump and make it a bit more like Classic Doom aesthetically (not exactly but kinda) And reskin the yellow eyes of the Imp to be red and make the Imp brown. :3 Stuff like that I guess. :3

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hardcore_gamer said:

First they need to fix snapmap by giving it proper SP support. After that, probably some more SP missions that aren't just arenas.


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A reboot of episodes 1(Phobos) and 2(Deimos) seem entirely plausible for DLC, or they could just go the whole nine and finish the DLC with Inferno(Hell). 3+3+2 levels per area. They could also save that for a sequel though as well, though I would bet they would want the sequel to be set on Earth. The demons that missed the cut would be added in, if they can do a proper Arch-Vile for just one area then that can serve as a boss.

Story wise it works as well. At the end Hayden sends Doomguy to an undisclosed location. Could be Phobos, so Doomguy works his way through to a teleportal to the hell infested Deimos, then to Hell. In Hell the demons opened up a portal to Earth via The Crucible/Hayden/Whatever and Doomguy makes his way to Earth, setting up for a sequel.

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I would favor the return of the Pain elemental or Arachnotron to complete the doom cast!

For snapmap, please please please PLEASE add bosses as selectable demons! I'd like to face 3 Cyberdemons with infinite BFG ammo, thank you!

Also a pistol for snapmap. Surprised that was missing.

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I'd like to see an Expansion that retells the events of D1 with returning D3 monsters (Wraiths, Vulgars, Cherubs, Brusiers) and Classic Monsters (Arachnatron, Pain Elemental, and Classic Zombiemen) and the story of how Doom guy became Doom Slayer, and how he got the Soul Cube (since D3 is most likely canon now)

Would also like to see some MP weapons come as well along with some cut Doom Bible stuff like the Unmaker, and the Christmas BFG-2704 come back.

As for new stuff, maybe a classic Humanoid imp, Chaingun Arachnatrons, a new frontline common goat like-satyr enemy like the hell knights and Barons of classic doom, and some new weapons like a Pump Action Shotgun, Auto-shotgun, Flamethrower, proper Assault Rifle and a Sub-Machine Gun.

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complex level like foundry, new demon like somethign that when you kill it it spam more minion of himself, and when you kill this minion even more minion will be spawned, at lòeast 3 times in total

maybe another demon that offer support for other demon, like assorbing your small damage shots or whatever

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More demons, more guns, more gore. Bigger, badder boss battles. And as someone else mentioned, mods for the BFG. They need to make it just like every other gun and not make it just some panic button for when you are being overwhelmed.

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For singleplayer, nothing more.
For Snapmap: -More modules both UAC and Hell
-Weapon wheel
-bosses (cyberdemon, spider mastermind and hell guards)
-dead bodies to place on the map
-skull keys
-Nazis from the new order and zombies from the old blood, alongside some wolfenstein modules
-The unwilling, arachnotron, pain elemental and the archvile/summoner
-classic demons (Yes, using sprites, because why the hell not? =D)
-More music
-If there was a way to increase capacity of an overal map, so we can add more stuff and the maps don´t feel limited.
-A big space module and a few more walls so we can actually at least create an structure inside that module.
-Some Doom 3 demons like the pinky

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Nothing but singleplayer content.
A new 'mini campaign', with new levels the same size as the base game, start throwing in the later enemies like the Barons immediately, throw in the Archvile as either a boss or regular enemy, add in some arachnotrons, some new enemies, a new weapon or two.
I would be happy with that, the singleplayer is miles above Snapmap and Multiplayer and should be the most supported moving forward.
The only other thing I'd like is to make a co-op version of the campaign for at least two players; modify the campaign levels to allow multiple players.

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kerrang said:

Doomguy voices

No. Doomguy has any always has been silent. Last thing we need is him being a smartass like Duke Nukem or saying lame one liners like Brutal Doom has.

If there should be any releases, it should be idStudio given to the public for free.

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Glaice said:

No. Doomguy has any always has been silent. Last thing we need is him being a smartass like Duke Nukem or saying lame one liners like Brutal Doom has.

If there should be any releases, it should be idStudio given to the public for free.

I think he meant voices as in death screams, grunts, panting, gasping etc. Not actual dialogue of him speaking.

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It wouldn't necessarily be redundant. It could have physics-based slicing effects like the guns do (what you hit is generally what you destroy) and the benefit of not pinning you down when in use. It could also be a limited use power weapon, but require killing enemies with other weapons to actually charge.

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Jaxxoon R said:

It wouldn't necessarily be redundant. It could have physics-based slicing effects like the guns do (what you hit is generally what you destroy) and the benefit of not pinning you down when in use. It could also be a limited use power weapon, but require killing enemies with other weapons to actually charge.

So some Unmaker like melee weapon? That sounds cool, and based on it's relevance to the Doom 4, that sounds like something it could possible do.

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I would like to see the level design in an expansion moving away (to some extent) from the arena-based design. (More levels like Foundry or Krangir Sanctum, less levels like Titan's realm or Vega's Core) Arena's are fun and action-packed but there were way to many of them, especially as they became more obvious in the second half of the game.

A balance between Hell and base levels. Would love to see levels with castles, underground strongholds, mountain fortresses, etc. As for the base levels, I would love to see levels that show the UAC as a living, functioning facility. Laboratories, Communications, Offices, Engineering, Excavation sites, Waste Disposal, Living Quarters, etc.

New demons (For example Arachnotrons/Archviles/Prowlers), and perhaps more variations on the existing demons. (Size, color, behavior, different projectiles) I would love to see a demon similar to the Vulgar in D3 (ROE) I loved that enemy because it really stood out from the other monsters.

I would like to see demons having different personalities. Some being extremely aggressive, others staying at a distance or even hesitating to engage you. Or even showing signs of fear. (You are the Doomslayer after all) Demons fleeing, retreating, attacking in a group and working together, etc.

Boss fights that don't involve shooting at just one target like the Cyberdemon or Spider Mastermind. But boss fights in huge arena's where you are constantly being rushed by dozens and dozens of demons from all sides while being shot at by for example multiple Cyberdemons or Spider Masterminds.

New weapons like for example a Flamethrower. I remember in Quake 2's expansion The Reckoning there were weapons like the Ion ripper (shooting projectiles that richochet of walls) and the Phalanx (Which shot two charged energy orbs that exploded on impact) Or a kind of lasergun that shoots a concentrated laser that burns through enemies.

Reworking existing weapons like the Shotgun, Chaingun and Plasma gun. Feels underwhelming in a way and not as satisfying.

Icon of Sin. Would love to see a re-imagening of this boss in this game.

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- add BFG from Q3 and sword
- add hook and slides(from Q4)
- add Arachnotron, Maledict(from Doom 3) and Pain Elemental

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HellVain said:

Ooh kinda loving that hook idea.

"Get over here!!"
*proceeds to glory kill*

Shit now I just pictured an energy hook like Metroid where you can grapple across gaps.

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-Archnotrons and Pain elementals (doom 64 variants)

-the unmaker including the keys and the motherdemon

-Different skins of current demons especially an old school cyber demon skin (ie the cyber mancubus)

-Better ambient music than what was given to us. (doom 64's ambient music is pretty music the best in all of gaming)

-A complete and FULLY UNGIMPED, non-consolized update to snapmap. (no two wep limit, hell environments, outdoor environments, cyberdemon and other bosses allowed to be placed)

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