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I made a Doom montage


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Feedback and what not would be appreciated. It starts off slow, but gets better. Songs used were easily accessible, I wanted to go more of a metal style throughout, but I couldn't find any I could use without copyright claim.

(In case anyone is wondering this is my first post, but I'm not here just to self-promote, I also want to make more friends, meet new people, and be able to discuss doom stuff)

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the video was ok but some feedback from me

- some clips seem to start or end at the wrong times, there are lulls between the action in some cases that break the flow of the video

- you only really have one trick. tesla then burst rifle, super shotgun occasionally. would be nice to see more varied gameplay, using other stuff like the teleporter, a well placed frag, holograms, etc. More weapon variety would be nice too.

- most of the action isn't taking advantage of some of the more intricate parts of the map, i didnt really see much use of the verticality in the levels. the gameplay was very flat overall, which doesn't do much for making an impressive montage.

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Moon Marin said:

the video was ok but some feedback from me

- some clips seem to start or end at the wrong times, there are lulls between the action in some cases that break the flow of the video

- you only really have one trick. tesla then burst rifle, super shotgun occasionally. would be nice to see more varied gameplay, using other stuff like the teleporter, a well placed frag, holograms, etc. More weapon variety would be nice too.

- most of the action isn't taking advantage of some of the more intricate parts of the map, i didnt really see much use of the verticality in the levels. the gameplay was very flat overall, which doesn't do much for making an impressive montage.

I can agree with the whole flow thing I meant to do that better.

As far as the 1 trick thing I have to say: did you watch the whole thing? Only the beginning is Burst Rifle/Super Shotgun/Tesla grenade. And all I see from most videos is completely single weapon stuff like sniper rifle or combat shotgun alt fire clips. Yes it is my main loadout and I use it a lot, but it's only like a 3rd of the whole montage.

The whole verticality thing. Man literally no one, NO ONE is "taking advantage of the verticality in the levels" in their montages. In single player yes, in multiplayer I have yet to see anyone do anything remarkable with it.

And about map intricacy...that's some weird criticism. I don't quite know if it's really constructive considering my thought process. For me it's not where it happens, just whether it's impressive enough.

Oh well thanks for taking the time I'll work on improving stuff. Don't take this reply in a negative way I really appreciate it man!

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AoKarma said:

And all I see from most videos is completely single weapon stuff like sniper rifle or combat shotgun alt fire clips.

NO ONE is "taking advantage of the verticality in the levels" in their montages. In single player yes, in multiplayer I have yet to see anyone do anything remarkable with it.

The point of a montage is to stand out! Other players may be making similar types of montages, but they don't stand out either. To really make an impressive montage you should break the trend and do something unique! That's my take on it at least. I'll watch the next one you make if you post it here when it's ready :)

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