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Groovy Doom - Slay Ride (a SnapMap!)

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I made a SnapMap, check it out folks! Groovy Doom - Slay Ride. Just search for groovy and it's one of two results, it'll pop up. Or the code thing is E7TKQ6XY

Used up 99.6% of "objects" which includes rooms/modules I think. Fast paced run and gun fun, single player or co-op. Took a while to get the encounters right with the various limits, but it was fun messing around getting it all to work. Fun stuff!

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I tried the map. Well... I'll be honest.

It was ok. Nothing memorable, but nothing insulting. It was ok.
Gameplay: Eh... 3/5
It was fun fighting the encounters. They're definitely varied on which enemies are hampering in. One room you just got a mancubus, revenant, and baron, while others had a crowd of imps with a pinky charging through. Good variety. Its just the map hampers this quality.
Map Design: Not too good. 2/5
You see, you just can't have empty, barren maps like most of this level is comprised off. Empty room after empty room, without props to liven up the place really made this encounters half as fun as they can be. Now, i suffer from this problem myself, but a few crates or barricades can really change a map. At least it was a linear playthrough, so i didn't get lost.
Sound: Eh... 3/5
The music helps in giving impact to the battles, but again, the emptiness downplayed the music's impact.
Difficulty: Eh... 3/5
The battles were never a mindbreak, but never a walk in the park, so kudos to that.
Uniqueness: Pretty good! 4/5
Now one thing i liked of this map was the little dialogue messages put in between! The lines are cheesy, yes. But I like cheese, especially when it reminds me of lines Duke Nukem would say! Also that last room! Out of ALL THE rooms in this map, that last one was the BEST. It was the only room with props, and a great variety of enemies that come after another! Keep up events like that for the entirety of the map! Also checkpoints! Good good!

So YEAH. I was alright with this map, but it could be done much better. Fix the rooms to seem more scenic. Props serve a purpose.

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Thanks for checking it out! For the record, as you'll see on the map info, it says 100% objects used. Or for me in the editor it said 99.66%. Not much room for extra props. And it's all personal taste, you say you can't have rooms without props because that's what you're looking for. Not everybody agrees. Plus as mentioned, with the limitations, I couldn't put much more props into this big map. But thanks anyway for the feedback, appreciated.

And just so people know if they wanna play this, it does have one checkpoint at least, placed right at the halfway point. I timed it and you may have to walk for about 55 seconds if you die in the final room, not too bad. Also for SP or co-op, all the guns respawn in about 15 seconds. And don't forget you have a siphon grenade folks.


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VentedPennies said:

You could turn off the auto-prop generator and make the props yourself. Maybe that would liven it up?

Did you play the map? Who says it needs livening up? =P Other people have enjoyed it.

Every enemy encounter in the map is custom and thoroughly playtested, and I personally think the flow of the level design is fun. That's the focus of this map, along with funny text messages. If that interests you, maybe you'll dig it. Also I have the player move at 125% speed, it's a fast paced map.

The reason the objects is around 100% is because rooms fill up that counter too, and my map has about as many rooms as you can fit I guess. I do use some auto-clutter, but adding rooms uses up much more of the objects limit. Anyway, I think the map has more interesting stuff going on than boxes. And there is at least one room with custom box action for you. :D

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No need to get defensive, someone commented that it seemed empty.

The auto-generated details is nice but it just makes each room in every snapmap look the same. Basically, everyone uses it so if you play enough snap maps, each map comes off the same if the modules have no unique inclusions.

I was just speculating on ways to improve the map design that the feedback above indicated.

As a general comment, I think that's probably going to be good design advice going forward for everyone. Already tons of maps are using Molten Vats, and in Snapmap's case, once you see one Molten Vats you've seen them all, so it's going to be up to the designer to make their Vats really stand out (or w/e other commonly used modules there are).

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I'm not being defensive, I'm being descriptive. My point is I really can't use that advice much, because there isn't much room to add more props to this map because of how many rooms/modules it has in it. And not everybody feels the way that one reviewer feels about the map.

This is a map some enjoy, maybe you'd like it, who knows. Some are looking for rooms that look different, mine is about gameplay and overall flow. It's all personal taste.

Also I was just looking in SnapMap, even scripting stuff uses up some objects limit, not just memory limit. Suffice to say, that 100% means the map has some stuff going on. :D

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I gave this a try solo today and I thought it was pretty balanced and fun. Wanted to try co-op but there's nobody playing on Xbox. One suggestion is maybe put up an exit sign above the exit button. Actually that's my only suggestion. I ranked at number seven on the leaderboard.

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julz_d said:

I gave this a try solo today and I thought it was pretty balanced and fun. Wanted to try co-op but there's nobody playing on Xbox. One suggestion is maybe put up an exit sign above the exit button. Actually that's my only suggestion. I ranked at number seven on the leaderboard.

Right on, glad you liked it!

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I tried to play this, but the loading screen kept stalling for me around the 78% mark, so I never got to play it. I'm on PS4.

This was a few days ago though. Other SnapMaps were working at the time for me. I'll probably try again soon.

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