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What would you want added from an expansion?

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Boss fight against Samuel Hayden, a buffed up one.

Doomguy never stopped. Samuel took his sword and was using it to restart all the crap Doomguy had to put up with. The Marine finds Samuel in front of the second "safe" portal in the "safe" area. He finds Samuel, but not the one he saw before. Samuel with a suit of armor. The Armor of Argent.

It'd be a dream to see this Samuel come with all the attacks we know. Baron's plasma attacks, Hellknight's leaping attack, Imp's fireball and Cyberdemon's rockets and scythe attack. And the sword of course.

I'm fine if its just Samuel running around with the sword, striking from time to time, summoning attack drones from time to time

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"Phobia" DLC.

Retelling the classic Doom shareware "story" integrated into the new universe, and as others have suggested, some special "DLC" skins. IE: a wood grain pump shotty with different mods (Explosive flechette buck, ricochet slug.), and a proper Beretta-styled pistol, and slightly classically toned Praetor suit reskin. Some interesting reinterpretations of the classic levels and utilizing the new gameplay mechanics in the old maps. Maybe replace the unwilling zombies and such with classic zombiemen/shotgun guys.

"Deimos" DLC.

Similar to Phobia DLC, but including a classic style Cyberdemon and as you progress through the maps you can see signs of the Tower being constructed outside in the skybox, until you actually get to the Cyberdemon, and you have a very "Ripley meets the Queen in Aliens" moment where the Cyberdemon is awoken by a surge of Argent energy riding down a demonic lightning rod right into his body, followed by a huge battle.

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No offense. But I really do want to punch that annoying UAC spokesman in the face in the expansion. id, please grant my wish.

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OpenMaw said:

"Phobia" DLC.

Retelling the classic Doom shareware "story" integrated into the new universe, and as others have suggested, some special "DLC" skins. IE: a wood grain pump shotty with different mods (Explosive flechette buck, ricochet slug.), and a proper Beretta-styled pistol, and slightly classically toned Praetor suit reskin. Some interesting reinterpretations of the classic levels and utilizing the new gameplay mechanics in the old maps. Maybe replace the unwilling zombies and such with classic zombiemen/shotgun guys.

"Deimos" DLC.

Similar to Phobia DLC, but including a classic style Cyberdemon and as you progress through the maps you can see signs of the Tower being constructed outside in the skybox, until you actually get to the Cyberdemon, and you have a very "Ripley meets the Queen in Aliens" moment where the Cyberdemon is awoken by a surge of Argent energy riding down a demonic lightning rod right into his body, followed by a huge battle.

What about the Infernal DLC? You know a retelling of the original Inferno episode complete with a classic style Spider Mastermind? It's only fair man. :P

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More interesting Hell levels.

While I liked them all and they are very true to the spirit of Doom they never really evolve beyond the aesthetic of the first level, unlike the UAC levels, all of which look very different.

Why not have a Black Metal inspired levelset?

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HellVain said:

A sword that requires the souls of your enemies.


A cube that requires the souls of your enemies.

Doom 3 ;P

Btw as someone said before, first snapmap..
Then maps, weapons, enemies and bosses with no story at all. Rip and tear!

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Maybe i am the only one, but it would be nice to see the chaingunners again.

Also it would be cool to have a special glory kill for situations where two or more highlighting demons standing right next to each other. For example, rip ones leg out and smash it right into the face of another one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
ArchangelOfHell said:

[url]Unto the Evil DLC looks great!
Hopefully we hear of future SP content soon!

Sure, only after they'll release their 2 MP DLC packs. Otherwise nobody would buy those 2 dlcs

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- Where are my Pain Elementals and Arachnotrons?

- And where is the Blursphere? (although it should grant full invisibility, since the partial version often makes fights just more chaotic and thus harder)

- Hellknights should have their fireballs restored

- Incorporate multiplayer-exclusive weapons into future campaign. I would like to see their mods and upgrades!

