Crunchynut44 Posted June 11, 2016 (edited) Looking for a modern megawad with short levels, fast-paced gameplay, new music and monsters and all within the confines of Boom? Then this is the Wad for you! With the community effort we are bringing you a megawad inspired by the most popular wads before it such as Scythe, Valiant and many more! So cock your shotgun, get out a shiny spoon because it's time to blast some demon brains all in the name of acquiring some milk for your precious cereal, this is Cereal Killer! Want to become part of the project? Create a map (no longer than 10 minutes in length; give or take), with a similar style of gameplay that my levels have (so no all out slaughter) and submit! If you don't know how to compose your own MIDI then ill do it for you, it's that easy! Make sure it's comp level 9 at the highest and no external textures outside of the stock and CC4 texture pack. The textures are credited to the CC4 texture pack. MAP LIST 01: Crunchynut44 02: Crunchynut44 03: Crunchynut44 04: Crunchynut44 05: Crunchynut44 06: Crunchynut44 07: Crunchynut44 08: Scotty - Gamma Control 09: Pinchy - SS Minner 10: Crunchynut44 11: Scotty - Forsaken Caverns 12: Crunchynut44 13: Crunchynut44 14: A2Rob - Vine Overdose 15: Crunchynut44 16: Crunchynut44 17: TAKEN 18: 19: TAKEN 20: an_mutt 21:TAKEN 22: Crunchynut44 23: 24: 25: AconyX - TBA 26: Rdwpa 27: 28: Yugiboy85 - Archangels 29:TAKEN 30: 31: Crunchynut44 32: TAKEN SCREENIES: Spoiler Map01 Map02 Map03 Map04 Map05 Map06 - By An_mutt Map07 Map08 - By Scotty - Gamma Control Map09 - By Pinchy - SS Miner Map10 Map11 - By Scotty - Forsaken Caverns Map12 Map13 Map14 - By A2Rob Map15 - By rdwpa Download (Tested with Pr Boom Complevel 9): PLAYS WITH THE CC4 TEXTURE PACK, DL HERE: Last Update: 30/03/17: Killer.wad?dl=0 - (INCLUDES CC4 TEX) Edited December 2, 2018 by Crunchynut44 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted June 11, 2016 Nice screenies! I'll try this WAD after GTA Doom. By the way, when I first read the title I though Chex Quest XD 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ETTiNGRiNDER Posted June 11, 2016 Gustavo6046 said:By the way, when I first read the title I though Chex Quest XD Ditto! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Suitepee Posted June 11, 2016 With a project name like that and speedmaps in mind, could this be a spiritual successor to MTrop's Coffee Break? Might have to play this sometime.... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted June 11, 2016 I though CC4-TEX.WAD's contents couldn't be copypasted to another WAD (only used as a resource WAD itself), but anyway, these 3 maps were a fun blast! Would you mind if I helped you with the next maps? I'll add some challenge -- and, in peer request, a nice custom boss, for sure >:) Do you want me to do the boss in DECORATE or DEHACKED? I was heavily inspired with these maps, sky walls, smart ambushes, parkour (By the way, how did you raise these parkour pillars at MAP03 without an already-raised sector to indicate the height?), etc. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yugiboy85 Posted June 11, 2016 Gustavo6046 said:(By the way, how did you raise these parkour pillars at MAP03 without an already-raised sector to indicate the height?) That's the magic of control sectors (At least, I assume this is what crunchynut used). Basically, you draw a box outside of the map (I'd suggest you do it as closely as possible to where the sector you want raised will be) and in that box, you draw a line in the middle (or wherever you want it) thus creating 2 sectors. Link the sector you want raised to one of the sectors in the dummy sectors and adjust the heights of the other sector (still in that dummy sector) to decide up to where you want that sector raised. Example: You have bars on your map that are at let's say 16 above the ground (which will be at 0). You want the bars to be raised at 128 abovethe ground (in other words, by 112 units). Draw a dummy sector near the area (in the void) and create 2 sectors within that dummy sector. Link the bars on your map (important, select the bars FIRST) to one of the sectors (let's call it sector 1). Sector 1 should be at the same heights as the bars (16 above the round). The sector adgacent to it (in the dummy sector) should be raised to whatever height you want the bars to be (in this case, give it a floor height of 128). We will call that adgacent sector, sector 2. Now, program a switch (or a line, or whatever) to activate the bars and have them raise up to the next adgacent floor. Once you hit the switch/cross the line or whatever, what will happen is that sector 1 will raise up to sector 2's height (in the dummy sector). Since sector 1 in the dummy sector is linked to the bars, the bars will also raise to that height. Someone will probably explain it better than me though. Oh, the reason you want the dummy sector close to the bars is because otherwise, the sound will be muted (you won't hear the usual floor moving sound). At least, this is the case in prboom+. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
