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SnapMap Wishlist?

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Jaxxoon R said:

It wasn't

Sorry then.

As you can see with some of my other postings, I'm not here to hinder people. I just don't like people looking to benefit from others' work without thanks or credit, which if done improperly that feature would enable. I took the emphasis on Donut Steel in offense after seeing some of the memes/vines on the internet. You have truth to your posts, you're right ID can do whatever they want, which is why I wanted to just put it out there what kind of possible negatives a feature like that would have. The diffusion of ideas will happen quickly enough, true. But there will always be great ideas that shine, and like a magician I don't like to reveal my tricks so easily, unless it is someone willing to learn the trade through their own effort and experimentation, because that's how most great things happen, by accident. If copying was enabled, a great deal of variety would be lost, because people would take the short route, instead of coming up with their own ways around roadblocks.

I was only trying to provide constructive criticism in a thread about features, while voicing my opinion, that was all.

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I feel like I'm abusing this thread but I have another request:

Smaller interactive Doors. At least follow the classic dooms with this. One big door, one small.

Is someone making a list to submit on Bethesda's forum?

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Chezza said:

I feel like I'm abusing this thread but I have another request:

Smaller interactive Doors. At least follow the classic dooms with this. One big door, one small.

Is someone making a list to submit on Bethesda's forum?

I have an account on their forums, and I can post it if no one else already has. I took the time to compile our thread's item into a condensed list, and tried to remove as many redundancies as I could without missing anything. I wanted to post the list here just to make sure that I didn't leave anything out before I posted it on their forums.

- Add Jump-Pads, Automap, Pistol, Chainsaw, and Beserk to SnapMap
- Add modules with 45 Degree and Ceiling/floor (vertical) connections
- Add a Custom room editor, with placeables walls and ceilings to divide rooms up, Computer maze props, smaller doors
- Add the Archvile, Unwilling, and the Arachnotron (*for the person who wanted a small spider demon*)
- Ability to setup demon rune, so we can select which demon players are going to become
- Fix weird camera circuit-pausing behavior (camera activations pause other nodes for no reason)
- Add Gore props and decal layers
- Make signal 'on-remove' outputs for the rest of inventory Items not just droppables
- Add output/input signal for all node activations (covers previous)
- Fix the filtering system to make it more robust, add a filter for activator. (ie. weapon spawning, so that only the activator can pick it up)
- Fix how the whole system can snap together one annoying unit off, regardless of the Jog or coupler used. (add more size variants or something)
- Add camera caption, pathing, and effects. Allow cameras to be tested in the editor.
- Add variable strobe lights, new lighting effects, and allow manipulation of a modules lighting not just post-processing
- Add a module proxy (To trigger post-process effects, module lighting from previous, etc.)
- Additional Miniboss customization options (HP, Damage, special effects (damage Auras, explosive attacks) C'mon, seriously)
- Add Map Connections, ability to make campaigns, Open Map Hubs (Hexen Style), and Storylines
- Add more Vega Phonetics (Basic Nouns, Verbs, and such)
- Make all sounds available through every type of speaker
- Allow editing of multiple selected objects of the same type.
- Make a feature where you can bookmark your codes for future use in other maps.
- Allow authors the option to share the ability to customize (and access bookmarked codes) their maps to friends, or for public use
- Make Volumes more robust (Pitch rotation, different geometric shapes, themed textures (UAC, Hell), and make a volume that blocks everything demons too)
- Add Gun customization (damages, special effects (ie. Insta-Gib, Rocket Jump, Incendiary, Electric, Explosive, Plasma, and Disodium Rounds))

If I missed anything let me know, I wanna post it ASAP.

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TECH_PH33R said:

- Make Volumes more robust (Pitch rotation, different geometric shapes, themed textures (UAC, Hell), and make a volume that blocks everything demons too)

Already Covered

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Good list. In case it's not yet included, we need gore props. I'm unsure whether these are connected to walls or designed to be dragged and dropped or both but there some some nice ones in the campaign.

