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story-driven wads

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Can anybody name a few story-driven wads?
Wads that tell a story as you progress on. I want to see some less-run-around-like-a-fucking-maniac wads, where you walk by checking out the setting to see if you can catch on what the story goes like.
I *know* there has to be a lot of those wads.
Thank you all in advance.

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walter confalonieri said:

Action Doom 1 & 2, Foreverhood and Hadephobia are the first wads that come in my mind with this criteria...

thanks, dude, I'll check out Foreverhood but it actually ain't much of a "doom experience", and action doom, if I'm not mistaken ain't much of a 'less-run-around-like-a-maniac' like I stated in the OP.
Anything "like doom 3" for instance? come on you guys, you can't be so damn cobble-headed and *only* freaking like things like action doom and running (on foot!) at a 100mph and shooting you-don't-know-what 'cause you can't see a damn thing at that speed! what story are you *enjoying* when you play like that?!?!

And *YES* I did fucking play DooM 1 without 'always run' back in 1994, and walked around the place soaking on the 'story-line' and the visuals what-so-ever and loving it! damn, I said it.

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You know, I'm starting to feel that (in this forum) if you say you like walk-speed and having a game that stops you and shows you anything on-screen with the intention of building up a story telling, if you like that: YOU'RE GAY.
come on!!

why all the gay hate?!?

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Where is this defensiveness and aggression coming from? I don't see a single post to provoke the responses you have had so far. Stop that.

To answer your question, RTC-3057, while indefinitely unfinished, has a more involved story, as well as Realm of the Green Soul (along with its unfinished sequel demo) and I believe Daedalus as well.

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pablogener said:

uppity bullshit and fag-accusing that no-one cares about

What the fuck is your problem

Seconding RTC-3057 btw, that is definitely by far my single favorite "story-driven" mod for Doom ever made.

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The jokewad "Doomworld Forums" trilogy is technically story driven(the third having different endings.

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A lot of the early wads have a story in the text file that goes along with the map. Probably the longest and most detailed one I've seen is the Wasteland Series by Alberto Barsella: http://ishark.free.fr/homepage/games_doom.html

Otherwise, here's some wads that have some kind of overall story (it's not always clear exactly what's going on though):
Aliens TC
Dark Covenant
Duum II Super (http://www.moddb.com/mods/duum-ii-super)
Duum II Ultra (http://www.moddb.com/mods/duum-ii-ultra)
Icarus: Alien Vanguard
School Doom
System Vices
TOT COMICS DOOM, by Joe Anderson (totcdoom.zip)
Zombies (Dawn of the Dead)

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pablogener said:

why all the gay hate?!?

<_Obsidian> Damn all them queer folk with their genuine interest in narrative structure.

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