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This NEEDS to be said, and it needs to be in its own thread, because this is the latest in BS that has plagued this game, second only to the rampant cheating bastards.

Okay, so I'm looking through SnapMaps right? And I decide to search for some tags. Instead of maps, I get:


THIS WENT ON FOR PAGES. WHY? Why must people do this? It just turns the whole listing into shit!

I've been reporting these maps since I noticed them flooding the listings. And every day it's getting fucking worse. You're not funny, or clever, in doing this. This is like naming your game "Aaron Aardvark" so it shows up first in the BBS listings.

When everyone starts to do this, it's the equivalent of noise. In the urge to be seen first, everyone figured out the trick, and now the SnapMap lists are full of assholes naming their maps "!"


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Azazel Bloodfucker said:

It probably won't stop for awhile, as trolls always continue if given attention, you probably shouldn't even made this thread as it encourages them.

I think everyone has already noticed but wasn't quite sure why it was happening. all it does it make two alphabetical categories: those with "!" and those without.

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Csonicgo said:

I think everyone has already noticed but wasn't quite sure why it was happening. all it does it make two alphabetical categories: those with "!" and those without.

Plus those starting with "#", then with "(" and ")", then double quotes, dollar sign, ampersand, asterisk, "+", comma, etc. It's a joke.

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Wouldn't this be in tradition with doom's original surge of wads? Browsing ftp directories back then would be several screen-lengths of wads starting with numbers and underscores

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Azazel Bloodfucker said:

They could lurk here, you never know.

Yeah, you're right. I noticed that guy who made Trinity went ahead and used this ! thing.

I think ID will eventually have to do something to limit Publish spammers and the name abuse. Well, I hope they do. It's disheartening to see a thrown together map that is just "!" have so many plays just because it's the first on the list.

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Someone should start making modern Shovelware (DVDs?) with these...

Seriously, this kind of stuff makes me appreciate a lot more the efforts of Ty and the current maintainers. Anyone would think ID could have put a little more effort in this.

EDIT: Oops, I meant Bethesda, not ID.

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My guess of the "! IMPOSSIBLE MAP !" map names is because the ! symbol is the first letter search when you search maps by name. So to GET POPULAR (according to these guys) you gotta have your map appear first and foremost in the search engine.

Tis just a theory. And here i thought hell-related verbs were generic names

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Exactly, they want their map to show up first. The problem with this is that when everyone does it then it no longer works.

I'll confess I considered using this scheme but decided against it.. I'd rather just republish every so often so it goes on the newest maps, that and just try to make better maps..

Every map I've made I've strived to make better than the last.

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I think this is still on-topic.

I haven't played a lot of the new Doom (a friend has it, but honestly, I suck at console controls), and I haven't even tried SnapMap myself, so my question is, is there some sort of "archive" or some place where all this maps go, or how / where are they stored? And more importantly, how long will they be there?

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I believe you can find them in snap map hub in the game. Good luck sorting through all the crap though

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Kind of reminds me of the Hitman Absolution Contracts mode where there was literally no contracts other than boring shite where you dressed as a duck and stabbed a man in the middle of a crowded street.

It would take forever to find something worth playing because the highest rated never changed.

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