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Forget the 2 weapon limit, shared ammo is way worse!

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The fact that you can only carry 2 weapons like in multiplayer is very bad, but so far I feel that the universal ammo is the really big killer against good SP maps, because they make it completely impossible to have any kind of ammo balance. I don't even use guns like the BFG in my maps because I can't give the player ammo for his other weapons without also giving him ammo for the BFG, meaning that in order to make sure he has enough ammor for his other less powerful guns I also have to allow him to have nearly unlimited BFG ammo!!! It utterly ruins game balance and makes some of the more powerful guns utterly overpowered to a point that I don't even want to include them on my maps!

Did they even care?

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hardcore_gamer said:

Did they even care?

Appearantly no, They better add regular ammo pickups in future updates, Shared ammo is shit, Makes it look like Megaman .

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

Appearantly no, They better add regular ammo pickups in future updates, Shared ammo is shit, Makes it look like Megaman .

The shared ammo is pretty sad compared to the 6 ammo types used in sp.

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What makes me so angry is that the blatant lack of care towards SP makes me highly doubtful that any of this will be improved. They have promised updates for snapmaps in the future, but considering that all of their planned DLC is MP only I can't help but think that they are only talking about things like some new modules and props but no actual meaningful changes. It's really obvious that they don't give a shit about the SP, which is really ironic considering that the SP is the only part of the game people seem to love.

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What it honestly feels like to me is that SnapMap was built from the ground up as a MP editor, then they just sloppily tacked on the SP content to round things out.

I mean, you can't pause... you have to bend over backwards to create a checkpoint system that isn't garbage... when you press Shift it still shows the microphone icon (because you totally need your microphone in SP, right?)... you can still taunt (which is only relevant for input-related logic)... the list goes on and on. I purposely left out the more obvious things like the two-weapon and 12-monster limits.

It's literally just a MP body with a SP paint job. To call it half-assed would be giving it a compliment.

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hardcore_gamer said:

What makes me so angry is that the blatant lack of care towards SP makes me highly doubtful that any of this will be improved. They have promised updates for snapmaps in the future, but considering that all of their planned DLC is MP only I can't help but think that they are only talking about things like some new modules and props but no actual meaningful changes. It's really obvious that they don't give a shit about the SP, which is really ironic considering that the SP is the only part of the game people seem to love.

Well I agree with you on the initial issue I would also like to add that they don't seem to care about DM either. I had to release my first map yesterday without even being able to tested prior because there are no bots. I have still yet to complete an actual play test which I would like to do to make sure the map is functioning correctly. Therefore it's not just single but also multi that are having issues.

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chubz said:

What it honestly feels like to me is that SnapMap was built from the ground up as a MP editor, then they just sloppily tacked on the SP content to round things out.

I mean, you can't pause... you have to bend over backwards to create a checkpoint system that isn't garbage... when you press Shift it still shows the microphone icon (because you totally need your microphone in SP, right?)... you can still taunt (which is only relevant for input-related logic)... the list goes on and on. I purposely left out the more obvious things like the two-weapon and 12-monster limits.

It's literally just a MP body with a SP paint job. To call it half-assed would be giving it a compliment.

Seems about right. I mean why go off the average/not really outstanding mp portion of the game to base it off of?

Actually, why didn't they seem to try and go a mix of both sp and mp route?

I think either they want it to be primarily mp focused so it will always at its core be terrible in aspects, or they released it as some lite version that we will have to wait over time to get any more functionality out of it. The latter assumption is more of going off of the open beta and post launch content article from Bethesda talking about additional features/functionality as being part of content updates from id (it only mentions it as being part of content updates).

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I am at the point where I can't even stand playing or building snap maps till they fix the load out and shared ammo issue.

It just breaks immersion too much.

