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Mysterious Space Marine in Cancelled Doom


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This has been bugging me for a quite a long time now,
and i really, really want to talk about this because i can't get all these questions out of my head and frankly,
my curiosity is absolutely killing me and it's become very unbearable so i'd like you all to hear me out on this.

well, here goes:

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In the trailer of the cancelled Doom game, we can clearly see the so called backpacking "doomguy" with his sand goggles, and call of duty outfit as he traverses around the burning, ruined city, until he reached an urban area with some abandoned vehicles, where a sudden explosion then triggered a huge shock-wave blast that violently sent the doomguy and a squad of other friendly NPC soldiers to the ground.

Now this is the part that really bothers me, during that particular scene in the trailer with the incoming shockwave causing everyone to duck or fall to the ground, one can clearly see what appears to be an NPC soldier dressed in what appears to be a full set of futuristic space marine gear. I mean, if you look closely, the NPC soldier in question has got a pretty high-tech looking helmet, and he's also wearing a futuristic kevlar armor set that reminds me of the Quake 4 marine's light-weight armor. As for the NPC soldier's arms and legs, they are also well protected with various protective pads and leggings. Overall one can certainly see that the soldier's gear is futuristic, unlike the COD stylized "doomguy" who is just wearing modern looking military uniform and gear.

Now take a look at all those other soldiers around this mysterious space marine-looking guy, they don't appear to be wearing the same kind of armor as he does, it seems everyone else just gets a more stripped down, less protective version of his armor/gear which also has a more distinctive brownish color to it. Even so, there's no mistaking that they are in the same squad as the space marine-looking fellow, albeit with more barebones armor and gear and whatnot.

Anywho, with that said, it seems that this mysterious NPC soldier with the futuristic space marine armor is a "unique" character or some kind of "special" class of friendlies within the game and i'd like to think that he was supposed to actually serve the role of the friendly "space marine" who helps out the main character "doomguy" before getting ripped apart by the demons just like alpha squad did in doom 3.

so now this also begs the question;
why would a background NPC character look more like a space marine than the actual main character "doomguy", who was supposed to be THE Space Marine to begin with?

i mean, what on earth were the developers thinking? why would they design doomguy to be some kind of backpacking hobo with sand goggles and then went and added in a squad of space marines in the game, which actually look like space marines?
for god's sake, why isn't the main character a space marine? but instead, a background NPC character would fulfill that role in doomguy's stead?
why not just take the the space marine gear that the NPC soldier was wearing...and give it to doomguy? sure, he might not be have the bulky space marine armor like the doom marine have always had, but atleast he'd be an "urban area type" space marine, instead of having to be a backpacking hobo with sand googles.

what i mean is, there's a space marine protagonist in every doom game, even in doom rpg you play as a space marine. even in quake you play as a space marine. And even in dark arena you play as a female space marine, and that game was the most beautiful and amazing portable doom clone game i've ever played back in 2002. so i found it baffling how the developers of the cancelled doom would decided to remove space marine from their game, only to added him back in as a minor NPC character who fights alongside you.

i can't get this out of my head for some time now and it's annoying the heck out of me because i can't find the answers for it and nobody's talking about it.

to sum up my questions in short forms:

(1) why did they designed doomguy to be a backpacking hobo? is he even part of the military?

(2) why did the developers put in a futuristic space marine as a minor character in the game when they could've just designed doomguy to be a space marine to begin with?

(3) if the game takes place in the future, then how come all the destroyed buildings and skyscrapers look so low-tech? it looked more like Godzilla had just destroyed downtown Detroit than a futuristic Cityscape if you know what i mean.

(4) why are all the weapons so low-tech? even those trucks the soldiers were riding on hardly looks futuristic, everyone looked so rag-tag, it's like they're from the "resistance" army that came through a portal from the terminator universe.

(5) did the developers took doomguy's space marine armor out of the game and made him wear that awful COD outfit because they thought earth's climate would be too hot for doomguy to be running around in a full suit of armor? but the doom1 and doom3 marine went to hell just fine wearing their space marine armor, which i reckon always had internal air conditioning, and hell is most certainly much hotter than earth, so what's up with that?

(6) does anyone have the cancelled doom's art designer's email address? i need to ask him relentlessly about something.

well, thanks for listening to the banter of a lonesome, wifeless, crazed and deranged doom fan in his mid-life crisis moment. post back and let me know what your thoughts are on this Mysterious Space Marine from the cancelled doom game.

until then, rawwarrrrrah!

