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IMPatience [Doom from an imps perspective - 21 maps]

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joe-ilya said:

Will you develop this mod untill you can play as a hell knight/baron of hell/cyberdemon/mancubus/arachnotron/revenant and fight several marines at once? It would make the mod more varied.

I disagree. Empathy mod does what you're saying.

But such a mod could be made, if you made it an optional mutator.

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joe-ilya said:

Will you develop this mod untill you can play as a hell knight/baron of hell/cyberdemon/mancubus/arachnotron/revenant and fight several marines at once? It would make the mod more varied.

Like Voros said, Empathy already does this, what I would like to do is have the Imp become more powerful as the maps progress. This mod really is all about the imp, but there's no reason the imp can't become some kind of veteran hell imp that can slay as hard as a baron..

My ideas so far:

  • Leap - ability to leap forward a decent distance by pressing a button
  • Improved fireball - better, faster, stronger
  • Improved claws - Increased reach, perhaps more damage
  • Starting with extended health
  • Starting with natural armor
  • Improved jump
  • Spider Climb - climb up walls - ceilings etc.
  • Stealth - Hide from doomguy until you're ready to attack.
  • Leadership - Ability to issue orders to other monsters, move them out of the way, position them where you want, get them to follow you, search out the enemy, hide, etc. (this could well be a nightmare to try to implement but would be well worth it!)
I also have 2 ideas for the doomguy. One is having co-op marines (so you're fighting more than one at a time), and the other is Savescumming. Savescumming will be hilarious (imagine the hud message "The marine is save-scumming!"), but potentially infuriating, as the marine respawns after you've killed him. Would need to be carefully balanced

If anyone has any ideas or other features they would like to see IMPlemented, I'm happy to hear them!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

The Link no longer works.
(I'm sorry in advance for bumping)

I might have the lastest version, might not. I just know I have a file called IMPatience.wad (or was it pk3?)

I'll upload it somewhere. Soon.

Edit: the link works. Why couldn't you download it?

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  • 3 years later...

Hello! I have come to this thread from a video by ICARUSLIV3S about this mod... the video was made over 4 years ago (as of writing) and I wanted to check out the tread on it... only to find it quite dormant. Now I'd hate to see a mod with such potential go to the wayside, forever forgotten to the passage of time. I myself have no coding capabilities, and my only way to help is to try to get this tread active again. I understand that very few, or more likely no one will see this message, if that's the case, my efforts are in vain, but I hope that someone (possibly the creator of this mod!) will respond and see what happens.


I completely understand if the creator has moved on to other mods, or even left the community, but if that is  to be the case, maybe a capable Modder can work from where the creator left off. It'd be neat and might attract even more people to this lovely idea of a mod (Also as of writing I have yet to dive into the mod, my download speeds are/were abysmal and t'd take forevr for me to boot it up, sadly)


I hope everyone here has a great day, week, month, year, ect. and thanks to everyone who might respond, and to everyone else for being a part of he D00M community. :) 

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Unfortunately you'll find that mod posts don't tend to last long on or garner much interest on this forum in my experience (besides Supercharge for some reason), so you're probably better directing your pleas to the ZDoom forums. You might also want to check out Heart of Demons: Baron, if you like this kind of thing.

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Quite the necro bump... 

I'm still around, but not doing any mapping or modding these days, focusing on doing music.


The instructions for how to convert maps to IMPATIENCE are listed in the zdoom link in the OP of this thread, but beyond that I don't think much is going to happen with this mod unless someone else takes over.

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