JohnnyTheWolf Posted June 11, 2016 Gustavo6046 said:Nice screenies! I'll try this WAD after GTA Doom. By the way, when I first read the title I though Chex Quest XD Me too. Chex Quest definitely could use more, harder maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted June 11, 2016 JohnnyTheWolf said:Me too. Chex Quest definitely could use more, harder maps. Chex Community Project plz. :P Nice screens. I like the promise of open-ish spaces. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yugiboy85 Posted June 11, 2016 Because pictures speak better than words, here you go gustavo. Take a look at my shitty drawing. Hopefully, this helps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted June 11, 2016 The_Trigger said:Because pictures speak better than words, here you go gustavo. Take a look at my shitty drawing. Hopefully, this helps. Thanks! I think I did understand the control sector concept with your previous post, and just for your info, I'm already working in MAP04. Two control sectors :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yugiboy85 Posted June 11, 2016 Good to know gustavo but, enough off-topicness now :D Crunchynut, I will try these some time tomorrow :) I actually already did but heh, I died on the first map. From what I played of it, ammo seemed rather scarce. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crunchynut44 Posted June 11, 2016 Im on my phone right now so I shall reply to everyone a bit later but just for some clarification... My username is Crunchynut... (Though if I inadvertently start a Chex Quest community project than shit). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yugiboy85 Posted June 11, 2016 Crunchynut44 said:Im on my phone right now so I shall reply to everyone a bit later but just for some clarification... My username is Crunchynut... (Though if I inadvertently start a Chex Quest community project than shit). Oh, sorry hehe. I did not mean to offend you in any way. Guess I will call you crunchynut from now on :D Again, deeply sorry. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted June 11, 2016 Enjoyed how the PR is a primary weapon in these -- that's a sort of balance you don't see too often in lighter, low-monster maps. Anyway, map03's FDA is a snoozefest because I decide to make things infight for no other reason than it amuses me. The trope of having an archy in the exit is somewhat predictable, and it's basically a non-threat when the door opening is 64-wide, because you can just block it from ever leaving. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted June 11, 2016 The map is now done as MAP04 here as direct link! (ops, accidentally included the other maps from the WAD when I saved into, I though it would only save the current map when I saved as another filename :P I saved as another filename to get rid of the included CC4 textures because they made saving too slow) To include, simply open the map up in your favorite WAD editor (preferably SLADE3) and copy the map lumps to your Cereal Killer map. :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted June 11, 2016 Gustavo6046 said:The map is now done as MAP04 here as direct link! (ops, accidentally included the other maps from the WAD when I saved into, I though it would only save the current map when I saved as another filename :P I saved as another filename to get rid of the included CC4 textures because they made saving too slow) These are your Doom Builder settings, not a wad. You should take this as an opportunity to send only map04! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted June 11, 2016 rdwpa said:These are your Doom Builder settings, not a wad. You should take this as an opportunity to send only map04! Thank you for pointing out! I just edited the above post with the corect link and sent only MAP04. :) You can use this music for the map :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted June 11, 2016 It's possible to hop directly to the exit from the start tunnel. :) Anyway, you're getting better, but it's not really a good map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted June 11, 2016 rdwpa said:It's possible to hop directly to the exit from the start tunnel. :) Anyway, you're getting better, but it's not really a good map. I updated the link with the fix for that, for other bugs, and some improvements, including the music and a new sky bar :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted June 12, 2016 Ah sweet, I think I remember seeing pics from this on that other thread CrispyNuttyCrunch44; I'll add these to my play list. Quick look on my phone though looks good! I look forward to playing these with some nice cold milk, HoneyNutCrunchyO's. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheNerdTurtle2 Posted June 12, 2016 I'll take a look at this later (possibly tonight) but my first thoughts were hoping this was a Chex Quest mapset :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crunchynut44 Posted June 12, 2016 @Gustavo6046: If you're willing, could you add a fast firing baron? Perhaps one similar to the Bloodstain one, this way I don't have to spam archies as I can utilize the mid-tier bosses in more engaging ways. Thankyou! @The Trigger: Hahahaha none at all my friend, I more so wanted the tie between the name of the wad and my 12-year-old self's username to be noted! :D (Also would love to see a map on here from you man). @Fonze: Thankyou man! Yes I do recommend you play them after you've had a healthy milk and wheat based breakfast for optimal Doom-playing energy levels! @rdwpa: Thanks for plying, kind of an unintentional speedrun with map 01 haha. I also noted that you triggered the mancubus tele on map 02 without falling off the cliff, easy fix! Also you found every secret so far, good job! Yeah the one thing I realized about speedmapping is that when it's in the last 30 minutes for some reason an archvile is a good idea, though if I can get that fast-firing baron from Gus than I can make the exits more interesting. @Gustavo6048: Playing it now! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crunchynut44 Posted June 12, 2016 I played your map Gustavo, apologies but I am going to have to reject it. to improve the map, first don't use impassable lines to contain monsters (the imps on the pedestal) as I kept trying to go over it only to be blocked myself (use monster blocking lines). That lift to get to the secret nuke-fountain teleporter is a broken sector, you can see through it on the right side. I also couldn't find the red key, seems like it wasn't even there? Try experimenting with different heights, make the room taller and add upper and lower levels that you reach later on in the map. don't stop practicing and keep up the good work! @The Trigger: I personally didn't have any ammo problems myself, make sure you save your cells for the higher-tier enemies and just pistol/shotgun the lower tiers. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
