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Favorite console port of Doom

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My favorite without question is PSX Doom, with Doom 64 being a very close second. I played 32X Doom and thought it sucked balls. Ditto for the SNES version of Doom. Beyond those four, I haven't played any other console ports of Doom.

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Jaxxoon R said:

In all seriousness though, I don't see why people still call Doom 64 a port.

So what is it, technically? The term "source port", if applied to the official console uhh.... ports might indeed be a bit out of place, as it has come to mean mostly post source-code release stuff (so after 1997, in any case), but Doom also is a quite special case among videogames for its time:

Back then, when a game was "ported" from its original platform (usually arcade) to consoles and PCs, it often meant that the game was rewritten from scratch, so in 90% of cases you actually had a recreation.

That being said, all official console ports/versions of Doom except the SNES Doom and the GBA Doom 2, actually use the original idtech 1 engine and resource system, albeit with some significant modifications, so you could say they are also "source ports", and hence "ports". Doom 64 also uses enough elements of the original engine to qualify, despite its enhancements.

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Doom II for GBA was fairly well done, all things considered. Sure, the engine lead to some changes in the programming that could be annoying to seasoned Doom players but, for how intact it mostly is, it was fairly impressive. It also kind of showed that id missed a huge opportunity with the Specter Demon since, apparently, the GBA one uses the same effect but brightening pixels instead of darkening them, creating a refractive effect. If that was in the original Doom, it would have blown people's minds back then.

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32x even though the music sucks and a lot was cut out because of the good times me and my brother had playing that Christmas. that was our first taste of doom so we didnt know how much it sucked compared to the PC at the time. it was amazing for us.

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PSX and it's not even close, the sound music and even the design changes make it the best version of Doom in general for me.
And yeah Doom 64 is it's own beast entirely.

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Yeah PSX. The SNES one is near and dear to my heart because it was all I could play when Doom first came out, didn't have a computer. I used to rent it all the time. But damn, that PSX port is just awesome. The changes, new levels, the music. Everything went together perfect.

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Port in this case implies taking the PC version of the game and editing it to work on consoles, which may involve cutting back on some features to accommodate the hardware. Doom 64 was built form the ground up for the N64 and uses original content not based on any of the IWADs. And I've never played Doom on console. Didn't have one and all the kids were playing it on PC back in the day.

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PlayStation Doom is my favorite console port of Doom, while Doom 64 is my favorite console version of Doom.

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Nuxius said:

PlayStation Doom is my favorite console port of Doom, while Doom 64 is my favorite console version of Doom.

Pretty much this.

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I have to be kind of predictable and put PSX first. It's impressive in how it tries to go beyond the PC version, adding features to take advantage of the system's capablilities. I also find it crazy how they were able to backport Doom 2 to the old Jaguar codebase.

Out of the more pure Jaguar-based ports, I'd love the 3DO version if it actually had a decent framerate, as it's otherwise the Jaguar version but with an amazing remixed soundtrack. All the other Jag ports botch the music in some way, like the GBA version which for some reason doesn't use the original MIDIs, leading to something that sounds like a bunch of half-remembered recreations. It's otherwise a solid version and I like the added Deathmatch maps.

I sometimes get out BFG Edition on 360 for one reason - split screen multiplayer. It's fun to do some old school deathmatch with a friend in the same room. Could do without the censorship.

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This might come as a huge surpise and I'm probably one of the few with this opinion. PSX Doom without question.

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Custom engine: Super Nintendo
JagDoom Based: Sega 32x, Atari Jaguar, 3DO, Playstation (Sega Saturn is based on this version, and while Doom 64 is a completely new game, it most likely uses a varient of this engine, if not vanilla JagDoom), Game Boy Advance
Southpaw engine: Doom 2 on GBA
PCDoom Based: Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Android, iOS

...and that's just official ports. Unofficial ports exist for at least the Xbox, GameCube, Wii, Sega Dreamcast, a couple Leapfrog devices, the Nintendo DS, the Playstation Portable, Android, Windows Phone, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 64 and several other devices...

Here is a list of bizarre and not-so-bizarre platforms Doom (and Wolf3d, Quake, and Quake 2) have been ported to.

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Danfun64 said:

Playstation (Sega Saturn is based on this version, and while Doom 64 is a completely new game, it most likely uses a varient of this engine, if not vanilla JagDoom)

Doom 64 was derived from the PSX source, AFIAK.

TraceOfSpades said:

This might come as a huge surpise and I'm probably one of the few with this opinion. PSX Doom without question.

There's a lot of people who love the PSX version, including myself.

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Well to be truly honest I actually appreciate the PSX style more in PC mod form than on the actual hardware.

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Playstation. NO contest.

Voros said:

But what about 64Doom? Its a Nintendo 64 port that can run Classic Doom IWADs.

Just found this. Time to dust off my Everdrive ...

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Sodaholic said:

There's a lot of people who love the PSX version, including myself.

I thought italics would translate over smoothly as sarcasm.

I was wrong.

Stop. Seppuku time.

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