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  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

Now this is the part that really bothers me, during that particular scene in the trailer with the incoming shockwave causing everyone to duck or fall to the ground, one can clearly see what appears to be an NPC soldier dressed in what appears to be a full set of futuristic space marine gear.


I didn't know that a tectical kevlar vest which looks like SWAT team gear counted as futuristic space marine armour these days.

Aside from that, they knew it was dumb and it was cancelled. Any concerns you might have or had about it literally don't matter. They knew it was bad and it was canned.

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Game was poop anyways, does not matter in my eyes.

And tbh, those 2 (or 3 it seems) npc's dont look like space marines, more like everyday riot police with a protective vest. And I guess looking at the main character, he has that 'rebel / anti hero' look not affiliated with any groups or militia and self-serving so he prolly starts off with a shotgun and pistol and ragtags and then gets better weapons and armor / a 'space suit' as he goes along. That was what they were gunning for, imho.

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You can't tell from that trailer who was going to be the protagonist of the game. It shows a variety of characters.

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I see a civilian militia character and I see a military soldier character.
You read so much into literally nothing

So much nonsense

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  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

i can't get this out of my head for some time now and it's annoying the heck out of me because i can't find the answers for it and nobody's talking about it.

to sum up my questions in short forms:

(1) why did they designed doomguy to be a backpacking hobo? is he even part of the military?


Who said that was the Doomguy? could just be a minor mission scout in some cut-scene sequence, or some blathering NPC akin to Rage, which most of the sequence was based on.

  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

(2) why did the developers put in a futuristic space marine as a minor character in the game when they could've just designed doomguy to be a space marine to begin with?


What? Who knows, maybe they never even got around to designing the main character, it could have been just some guy you see for two seconds then he gets killed. Honestly, none of that shit would have been in the final game anyway, as rarely these pieces are ever used in the final product.

  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

(3) if the game takes place in the future, then how come all the destroyed buildings and skyscrapers look so low-tech? it looked more like Godzilla had just destroyed downtown Detroit than a futuristic Cityscape if you know what i mean.


'Hey this building is still perfectly functional as a structure but lets tear it down and rebuild it so it looks like it's from teh future!!!1'

  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

(4) why are all the weapons so low-tech? even those trucks the soldiers were riding on hardly looks futuristic, everyone looked so rag-tag, it's like they're from the "resistance" army that came through a portal from the terminator universe.


Probably because they were designed over a weekend to throw into a crappy tech demo just to show off some possible game assets/ideas.

  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

(5) did the developers took doomguy's space marine armor out of the game and made him wear that awful COD outfit because they thought earth's climate would be too hot for doomguy to be running around in a full suit of armor? but the doom1 and doom3 marine went to hell just fine wearing their space marine armor, which i reckon always had internal air conditioning, and hell is most certainly much hotter than earth, so what's up with that?


Wow, honestly, who comes up with this stuff? This is what you thinking about over a shit-canned 40 second pre-scripted demo sequence? Jesus.

  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

(6) does anyone have the cancelled doom's art designer's email address? i need to ask him relentlessly about something.


Oh yeah, let me just get that for you so you can bombard him with this inane nonsense over a game that will never exist and is most likely relegated to some lost recycle bin on a torn-down workstation.

  On 6/11/2016 at 6:46 AM, beautifulman2999 said:

well, thanks for listening to the banter of a lonesome, wifeless, crazed and deranged doom fan in his mid-life crisis moment.


Hey, admitting it is the first step! Glad to help.

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  On 6/13/2016 at 12:44 AM, Almonds said:

Uh, anyone else noticed how they kept the same SSG design throughout the entire development of the game?


People keep on saying that, but I've yet to find an image of the trashed concept's SSG from a HUD view in order to compare it.

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Like others said, we don't know who the doom guy is in that trailer, if he even existed in the trailer. Also, you know that pretty much all these questions were asked internally resulting in a complete redesign right?

You're looking too far into this.

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The nomad looking Doomguy comes from later in the game when you link up with some resistance cell on earth after the demons have taken over earth.

The footage of the NPC you're pointing to comes from an opening scene when Hell first comes to earth and destroys it. We view it through the eyes of a player-character (Doomguy). In the opening scene, his unit gets wiped out.

Afterwards, Doomguy becomes a nomad, survivalist wearing protective gear that allows him to enter irradiated lands made poisonous by the scorched earth tactics employed by the military as a last ditch effort to defeat Hell.

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I was hoping they would release some documentary about the canceled version of Doom 4 in the new game like they did with Doom 3's collector's edition for Xbox. I guess they're really embarrassed about it.