wallabra Posted June 12, 2016 Crunchynut44 said:I played your map Gustavo, apologies but I am going to have to reject it. I understand. On to the reasons! first don't use impassable lines to contain monsters (the imps on the pedestal) as I kept trying to go over it only to be blocked myself (use monster blocking lines). If I use BM lines in these, the player can simply hop to these pillars once they are raised with the button in the courtyard! That lift to get to the secret nuke-fountain teleporter is a broken sector, you can see through it on the right side. It's just a missing texture, but thanks anyways :) I also couldn't find the red key, seems like it wasn't even there? It's in a ledge near the SW region. Use the automap :) Try experimenting with different heights, make the room taller and add upper and lower levels that you reach later on in the map. don't stop practicing and keep up the good work! Thanks man :) @The Trigger: I personally didn't have any ammo problems myself, make sure you save your cells for the higher-tier enemies and just pistol/shotgun the lower tiers. I actually had some problem with the ammo, but I'll add some few goodies to make the map a tad bit easier. Won't be a big assistance >:) Also, check the link for v1.2. With some changes I'm sure you'll like :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crunchynut44 Posted June 12, 2016 Well according to DB here is the red key on my end... I also should have mentioned that it's meant to be boom compatible, not that it matters now. Spoiler Ill check it out :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted June 12, 2016 Playthrough of map01 that actually plays the level this time lol. I did end up with a lot of ammo, with only a small amount of infighting. Wrt the Bloodstain fast baron, I honestly never found that one too challenging or interesting. I think that the best type of new monsters are generally glass cannons. The revenant is the prototypical non-hitscanner example in the Doom bestiary, but custom glass cannons generally go even further in increasing the threat level. Skillsaw's stuff has many of these (pyro demon, cybruiser, the new AA monsters). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crunchynut44 Posted June 12, 2016 rdwpa said: Playthrough of map01 that actually plays the level this time lol. I did end up with a lot of ammo, with only a small amount of infighting. Wrt the Bloodstain fast baron, I honestly never found that one too challenging or interesting. I think that the best type of new monsters are generally glass cannons. The revenant is the prototypical non-hitscanner example in the Doom bestiary, but custom glass cannons generally go even further in increasing the threat level. Skillsaw's stuff has many of these (pyro demon, cybruiser, the new AA monsters).Much appreciated!! Seems like you're my go to guy for playtesting as I also realized that the imp teleport at the end is set to WR and not W1, meaning the player get's teleported too. Yeah I would love to get a few different mid-tier enemies like those, particularly a baron variant like the pyro demon which is aggressive but makes for a good PG challenge. I would do it myself but I have never taken the time to learn dehacked, perhaps now is the time. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yugiboy85 Posted June 12, 2016 Crunchynut44 said:@The Trigger: Hahahaha none at all my friend, I more so wanted the tie between the name of the wad and my 12-year-old self's username to be noted! :D (Also would love to see a map on here from you man). Crisis averted lol You'd like to see a map from me huh? Well, I can't promise anything yet. I have my ongoing boom map (bunker) and my zdoom map to finish. Once I get these 2 out of the way, I may try and put something up for you :D Again, not promissing anything. I assume you want the maps to be compatible with prboom+, complevel 9 at the very least? :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crunchynut44 Posted June 12, 2016 The_Trigger said:Crisis averted lol You'd like to see a map from me huh? Well, I can't promise anything yet. I have my ongoing boom map (bunker) and my zdoom map to finish. Once I get these 2 out of the way, I may try and put something up for you :D Again, not promissing anything. I assume you want the maps to be compatible with prboom+, complevel 9 at the very least? :)Well there certainly is not rush or obligation, but it would be cool! However it is of course more important you finish your own projects first haha :D Actually at the most, I want to keep it Boom compatible. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Crunchynut44 Posted June 12, 2016 Map 04 is finished, it is by far the best map I have ever made and coincidentally I wrote what is in my opinion also my best MIDI for it :D (I won't update the current links until I have a few more finished maps, rather than just one). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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