- Less Painkiller-esque arena fights, more fluent combat instead with more freeroaming enemies, just like in the classic Doom

- Improved AI! Like, for example: demons that can perform coordinated attacks intentionally (e.g. Hellknights rush you, whereas Cacodemons and Soldiers strike you from afar); range-oriented enemies (like Mancubi or Soldiers) that stay away from you; active attempts at encircling you; running away when you get a Quad Damage or Berserk; Spectres that try to sneak on you from behind

- Related to above - actual fear mechanics? After all, you are the Doom Slayer, so it may make sense that you can strike fear into Hellspawn itself. So, some enemies could hesitate to attack you after you slaughter a bunch of demons on their eyes (more so if you perform glory kills). And bigger ones would force them to attack you first (like Barons intimidating Imps to assault you)

- Prowler and Harvester in singleplayer and SnapMap

- Return of Wraiths and Vulgars. Wraiths would make a good stealth enemy if revamped a bit (they should teleport faster and behind you), and Vulgars could help a bit with enemy variety by serving as elite Imps - not necessarily by being tougher or more damaging, but primarily by being faster, to keep the pressure on you while being hard to hit

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Bigger levels with bigger battles. I'm talking on the scale of Alien Vendetta and Deus Vult, although that may be impossible due to hardware limitations. Maybe in Doom 2 they can do that?

Anyway, everything must be bigger. The levels must be bigger, the battles need to be bigger, and their should be new and bigger weapons and more devastating weapon mods. Also, I would like to see some more puzzles like in the classic Doom games.

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More Revenants and Hell Knights(yes i love their design in DOOM), more levels, more collectables, that kind of stuff and maybe a few new enemies, powerups and at least 1 new weapon with upgrades too.

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Messier and gorier props and scenery. I also crave a Hell on Earth expansion with more content inspired by Doom 2. I want to marvel at the amazing sights of Earth's destruction. Giant skyscrapers torn to bits, devastated infrastructure and terrible sights of torture and sacrifices when indoors.

I want to see Hell try convert Earth. I want to see rooms full of victims and walls with faces filled with anguish. I also want to be introduced to a larger variety of monsters and be fueled to glory kill them all after seeing what they have done to innocent people.

Basically, more gore, more monsters, more action and more crazy sight seeing. Raise the bar.

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Chezza said:

Messier and gorier props and scenery. I also crave a Hell on Earth expansion with more content inspired by Doom 2. I want to marvel at the amazing sights of Earth's destruction. Giant skyscrapers torn to bits, devastated infrastructure and terrible sights of torture and sacrifices when indoors.

I want to see Hell try convert Earth. I want to see rooms full of victims and walls with faces filled with anguish. I also want to be introduced to a larger variety of monsters and be fueled to glory kill them all after seeing what they have done to innocent people.

Basically, more gore, more monsters, more action and more crazy sight seeing. Raise the bar.

I agree. It has to be extremely fucked up, something to fuel the anger of Doomguy through the roof. A movie scene that still disturbs me is the security camera scene from Event Horizon. People getting their eyes and throats torn out by bare hands while screaming in agony etc. I mean, movies have been doing this stuff for years.

Some old paintings are pretty brutal too. Not to mention some album covers haha.

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Oh, I also want more juicy death animations like the one for mancubus. It was the only monster that had a juicy death animation where you could hear the guts spilling out everywhere. They need to not only have more gory visual effects, but more gory sound effects as well. You should be able to hear the monsters go SPLAT when you gib them or blow off their head.

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doom_is_great said:

Oh, I also want more juicy death animations like the one for mancubus. It was the only monster that had a juicy death animation where you could hear the guts spilling out everywhere. They need to not only have more gory visual effects, but more gory sound effects as well. You should be able to hear the monsters go SPLAT when you gib them or blow off their head.

Turn the music down and you will be surprised with all the splatter noises when you kill enemies. I was just thinking of this the other day, the blood spilling sound is almost life-like (watched some nasty videos of Islamic and Mexican executions). Scary.

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DooM_RO said:

A coop campaign like Stronghold with RAGE-like hubs would be epic.

After how disappointing RAGE was in terms of sales, I doubt iD wants to go back to that again and focus on what has worked with NuDoom.

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