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Join [Hell League] for regular MP sessions

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Good evening Doom Guys and Girls!

Firstly - how is everyone? :) I'm a new member, the name's REAPER and I'm one of the Admins over at [Hell League] or "Welcome to your DOOM" on Steam and other social medias. I hope to meet some awesome players here!

Nice to meet you all.

Well, a couple friends of mine from America and Germany have gotten together to create this group for the sole purpose of having a big community of people who enjoy the multiplayer aspect of DOOM 2016 - most people play Objective Based Modes (TDM, Soul Harvest, Domination and Warpath) which are awesome modes! Sadly, Freeze Tag and Clan Arena are neglected. We know there'll be more modes in future updates coming for free (new game modes) so when they come we hope to keep them populated if they're round-based. Some nights some players just want to have a bit more of a competitive mode going, a bit of variety.

We hope to gather as many of you guys and girls to make the multiplayer scene for DOOM 2016 as enjoyable and fun as it can be. It's more fun killing people you've just had a chat with as opposed to a silent stranger lol Or just join us to make friends - like minded individuals who just love DOOM. Not only are we looking to keep the multiplayer side alive - but we're dedicated to making "Map Packs" for the community based on member feedback. So for those who can't be bothered learning SnapMap or have an idea and can't be stuffed going through the creating side of things, mention to us what you'd like to see and we'll see what we can do in the future. I myself will be focusing on classic Arena style game modes - fast paced and tight constructed maps with weapon pick ups. Others have made some awesome suggestions. I have a mode in mind that I think people will love, a little twist on Deathmatch, you'll see :) some players want solo/co-op maps. Everyone's different and that's what makes it great.

Those who are experienced in SnapMap who want a little more recognition for their hard work they put into making new modes/maps - send us the details (and better yet an image of your map to show others what it looks like) and we'll announce it on Steam and let everyone know about your blood, sweat and tears that went into it. We launched on the same day DOOM launched officially - we're steadily growing in numbers, at the moment we stand on 117 members. We'll be updating our other social media sites also for those interested (youtube gameplay videos of sessions, twitter updates, latest news on DOOM related things, twitch etc.)

I am based in Australia and we've got a small handful of Aussie players here so any Australian DOOM players here? Join us! I'm a regular in Multiplayer. How cool would it be to just have a blast with new mates? Nothing better! SavageBeastZero and MrK (other Admins) are from USA and Germany so those who live in those areas will have great players to play with!

For those interested - join us below! Must have Steam account to join.
Remember, any one can join, any one who enjoys the multiplayer of DOOM, or just DOOM in general.


Thank you for your time in reading this! Any questions? Ask me anytime. Or just add me on Steam.


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@MrGlide - Thanks for joining MrGlide! Hope you enjoy your stay! Where are you located?? We had a blast last Friday on Clan Arena and Freeze Tag with a bunch of Aussies - full server. It's pretty damn fun!

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We had a hell of a time last Friday with a bunch of Aussie players.

We played Freeze Tag and Clan Arena quite a bit and it was crazy fun! These modes are neglected people are missing out. Hoping to get some inner-clan battles soon we filled up an entire server for those modes last week hope we can do that again this week.

Australian / Oceania players can add me to their friends list after joining. American players would be better adding SavageBeastZero to their list as he is in America and Germany players and those around those areas add MrK. Just a heads up :)

We're all here to have fun guys so join us and make some new friends :D

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We may be holding a session tomorrow night just letting people know.

We might be doing Freeze Tag / Clan Arena - depending on member votes. So come join in. I'll update this thread if this follows through. Join Hell League so it's easier to gather people and send invites, group chat etc.

Look forward to an update soon!


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We had a blast last week! Review for how the session went right here:

Hope to get some more of you guys involved in this - it's so much more fun to play with people you've talked to. When the next multiplayer session is up I'll let everyone know and how to get in on the action!

So join us at Welcome to your DOOM / Hell League , the more the better. Had a full house last week with some people unable to join unfortunately lol because of a full server. We basically try and keep other game modes alive - depending what everyone wants at the time.

We don't want other game modes to die out and be stuck in just TDM all the time so those of you who want a little variety - especially when the new game modes are released, hit us up and join in on the fun!