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They could recycle the urban assets for SnapMap modules, and the characters for player skins.

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  On 6/11/2016 at 7:41 AM, AirRaid said:

I didn't know that a tectical kevlar vest which looks like SWAT team gear counted as futuristic space marine armour these days.



here's a Quake 4 space marine armor that i mentioned earlier as being aesthetically similar to what the space marine-looking character was wearing in the cancelled doom 4 trailer.

of course a kevlar can hardly be considered as the iconic bulky doom marine armor, but my point was; the backpacking doomguy could of still passed himself off as a space marine wearing that futuristic-looking kevlar, instead of that call of duty outfit he's putted on in the trailer, which looks absolutely dreadful.


  On 6/13/2016 at 12:57 AM, TheWizard said:

Like others said, we don't know who the doom guy is in that trailer, if he even existed in the trailer.



i was under the impression that the backpacking fellow is doomguy because of the subtle way he turned his head to look at us with his sand goggles face in the trailer. Also, he's got a shotgun.


  On 6/13/2016 at 12:57 AM, TheWizard said:

You're looking too far into this.


Not only am i looking too far into this, i'm also Knee-Deep in it. (Sorry!)


  On 6/12/2016 at 7:50 PM, Use3D said:

This is what you thinking about over a shit-canned 40 second pre-scripted demo sequence? Jesus.


I'm been thinking about it for a year now, ever since the cancelled Doom Trailer first came out. for awhile i kept checking the old "cancelled doom" thread in the forums, hoping that someone would add more to the discussion, but the thread's been dead for so long now, and there are still so much in my head of the cancelled doom that i'd really want to discuss.

  On 6/13/2016 at 12:47 AM, DMGUYDZ64 said:

I'm i only the one who liked the idea of "Hell portal opened On earth" .?


Do you have ICQ my good friend? we shall discuss this feverishly for 3 days and 3 nights .


Edited by beautifulman2999

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  On 6/13/2016 at 2:13 PM, beautifulman2999 said:

With the military short on manpower and the situation becoming ever more increasingly dire, a decision was made to allow volunteers to fight in their ranks. The protagonist of the game, aka the backpacking "doomguy", is one such volunteer, and since he is not part of the military, he is only given the minimal gear and load-out needed to survive, and the only weapon he's been issued is an old outdated shotgun.



I don't think that would fit the persona of Doomguy. I think it would be far more likely that he would be a loner, surviving on his own in the wasteland and trading with the city on occasion. He would join the resistance reluctantly, perhaps being drawn to it by the attractive, young woman in the trailer.

I think your intuitions about the mission structure are probably right, but I would compare it to RAGE rather than Doom 3. RAGE had a hub city (Wellspring) that you ventured out from. I wouldn't at all be surprised if that was the direction they were taking Doom 4 at this point.

Also: I love that video clip of the nomad turning his head. Very 90s MTV music video. Makes me wish we could have seen this game realized.

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  On 6/13/2016 at 2:53 AM, TheGamePhilosophe said:

The footage of the NPC you're pointing to comes from an opening scene when Hell first comes to earth and destroys it. We view it through the eyes of a player-character (Doomguy). In the opening scene, his unit gets wiped out.


I love this theory of yours! i think it's absolutely brilliant!

the flashback sequence would set up the plot of "hell on earth" quite nicely, also it would give players a chance to play as doomguy in his space marine gear even if its just for a short while.

i like how doomguy would be thrown into a world apocalyptic battle against overwhelming odds during the initial demonic invasion, and watched as all of his marine buddies are killed one after another. Meanwhile, all of earth's armies would fall prey to the might of the invading forces from hell and be utterly, completely destroyed in a catastrophic defeat of global proportion. Hell's minions, it would seem, is victorious for the time being.

the intro sequence would end with a scene showing all of earth's armies being wiped out, with all of earth cities in flames, before doing a time-skip of several more years into the future where doomguy is shown to be surviving in the wastelands and killing demons on his own. by chance he manages to link up with other survivors or what's left of the army again, and they brought him back to base-camp and doomguy is introduced to the man in charge; the marine Sargent with the eye-patch. doomguy is given some squard-mates, led by that really hot chick in the trailer, but she ended up dying because she is too hot-headed and reckless.

  On 6/13/2016 at 3:34 PM, TheGamePhilosophe said:

I wouldn't at all be surprised if that was the direction they were taking Doom 4 at this point.


i wish they'd just release the game already.

Doom1 got a remake in the form of Doom3,
and then Doom1 got another remake via Doom2016,
but i still want my "hell on earth" remake even more.

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