Fredrik Posted August 12, 2002 AIRmichael said:What about a huge minigun with 6 spinning miniguns in it:P Rofl. There's an idea for T3. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted August 12, 2002 AIRmichael said:What about a huge minigun with 6 spinning miniguns in it:P heh. I think I made a model like that in 3Dsmax once. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted August 12, 2002 chodesmear said:if something is huge why would we want to call it mini? "Minigun" is a term coined by French designers. And who can tell with the French? ;) Good 411 on miniguns: Minigun Madness and Monty's Miniguns. Has info and pictures of military miniguns, which require a mount of some kind (no hand-carrying these puppies). It also has info on the real, yet heavily modified minigun used in both "Predator" and "Terminator 2". Plus lots of stuff about Airsoft miniguns, which are about as big and portable as an M-16, so if you've ever wanted to fire BBs at 10,000rpm... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 12, 2002 I have a suspicion that the D3 chaingun/minigun will be the second most powerful weapon in the game just before the BFG. It sure would make sense to put it there - a powerful, instant hit, insane rate-of-fire weapon, capable of turning most baddies into mincemeat in a matter of seconds. /Me drools at the thought of turning Hell Knights into gibs with the D3 chaingun. And I am almost 100% sure that there will be no, super miniguns composed of several small miniguns - that'll be too cheesy, too over-powerful, too demanding of the computer system and too downright stupid. SIX miniguns in one gun, pfffft! /rollseyes. TWO in one gun would be cheesy enough but SIX??? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted August 13, 2002 dsm said:/Me drools at the thought of turning Hell Knights into gibs with the D3 chaingun.heh, I don't think the damage of several bullets can be that powerful to turn one into gibs. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xzyl Posted August 13, 2002 Here is a 30mm Gatling: Here is a ground crew loading it: Here is a mini-gun: a mini version of its big brother IMAGES ARE MAX. 640 PIXELS WIDE AND 480 PIXELS HIGH, AND CAN'T BE LARGER THAN 80KB 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 13, 2002 999cop said:heh, I don't think the damage of several bullets can be that powerful to turn one into gibs. Sure they can! If the callibre is high enough. 12.7 calibre bullets can punch through vehicle armour - and several of these babies can ruin a well-armoured tank - oh yes, a chaingun would be powerful enough to gib a HK. (The Q2 chaingun could gib a tank commander). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Carnevil Posted August 15, 2002 Good gameplay like the old Doom's, dammit! Man, if this turns out to be one big engine demo... POW! Right in the kisser! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted August 15, 2002 dsm said:Sure they can! If the callibre is high enough. 12.7 calibre bullets can punch through vehicle armour - and several of these babies can ruin a well-armoured tank - oh yes, a chaingun would be powerful enough to gib a HK. (The Q2 chaingun could gib a tank commander). Even the laser gun can gib tank commander when it's arleady turned into pieces ;) anyway, dont forget there's gonna be a rocket launcher plus a bfg, chaingun is far from the second most powerful weapon among all. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted August 16, 2002 Carnevil said:Man, if this turns out to be one big engine demo... POW! Right in the kisser! They do not need a whole staff of artists and a professional scifi story writer just to make an "engine demo"! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 16, 2002 999cop said:Even the laser gun can gib tank commander when it's arleady turned into pieces ;) anyway, dont forget there's gonna be a rocket launcher plus a bfg, chaingun is far from the second most powerful weapon among all. Heh, yeah, but the chainy was especially good at it, because you couldn't just release the fire button and expect it to stop firing. And about the chainy not being the second most powerful weapon: My reason for thinking that it *might* be the second most powerful weapon is because I compared it to RtCW's Venom gun - the Venom is the third most powerful weapon in the game (actually it's THE most powerful weapon, but the ft and tg are just "better") - it has a very high rate of fire, it's easy to control how many shots you want to fire once you know the behavior of the gun, the bullets deal out a LOT of damage and it's basically so devastating that only the X-creatures can withstand it for longer than 2 secs. The Venom's only weaknesses are 1) that it has a spin-up delay and 2) it overheats - now imagine a similar chaingun with a spin-up delay, no overheating and maybe even a slightly higher rate of fire - this thing would be even more effective than the plasma gun! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted August 20, 2002 Please not a big boss, but more of a subtle but extremely ass-kicking boss, notice how the most subtle things often produce the biggest goosebumps???? I would like to see also new weapons such as a) desert eagle...wouldn't it rock if u got a head of a demon while circle side-stepping with an infamous 7 clip silver shining Pistol? b) railgun...OMG...the best gun id has ever produced(quake 1) the sound of the railguns that was so noisy was strangely musical, and the ammo(NIN)...tight c) Grenade launcher, if they are shadows in the game...wouldn't it be cool if u saw a demon standing idle and u only saw his shadow, u run jump and launch a grenade between his legs and run away hearing the blow and the carnage left behind??? DOom 3 Will Rock 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted August 20, 2002 I agree with your second paragraph. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted August 20, 2002 I disagree with ideas of "b" and "c" of yours. Quake 1 didn't have railgun, it only appeared since Quake 2, if memory serves right. As I said in the other railgun thread before, railgun is basically useless in SP FPS games. Demons' movements are way too slow and that makes it too easily to be aimmed. It's pointless using it. Besides, this is Doom, not Quake, keep your mind clear. Quake sucks! I don't wanna give a too strong opinion on Grenade Launcher there. You've made your point but I simply just dislike it, personally. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted August 20, 2002 doomedout means the Quake1 Nailgun (the ammo packs show the NIN logo), not the Railgun. But a nailgun doesn´t fit into Doom, it´s characteristic for Quake (1). On the railgun in singleplayer topic, I didn´t found the Railgun useless in Quake2 SP. It is my weapon of choice when I encounter those flying Icarus Stroggs, or the Technicians. Fighting a Cacodemon and a Pain Elemental with a railgun-style weapon could be fun. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted August 20, 2002 Imagine fighting a Fiend-like demon with a railgun. That thing was fast, and jumped around a lot. You'd be lucky to get a good shot or two off with that thing before the monster tore you apart. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Coopersville Posted August 21, 2002 what do you guys want to see in the new game? Zombie Ninjas... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted August 21, 2002 NO! WAY! zombie ninja's suck.. and what the hell would ninja's do on a UAC martian base 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 21, 2002 HAMMER-STROKE said:NO! WAY! zombie ninja's suck.. and what the hell would ninja's do on a UAC martian base He's joking. Back to the weapons: Grenade launcher - I wouldn't mind it at all, but I think it would help distinguish Doom 3 from the quakes by just having hand grenades instead of a grenade launcher (of course, there's the possibility of having both hand grenades AND a launcher like in Q2). Nailgun - The nailgun is so characteristic for Quake 1 that it's a downright horrible idea for D3 imo, also, the nailgun never struck me as a particular effective weapon (especially not in Q2: Ground Zero). Railgun - like the nailgun, this is a weapon I associate with the last two Quakes - I don't wanna feel that I'm playing another goddamn Quake game. I'd rather reserve the Quake feel to Quake 4. Also, the railgun is just a damn sniper rifle without a scope, a fancy effect and a cheesy *zap* firing sound (the last making it a less satisfying weapon than a sniper rifle) - a sniper rifle in Doom 3??? No, no NO NO! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted August 21, 2002 a flame trower would be fun.. but it wouldnt do any good.. REMEMBER!! the demons come from a firey place called HELL and I think they are used to walk on hot stuff like:lava, ETC. Maby a Nitrogen Grenade would be cool.. so it would instandly freeze and you can shoot it into little pieces.. would give a cool effect seeing your demon fall into pieces.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted August 21, 2002 Ichor said:Imagine fighting a Fiend-like demon with a railgun. That thing was fast, and jumped around a lot. You'd be lucky to get a good shot or two off with that thing before the monster tore you apart. I usually use the double shotgun against the Fiend, and when he´s far enough the RL :) IMO Quake1 and Doom2 had the most entertaining monster combat, because you can use different strategies for each monster type. The Q2 monsters weren´t that varied in their abilities, and other games... Unreal had boring monster combat (except the Skaarjes), games like Serious Sam just had slaughter, and realistic shooters like RTCW aren´t very varied as well in this point. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted August 21, 2002 A Drill would be cool.. assuming the UAC base has mines (looking at the hallway of one of the latest screens with the 2 demon) it would be logic if you could find a drill there.. and it would make a pretty good weapon drilling a demon's brains all over the floor 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xzyl Posted August 21, 2002 Tetzlaff said:I usually use the double shotgun against the Fiend, and when he´s far enough the RL :) IMO Quake1 and Doom2 had the most entertaining monster combat, because you can use different strategies for each monster type. The Q2 monsters weren´t that varied in their abilities, and other games... Unreal had boring monster combat (except the Skaarjes), games like Serious Sam just had slaughter, and realistic shooters like RTCW aren´t very varied as well in this point. What stratagy? Sit on the fire button while dodging shots as the monster runs into your fire. At least Q2's monsters moving in random directions was an attampt to make monster killing a little bit of a challenge. The best monster fighting I have had in a game were the humans in Half-Life. As far as Serious Sam goes I am of the same view as most of reviewers of it, a Doom clone with a modern engien. I want grate gameplay from Doom 3. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 22, 2002 HAMMER-STROKE said:a flame trower would be fun.. but it wouldnt do any good.. REMEMBER!! the demons come from a firey place called HELL and I think they are used to walk on hot stuff like:lava, ETC. Maby a Nitrogen Grenade would be cool.. so it would instandly freeze and you can shoot it into little pieces.. would give a cool effect seeing your demon fall into pieces.. Hummm, the imps could hurt other demons with their fireballs, the mancubus can hurt other critters with its flamethrowers and the archvile can harm other creatures with its flame attack - I think that lends itself to the possibility of throwing a flamethrower into the mix. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted August 22, 2002 Xzyl said:What stratagy? Sit on the fire button while dodging shots as the monster runs into your fire. Well, the AI in Quake isn´t great, but I found the different ways of attacks the monsters had more challenging than the human-like behaviour in HL. The Fiends jump-and-slash attack is very different to the Ogres melee and grenade attacks, or Grunts attacking you from the distance with their shotguns. In Quake, it´s mostly in the level designer´s hand to create challenging combat situations with the monster placement. Play some of the 2001 released custom singleplayer levels, and you might understand what I mean. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Joe Doom Posted August 22, 2002 WHat I Want To See: *The handgun held IN FRONT of the player like in the first 2,not to the side *If I look Down:FEET *some more realistic gibbing than todays games(in HL it looked like unpacked food from the freezer) *Maybe if there are difficulties,on the harder ones have the player able to be knocked down by hard attacks *A guy in the old Doom uniform and helmet and holding the gun from the original model in a secret area:) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted August 22, 2002 How about real night vision, not the fullbright textures of the first two Doom games? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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