-R E A P E R

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This sounds a hell of a lot friendlier than the mindustry group that started recruiting before launch. I'll have to check in to it. Thanks for the info :)

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Ya, many of the people I'v met in hell league are all laid back adults, it's been alot of fun and I'v met alot of nice new people. Anyone looking for a doom mp group I whole heatedly suggest this one.

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Hey MrDeAD1313! Haha thanks man! Yeah everyone at Hell League is friendly! We all just want to keep multiplayer alive and fun so the whole point of having such a group is to add friends, get together and just enjoy the game.

You're free to invite all your friends too to join us! The more the better. We can't exist without members so it's important to respect each other here!

Thanks for the support and kind words MrGlide! :D you've been a valuable member of the group also!

Don't forget when all these new game modes are out we're gonna make multiplayer sessions for all those game modes so be sure to join us so it's easier to get people together.

Again for those in America and around that area - add SavageBeastZero to your friend list and if you're in Australia / New Zealand areas, or even Asia - add me, R E A P E R to your friendlist. Or just join the group and find us in the member section I'll help you out :)

From the way things are going we're gonna stay pretty active for quite a while. And with the inclusion of bots, private servers etc. it's just good news for MP. Just shows patience pays off if you give it a chance!

-R E A P E R

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Oh and about spreading to Xbox... I'm not sure bro - I'll look into it with group leader Savage about that. At the moment we're PC based community but never say never! I'll look into it and report back!

- R E A P E R

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To members of the DOOM Community!

I thought I'd share an update on our Community "Hell League" - today, we are proud to announce we have reached over 300 Members since launch! Members who joined from this forum I want to thank you for your support and hope you've enjoyed your stay. We keep Multiplayer active by populating certain lobbies as that's the only way to get good sessions for the time being until we get Private Servers in the near future - then it will be direct invites to all members, away from the dreadful hackers that plague the game.

For those of you in Australia - we'll be holding an Objective Based Mode Multiplayer Session where we'll be playing, of course, Objective Based Modes this Friday night @ 8:00PM EST! As predicted only Team Death Match is populated but once we get a group going in other game modes and get the word out, servers fill up quite fast. We sometimes host Clan Arena and Freeze Tag depending on player feedback in the moment. But yeah, usually we just populated Objectives lobby and just have a blast with a mix variety.

At the moment the list of players attending is full - however, some members cannot make it because of daily life stuff coming up, when that happens I'll invite the next person in line who has showed an interest in joining the game.

With all the new game modes coming to DOOM soon - now has never been a more perfect time to join an active DOOM Group dedicated to those who enjoy the Multiplayer side.

At least take a look around and see if it's for you - or join just to make some friends to play with/against, or even if you're just a DOOM fan - you're all welcome!

We are yet to appoint an Admin willing to do Multiplayer Sessions in the EUR regions but we will in due time. At the moment only USA and AUST/NZ regions are holding MP sessions.

So for those interested in playing game modes other than TDM 24/7 - if you're in Australia or New Zealand, add me, R E A P E R on your friends list on Steam or just Join our Group directly and find me on there.

Or if you're in America regions - add SavageBeastZero to your list.

Those in Germany, we have an Admin who will help you if you have any questions also!

We look forward to seeing you all in-game!
If you do join us - please give us feedback and suggestions on how we can improve ourselves to help benefit your DOOM gaming needs.

As always...

- R E A P E R
Admin / Hell League

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Hey there HL Reaper,

Name's Ryco and I hail from [TAW] The Art of Warfare. We're also a Doom group, but not nearly as large, still getting our feet off the ground. Think that you would be up for some versus? TAW vs Hell League? Actually, while writing this I looked up the group on Steam, and realized that we had been facing off against you this night of me writing this. Still, if and whenever you're up for it, let me know. TAW will come kicking down your doors

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No I didn't. Created an account to promote my clan, but had to wait the 24hr grace period. Still have a few hours until I can create a new thread for my clan.

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Hey Ryco! Yeah I know tyrionrules from TAW he is a recent member I think! He's on my friendlist actually lol I heard Savage and his group of US players has played against you guys a few times - you guys are great fun! I'll let Savage know if you haven't already.

I posted his profile steam on here if you want you can add him on Steam and ask. I'll ask for you too either way. It's good to have other Doom groups around too, not just playing against each other, but making friends and joining together to keep the game active :) I'll update you on this soon buddy!


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