Also all modules only have 1 or no choice of gameplay props, wall, floor and ceiling clutter. I have a feeling there will be more incoming in the future. Possibly a gore variant for every module.

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Chezza said:

Good list. In case it's not yet included, we need gore props. I'm unsure whether these are connected to walls or designed to be dragged and dropped or both but there some some nice ones in the campaign.

Also all modules only have 1 or no choice of gameplay props, wall, floor and ceiling clutter. I have a feeling there will be more incoming in the future. Possibly a gore variant for every module.

Thanks, I spent quite a bit of time trying to get the list to a point where it didn't look like a bunch of random requests. I added the Gore props and decal layers.

I also assume they will be adding stuff like that, but I's rather be safe and spell it out for them. To be honest I've got tons of questions about the more shitty parts of the game. Like why did they release such a barebones version of snapmap, because they knew mapmakers wouldn't be happy with it. Why restrict it to four players? Also want to ask them to their face why they thought it was such a good idea to make the supershotgun a class weapon instead of a power weapon, really getting tired of the cheapass tesla rocket/supershotgun wombo. Hell why classes to begin with?

ID needs to get on the ball like last week, they've been smoking too much celebratory reefer. I love the base game for what it is, but they really skimped on the parts that can make it last and this first patch is doing surprisingly little. The only thing I'm glad about right now is that Snapmap is getting free content updates for the foreseeable future.

Only stuff I've seen about the patch though mentions the rocket launcher, combat shotgun, and chaingun being rebalanced, and something about logic fixes, which provides no details as to what they will actually be fixing yet, we will just have to see, but I hope they get these out/inputs fixed up properly at the very least tired of having to work around missing options with a mess of filters and stored activators to get shit done.

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I would love the ability to drive the color of triggers and player blocking volumes with a variable of type color.

It would also be great if there would be an option to start triggers as disabled. Currently you have to use map start to disable any triggers you don't want to be enabled from the start. This gets old real quick.

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I wish they allowed you to use an editor to manipulate in game assets. For example, allowing you to create your own tiles to compose user-made snapable rooms. Or a way to create new custom monsters, by manipulating monster models and behavior (i.e. changing colors, stretching/condensing appendages, etc)

That way, you could still have custom content based solely on assets used in the vanilla game. With the way snap map is set up, I doubt they will ever allow us to upload foreign content.

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Also for the love of god give ALL objects a delete method, including all nodes. If i want to disable a logic chain that is driven by a variable change event I have no other option then to create another variable, and use a gate, just to be able to permanently stop (actually block) that chain. Its absurd! I should be able to end any logic chain from running by simple deleting/disabling nodes.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Let me add something to the list: this cross-platform editor is the most annoying thing ever. The navigation is nerve-racking (as you see). Same goes for the in-game GUI, but at least that was unnoticable as long as you did not want to change anything every five minutes.

It would save hours if we had a PC-compatible editing environment. Decent lists of objects, modules, items, props, and I mean drop-down lists that could be customised, and also keyboard shortcuts that could be customised, dare I say, a list of every single object, module, item on the created map with their properties editable (to save going 3D into the module every time you want to change or check something).

And, please, have those bl00dy doors disabled by default or at least give us the option to do so!

And no freebies, even if they gave us a complete stand-alone editor for Windows to be bought separately, I would not mind. (Just to give the incentive in case they watch this forum, LoL.)

Or if nothing else, please fix and improve the snapmap search, it's just disgraceful as it is, in terms of its capabilities (i.e. the lack of them). A hundred maps are uploaded every hour, yet we can't search for authors, can't even list the maps alphabetically, dare I say, bookmark them... Search by keyword, search by type and that's all there is? Honestly?!

