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Here is a Boss wave I've been tweaking. I'll try to eventually get around to making a youtube video for it. Its very good for an end map fight.


Here is whats happening.

1. The modular trigger on the left starts the wave with an integer/number trigger.

2. One survival conductor of 6 demons set to repeat after its first rotation so the wave stays low level and stops the survival wave from increasing in difficulty. This way you dont have 6 cacodemons chewing on you while fighting your boss, unless you want that. This survival wave is basically your continuous health and ammo dumps while fighting everything else. Set the respawn times lower to create more chaos.

3.Boss Event Wave or Custom Group Wave. (5 Demons) This I use more mid level monsters like Pinkys and Hell Razors. Once you defeat this wave set it to launch your Boss. But if youd like add more of these events on a chain if youd like a longer battle before the boss comes out.

4. Use a single Demon spawn instead of a boss wave for your boss. Why? because you can set its health unlike with boss wave (yeah, wtf seriously). If you want to use the boss event instead and give him a health boost with an AI proxy that is here as well. But all of this will effect whatever is spawning and alive in the map.

6. Once the boss dies have an AI proxy kill all Ai on the map and stop the survival conductor. This will also kill any AI with in the map thats visible. And for added insurance have the bosses death activate a no demon spawn area in the arena.

Thats the meat and potatoes. There are also bells and whistles attached to the code like music cues and lockdown cues.This Wave is manual lockdown meaning you have to choose which doors get lockdown and which dont.

If this sparked any ideas let me know, if youve got any suggestions post them as well.

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Do you find AI proxy or AI iterator to be better for killing leftovers?

Both have been hit and miss for me, and I haven't figured out the exact logic yet.

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VentedPennies said:

Do you find AI proxy or AI iterator to be better for killing leftovers?

Both have been hit and miss for me, and I haven't figured out the exact logic yet.

You have to use both in the same string. At least that's how I did it. Also is the photo not loading in the above post? If it is look for the kill AI code a bit to the right side and you'll see both the AI proxy and AI iterator working together.

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