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What happened to UniDoom?

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Guest Unregistered account

So, what's with UniDoom? The website says that they predict UCTF will be released in 2010, and while it would be impressive to release a WAD in minus six years, it seems more likely that the site's been empty. All the recent posts on the forums are just spambots with 4,000 posts who flood the old discussions with paragraphs of Russian which, when translated, yield what seem to be porn links.

So what happened? Is UniDoom dead? Did they abandon the site? Will we ever see UCTF? (At least it'll get the Mordeth Cacoward if we do)

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I doubt we will see any more ud wads, though rumour has had it several years now we might, but you can find active ud players on odamex mostly, playing wdl. Prominent members you might see here would be ralphis and doomkid. So they are still around but just not really here. In fact most competitive players are not. You just need to know where to look.

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#unidoom on irc.quakenet.org is where the real UD action happens. There are nearly 40 people in there right now.

UDCTF, almost finished but not finished so probably not.

Another UDM also has a decent amount of maps but, also, not finished. More likely to be finished than UDCTF, although not nearly at the scale of UDMX. 15th Anniversary of UDM1 coming up on January 1 so never say never.

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If the forums are no longer in use, it would be nice to have them archived and removed since they pose an unnecessary security threat to other software running on the same server (if you catch my drift).

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The news posts on ud.org run off of the mancunet forums, which are also still actively used by projects like Slade

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still around, I'm just not in the competitive scene at this point in time so I'm focusing more on mapping and modding. I recently made a single player map (ran out of time to detail it due to the project guidelines) to get myself back into the swing of things, I'll be looking at some of my old incomplete DM and CTF maps and seeing what's salvageable at some point. I'm also working on a Zandronum survival co-op mod and OMGWPNS, going to see if it's even possible to balance the weapons somewhat competently for DM for the next version, though I honestly doubt it :P

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Ralphis said:

The news posts on ud.org run off of the mancunet forums, which are also still actively used by projects like Slade

The Slade forums are no longer actively used, except for posting news. When people have issues they're strongly advised to report them on the GitHub issue tracker instead, and for general editing questions they're better off asking them on Doomworld or other relevant forums.

In other words I think it'd be fine if registering on the mancunet forums was simply turned off, and then all spambots banned and their posts deleted.

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Since UD is posting what they're up to now, I am running the World Doom League, which is a CTF league on Odamex with some of the best players in the world and history of the game. There are also a number of old UD guys that are playing this season like Climhazzard, HumanBones, KBlair, and Xenaero. This is the 20th season of CTF that we've run since 2007.

When I'm not doing that, I'm usually banging around every night in Rocket League with guys from #unidoom

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