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the ammo doesn't seem like it's shared on my end for some reason i'm on pc and granted not actually playing a fully built map was just using a test map out spamming all the ammo till i'm empty and the other gun is at full ( I didn't use any loads outs i made on the map for the test i did just place the weapons without any of the other snapmap features onto it ) but i did find a way to have more than 2 weapons it requires multiple loadouts that are bound to different keys i made it so they only work on weapon pickups I'll copy and paste my notes i used for it incase anyone wants to try to recreate it I just want to note on the notes i left out the on pressed lines that appears on the player input command and on the on pressed command in game you need to change the keybind on that node to whatever you want like equipment,player input1 etc and it's also worth noting whenever you press the loadout keybind it gives you all your ammo back for it and here is my notes

Line # 1 : Player on spawn < disable player input < player input
Line # 2 : Plasma Rifle < On Pick up < Set True < Plasma Rifle Bolean Reference
Line # 2 : Plasma Rifle < On Pick up < Test Bolean < Gaus Cannon Bolean Reference
Line # 3 : Plasma Rifle Bolean Reference < On Tested True < Give Loadout < player Loadout*****( Plasma Rifle)************
Line # 4 : Plasma Rifle Bolean Reference < on Tested False < Enable Player input < Player input < on pressed < give loadout < Player loadout*****( Gaus Cannon)*****
Line # 4 : Player input < Disable Player input < on Spawn
Line # 7 : Gaus Cannon < on Pick up < set true < Gaus Cannon Bolean Reference
Line # 7 : Gaus Cannon < on Pick up < test Bolean < Plasma Rifle Bolean Reference
Line # 8 : Gaus Cannon Bolean Reference < on Tested True < Give laodout < Player Loadout*******(Gaus Cannon)*************
Line # 9 : Gaus Cannon Bolean Reference < on Tested False < Enable player input < Player input < on pressed < give loadout < Player loadout********( Plasma Rifle)******
Line # 9 : Player input < Disable Player input < on spawn

********************************************************************LINES THAT WILL END UP POINTING TO ANOTHER REFERTENCE BOLEAN**************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Line # 5 : Plasma Rifle Bolean Reference < on Tested True < enable player input < player input < On Pressed < Give loadout < Loadout*******( Gaus Cannon and Plasma Rifle)
Line # 5 : Player Input < Disable Player input < on Spawn
Line # 5 : Player Input < Enable player input < on tested true < Gaus Cannon Bolean Reference

************************************************************************************BOLEAN REFERENCES THAT SHARED LINES ********************************************************************************************************************

Line # 6 : Plasma Rifle and Gaus Cannon Bolean < on Tested True < Give Loadout <Player Loadout**********( Plasma Rifle and Gaus Cannon)******



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Yes, you can run out of ammo for one gun and still have ammo for the other, but when you pick up an ammo box, it fills both weapon reserves. Hence, shared ammo.

It's a pain in the ass because the moment you put the BFG or a strong weapon in the map, you better rebalance the thing for the new weapon because you can't limit the shots of the strong weapon. You could AI iterate all spawns to have increased health and damage on picking up the gun, but that seems a rather silly workaround.

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VentedPennies said:

Yes, you can run out of ammo for one gun and still have ammo for the other, but when you pick up an ammo box, it fills both weapon reserves. Hence, shared ammo.

It's a pain in the ass because the moment you put the BFG or a strong weapon in the map, you better rebalance the thing for the new weapon because you can't limit the shots of the strong weapon. You could AI iterate all spawns to have increased health and damage on picking up the gun, but that seems a rather silly workaround.

ah i see thanks now i feel dumb didn't know it was the ammo boxes that caused the issue guess what i get for reading this thread in between overwatch matches

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While i agree that these (and other) limitations can be a pain, i'm actually really enjoying snapmap. Some of the creative thinking i've seen on some maps is amazing! I've had great fun working with it and even some of the more challenging restrictions you are forced to work around can be satisfying to figure out and really bring out more creativity.
I think though that it is a real shame that the most responded to and discussed topics on this forum are negative ones. Where as the ones providing tips and sharing good fun maps get little to no attention at all! Is this forum not intended for fans afterall?

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