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Hell keep E3M1

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Hi Guys, I made my own version of DooM: Episode 3: Inferno Map 1: E3M1: Hell Keep. Let me know how you guys like it. I tried to create an old school vibe, with some new features and some outdoor areas; given snap maps limitations. Let me know how you all like it. My map search code is: duxafnb2. Author/Creator name is: LostSoulofRetailHell. Hope you all enjoy it. I am open to feed back.

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I'm sorry but this comes across is quite glitchy. Also the boss at the end would not die I shot it like a few hundred times.

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Sorry Guy I took down the map until I've got the rest of the glitches figured out. I had a friend play test it worked fine in the editor play mode but apparently a little different in the final published mode. I will republish it once im confident most of the errors are fixed or manageable.

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"Hell Keep E3M1 tribute" map is back up and running. Enjoy all. I fixed all the errors that i could find that it would let me and tweaked a few things. I play tested it myself so its all good. Hope everyone enjoys it.

Also: For some odd reason despite the fact that DooM is a M rated game with strong language in the warning. Apparently putting the word damned in the map description is not allowed.

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LostSoulofRetailHell said:

Also: For some odd reason despite the fact that DooM is a M rated game with strong language in the warning. Apparently putting the word damned in the map description is not allowed.

That's hilarious. Reminds of the stupid Dark Souls filter where you can't even have Knight in your character's name because it will show up as K***ht.

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Mr. International tried to make a nazi zombies map but couldn't publish it with the word nazi in it

(Seriously bethesda? You released one of THE most violent game this year, and you don't want people to put "bad" words into snapmap? [i understand shit like cunninlingus and racial slurs, but words like shit, fuck, and nazi???])

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What's up with the weird trend of "mature games" censoring us? It's like they expet children or something dumb. This is like the bad censorship of 3DS games, Black Ops II not liking "spawn", and games like Pokemon checking every language for any "offensive" words. Of course, you could argue that lst one isn't "mature" but I fin ensorship unnecessary everywhere, especially "M" games...

Some other games are inconsistent like GTA V, where you can't write Rockstar. The developers, and can't write anything bad but then try doing anything in storymode and cussing is everywhere...why is it okay but not when we try to in mature stuff...

Sorry or the rant but I'm sure all of us hate this new ensorship and knowing it's in Doom...I can't wait for the modders to come and hack it out!

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Xane123 said:

Some other games are inconsistent like GTA V, where you can't write Rockstar. The developers

In all fairness, this is most likely something entirely different; it prevents you from "posing" or anything as a Rockstar employee, and acts as an anti-scam measure.

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