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Good list above. Still missing from it:


Now on to the features:

1. All weapons carried at the same time (I know they already promised this but who believes promises from game developers?)
2. Spawning the player unarmed
3. Option to DEACTIVATE glory kills without a special script.
4. Weapon-specific ammo so I can give the player ammo for his normal weapons without filling up the BFG/Gauss

TECH_PH33R said:

Add an Insta-gib option

If we're talking about singleplayer vs AI then you could do that with AI Proxy -> on hurt -> hurt 999999, so any enemy that takes damage dies immediately. If you're talking about multiplayer you could do the same thing with a player proxy but the killfeed and count might not work correctly... Maybe you already tried this, I don't mean to be Captain Obvious here.

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I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned this before, but I'd like a few other skyboxes for the windows to use. It would also be nice to be able to place a resizable skybox block, like the player block volumes. Your maps could have the appearance of actual sky and not just being completely indoors.

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Encountered a new bug today.

Regardless of the remaining health, grenades cause glory kills to possessed security. Dude can be at 80% health, but if you get a good grenade the glory kill is activated.

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This is probably a thing i only want but i always wanted this:

Have AS MUCH MODULES/ENEMIES/WHATEVER be placed in the map, even if it exceeds over 100%. BUT the map will not be able to be tested if any value exceeds 100%.

This will help me TREMENDOUSLY for in case i ever need to move logic strings to another module, but memory usage would not allow so, because another module would exceed memory count. Imagine: you put a lot of shit in one room, but found a better room to put said shit. But the memory caps does not allow another module to be placed.

Also i want demon-specific proxies, like {IF Imp dies} or {IF Baron spawns}.
And enemy color changing options. Like a red mancubus or white pinky. OR A PINK BARON.

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update comes out tomorrow.

30 new hell modules (there's around 120 currently in the game), so expect every new map to look even more the same than the last as everyone rushes to make hell maps with the 30 modules to choose from.

Launch pads and playable Mancubus seem cool. The props are variations on a theme, hell windows, hell barricades, etc. Weapon wheel is included, too.

Happy mapping!

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Anybody knows if this update will bring more options to Blocking volume ? Like the ability to enable / disable AI Blocking .

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I'd like more SP additions, half of which won't happen:

- Being able to switch between weapon mods.
- Argent cell caches and weapon mod bots.
- SP death animations.
- SP checkpoint system.
- SP Monster AI. Enemies in Snapmap behave differently than their SP counterparts, the Pinkie doesn't have its front armour for example.
- Arch-Vile Summoner and CyberDemon/Spider-Mastermind. At the very least add the CyberDemon with the simplified AI from the SP's E2M8 remake since it not being in Snapmap is a crime. Make it only selectable in specific modules or something if size is a problem.
- SP weapon behaviour. The Chaingun in MP/Snapmap slows you down while firing it. There's a couple other discrepancies too, like the alt-fire of the Super Shotgun firing it like the primary one instead of zooming in like in SP or even MP itself.
- Add the Chainsaw and Pistol. These are extremely useful for making maps where ammo management is important, or just to give the player something to defend themselves with if they run out.
- Unique ammo pick-ups for each weapon.
- Highlights for the global ammo pick-up. The Armour and Health pick-ups are easily identifiable because of their blue/green glows, but as it is the ammo pick-ups can be barely seen and blend with the environment most of the time.
- SP player speed. Snapmap uses the MP one where moving backwards and strafing slows you down.
- Toggle to use the Doom Marine first person player model.
- Simple crosshair and no hitmarkers toggle.
- More modules, especially non-techbase ones.
- Pausing while playing Solo actually pausing the game.
- Add the Revenant as a selectable demon already.

Johnatone said:

Literally just add the option to make an SP map with all SP parameters, meant to be played "offline" so there's no bullshit network usage eating up what could be gameplay resources.

This basically.

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VentedPennies said:

The official release is here:

But there's nothing specific about the improvements.

It says they'll be posting a more detailed list of the exact changes next week. Overall though, the best thing about that article is the specific picture Stratton is using for his avatar.


They know what we like.

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