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Lockdowns do not contain monsters?


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I am trying to use some forcefields to create "spawn" rooms. Placing a lockdown on a door places a forcefield. Ofcourse we have since learned that the activator has to be a module or it wont know what direction to keep open for players (its essentially a one way forcefield).

My problem is that monsters can freely run through them. I have noticed this before but it can become problematic if a monster "hides" or gets stuck inside a spawn room without the player noticing.

Can anyone else confirm this behavior? I have noticed it in some snapmaps ive played online as well. Monsters seem unphased by the forcefields of lockdowns. :(

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na they get through, the plus side to this is if we lockdown the player in A module we can have monsters come in at the player through the field, so they're prime and ready, also might have some benefit to defensive modes. Why are you making Spawn Rooms? if need be you could seperate a module from the map, or block it with physical objects like Pile of Junk (I can't remember what it's called, I'll edit this once I see the name again.)

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heh, can you teleport out of the one way lockdown room? If so, I suppose you could make a dodgeball map with a timeout zone. The only benefit of the forcefield is that the people on lockdown can still watch the action, I suppose.

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MrGlide said:

Why are you making Spawn Rooms?

I am making spawn rooms so that I can give some direction to where monsters come from, to avoid spawn camping and to avoid spawning monsters semi randomly in a rather small module that i'd much rather use for fully "activated" monsters (I despise the slow spawn in). I also want the monsters to appear in a beneficial position which would be mitigated if the player could get to the spawn.

The way I have it solved currently is by placing a box trigger within the spawn room that tells all monsters to walk to a waypoint just outside. The benefit of this is that if a monster retreats (and imps are prone to that), they won't get stuck inside the spawn rooms anymore and will come right back out.

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Personally i don't use lockdowns provided by SnapMap because it takes away immersion. I use a logic chain where the doors close and lock when monsters spawn. I then create another logic chain where the doors get unlocked after the room is cleared.

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If you open the door's settings you can set it to locked, that way the monsters can't get out. But really, it's better to just separate the room from the main map if you want to keep them apart.

EDIT: Just realized this isn't what you want. Okay, so you could set it up so that when a monster spawns it is directed with a path node to walk out of the room, upon leaving the room the door locks. You can trigger this with a Module Node and set the action's filter to AI. Upon a monster spawning, unlock the door. And I do mean Lock, not Lockdown. There is a difference. Try connecting a node to the door directly.

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redrage said:

I am making spawn rooms so that I can give some direction to where monsters come from, to avoid spawn camping and to avoid spawning monsters semi randomly in a rather small module that i'd much rather use for fully "activated" monsters (I despise the slow spawn in). I also want the monsters to appear in a beneficial position which would be mitigated if the player could get to the spawn.

The way I have it solved currently is by placing a box trigger within the spawn room that tells all monsters to walk to a waypoint just outside. The benefit of this is that if a monster retreats (and imps are prone to that), they won't get stuck inside the spawn rooms anymore and will come right back out.

you could give them a defense point in the ai section, also I'm sure theres got to be a way to spawn the mosnters in an order you want prior to the person arriving, you can also put them as ambush or defense mode. I don't know if you know this or not but I noticed we can self reference monsters and make them despawn if need be or mabie even respawn after death with some logic work.

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