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[TAS] Crumpets UV-Max in 8:59

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awesome! Very clean and smooth looking run, a pleasure to watch. love that av jump in m03, the rl placement on m04 (the 2 viles), m05 cyb, preemptive bfg shot in that m07 trap, fun stuff. kinda neat how big of an effect carrying over the BFG has here.

usually my stuff isn't very "friendly" for rushing through so quickly, but I guess the speedmap-induced sloppiness and relatively lower difficulty made this one less of an ordeal. Either way I'm glad to see badass demos for it :)

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rdwpa said:

Man, map03 is ridiculously aesthetic. I've yet to watch the rest, but that stretch is up there with Akse's Scythe 2 episode 5 UV-Speed.

Thanks :)

Ribbiks said:

usually my stuff isn't very "friendly" for rushing through so quickly, but I guess the speedmap-induced sloppiness and relatively lower difficulty made this one less of an ordeal.

Is this a challenge? :D

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