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Question on Collectors Edition


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I had bought the game only but now wish I had the statue too. :(

Can someone let me know if the game in the Xbox One Collectors Edition comes sealed? Does it have the plastic around the game itself?
That way I can return it from my original purchase.


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Gruson said:

I had bought the game only but now wish I had the statue too. :(

Can someone let me know if the game in the Xbox One Collectors Edition comes sealed? Does it have the plastic around the game itself?
That way I can return it from my original purchase.


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Gruson said:

I had bought the game only but now wish I had the statue too. :(

Can someone let me know if the game in the Xbox One Collectors Edition comes sealed? Does it have the plastic around the game itself?
That way I can return it from my original purchase.


No the collectors edition steel case does not come wrapped up.

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I can confirm my US Collector's Edition did not have the steelcase wrapped in any way.

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You can probably sell the Steelbook+Game on ebay for near retail price to be honest. Steelbooks go for around 20-40 dollars without the game on ebay, its a good market, but with the game you can probably sell it for retail easily, maybe even slightly more.

There are without a doubt people who dont have the game, want the game, and would rather buy the non-collectors edition retail+Steelbook off ebay($80) then drop $120 for the statue.

Now if you want to keep the Steelbook I dont really know what to tell you, plus I dont really know what your question is either. It only comes with a Steelbook, no regular case, and most stores dont allow you to return/trade-in just the Steelbook/non-complete version of a Collector's Edition. At least with retail DOOM you get the reverse cover art, which some like better than the Steelbook(I would have gotten a second copy but the reverse cover is a traditional cover, its more like a DVD cover and doesnt fit with a game collection).

They should have made the retail cover the Revenant and the Steelbook the reverse cover art. The actual cover art with Doomguy is terrible.

This should have been a cover as well IMO...

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