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[WIP]Mary's Magical Adventure v1.8 - More Graphic Updates

Play the game first; What's your opinion on this game?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Which levels do you like so far?

    • 1-1: Isle Hell City
    • 1-2: Rooftop to Rooftop
    • Special Stage 1 (green)
    • Special Stage 2 (orange)
    • Special Stage 3 (blue)
    • Special Stage 4 (yellow)
    • 1-3: City Street Run
    • 1-4: The Command Master

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Attention: If you're reading this topic to learn more about Mary's Magical Adventure, it isn't the best place to do so, as there are many missing images and negativity. The game has improved since what you'll see here, so please go to the wiki and/or my YouTube to read/see more about this TC! If you want to try out the game, visit the official website to get download links and be better introduced to the game. Thank you. The original post is below.


gDVRZgL.pngMary's Magical Adventure is the newest and best (though very incomplete and alpha) ZDoom-based TC I've made so far!


World of Kirbycraft started off as a machinima series of Kirby Air Ride; I was planning to record me battling random enemies turned into Kirby that represented characters from different series. I got an idea, to add Warcraft 3 characters like Arthas and Uther to it and made it a series of movies with a storyline. The latest part of the series I've decided to make a game, and with my knowledge of ACS and DECORATE, I made it a first person platformer based on GZDoom! Of course, over time I realized how bad Arthas was and scrapped the whole idea; It became Mary's Magical Adventure (MMA), a game where the Warcraft 3 characters are nowhere in sight!

Play as Mary or Xane and make it through four levels, the last being incomplete!

So, what is possible at the moment?


There isn't much that can be done, but choose Mary for the better experience.You can visit these maps using the map command, as with all ZDoom-based source ports:

  • AREA1
  • AREA2
  • AREA3
  • AREA4
  • ARENA1

If you are taken to the first Special Stage regardless of which you pick, set xane_debug to 1/TRUE. I do this so in the final people won't be able to cheat to any Specisl Stage they don't belong in at that point.


Mary starts with all three of her weapons, though in the final she'll only get her umbrella. Set debug_uhammer and debug_uumbrella to 1/TRUE to fully upgrade them upon the next level change. Please disable all debug variables by the final game, though.



Mary's a little girl who usually can be seen around Hell City. After she sees a big figure appear on the horizon, she runs away to find the only weapon that she can find, her umbrella!

Her ability is the Air Dash; To perform it, jump then push the jump button again in mid-air; Mary will boost forward at higher speeds, making changing directions on the water's surface easy!

Her main weapon is the magical hammer (2); Push the attack button to hit whatever's in front of you. She can also (with debug_hammer enabled) do the Hammer Spin by holding alt. attack and Hammer Jump by briefly pushing that button. Doing that in mid-air will give Mary a double jump, the Hammer Puff.

She also has her umbrella (1); Push the attack button to hit whatever's in front of you and press the alternate attack button while on the ground to flatten the enemy in front of you! Hold the button while in the air and Mary will hold the umbrella closer and glide! She can use air currents while doing this.

Mary also has a wand (3). The Flower Wand is her best wand, doing different attacks depending on how much it's charged up! Push alt. attack to switch to the star and shield forms, the latter allowing reflecting projectiles at their shooter and if attack is held, heals Mary, regenerating health in a way.

Mary can cry; Mash the USE button and Mary will become sad and cry for a second, which angers cops and turrets.

As for Xane, he's the same self-insert character from the World of Kirbycraft movies which no one else on the internet will bother to watch for the backstory of what happened before this game! Xane has Arthas' sword as Arthas left it at a crime scene and Xane decided to use it for revenge against him. He also has his own hammer, which is used differently than Mary's hammer; Xane can use the spike on it for extra damage, use it to help control himself on the water, and throw it at his enemies to stun them.


Picture: Green Special StagePicture: Blue Special StagePicture: Building in Hell City

Picture: Hell City's small island during the dayPicture: Yellow Special StagePicture: Orange Special Stage

Picture: The Giant CupPicture: Hell City's small island at sunsetPicture: One of Hell City Police Department's jail cells



This is v1.87's release video because it's the best one I made, but things have changed since it.



If reading on past this, please skip the first couple pages. It was embarrassing how this topic started off. I also removed older screenshots as they were only for those particular posts and wouldn't be re-used in the future.

Edited by Xane123
Basically archived the first post, emphasizing to go elsewhere to read about and download the game.

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What does this have to do with the kirby games? Plus the levels are flat as hell, even for an alpha, I hope I'm not discouraging you, but I hope you'll make better levels and get better at making graphics for the HUD.

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joe-ilya said:

What does this have to do with the kirby games?

Ah, I guess I should've expected this question.

World of Kirbycraft orignally came from an idea I had to record me beating up random "enemies" in Kirby Air Ride years ago. I decided to make an iffy story and add characters from Warcraft 3 like Arthas and Uther to it, but due to limitations, they all had to be differently-colored kirbies.

Yeah, it's an old series I made when I was younger so it doesn't have much logic behind it. The only references to the Kirby series are Arthas being a kirby and his ability to "puff up".

joe-ilya said:

Plus the levels are flat as hell, even for an alpha,

I guess this is referring to Hell City (MAP1); It has a large, empty area but I'm releasing ths incomplete as I build more onto it so filling that area is lower priority until I work on the city. MAP5 has more variation in height (sometimes) but it has too many walls!

joe-ilya said:

I hope I'm not discouraging you, but I hope you'll make better levels and get better at making graphics for the HUD.

It is seemingly worrying when I check and see this, but yeah, the current state of World of Kirbycraft is pretty...empty; Incomplete levels, large empty areas, and...the HUD does look...odd, doesn't it? The original fullscreen HUD is worse than the status bar but I'll have to find out how to improve it; I'm not an artist, but mybe I'll improve it.

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joe-ilya said:

I hope you'll ... get better at making graphics for the HUD.

HA HA (both HUDs made by joe-ilya personally).

Regardless of that, this mod's HUD is nice(-enough), IMO.

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Iknow some levels may seem flat..but the special stages are anything but and not all levels are flat.. constructive criticism is always good as long as its giving in a respectful manner;)
I think its looking GREAT!!I have watched this game from its beginning stages until now and it has come a long way😉.Its amazing to me how you can do all this without any training or former education.I can only imagine what you are going to be able to do once you complete college😁I am so Exited to see how this turns out!! Keep up the good work babyboy...i love u

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@scifista42: Wow, those HUDs. Still, thanks; I myself think the fullscreen HUD could be impoved and the status bar HUD is incomplete, but it's good it's good (enough).

@BamBamBrandi: Yeah, it is impressive what I'm making without college but if I knew eveything about C++, there'll be no reason to try out the other engines then!t the moment, ZDoom and ACS are what I understand though the developers seemingly ignoring my questions (and Graf Zahl not seeing the PM I sent as a last resort!) is the opposite...

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I didn't mean the entire HUD, just the wielding weapon graphics look odd and somewhat gross at time, such as when your face is covered with your freaky hands and the sword wielding isn't excactly how you swing it IRL.

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Yea its hard to know how to do absolutely everything perfectly..most of the time creating a video game takes multiple people who are skilled in individual areas of game development;) iknow you {xman) have never been good at anatomy and drawing characters so maybe someone could give you some help on learning how to draw them or knows of a good software that would help😉
So other than a few areas I think its fab..especially for a first time creator..and you are learning as you go..also kudos😁 dont get discouraged and keep up the good work;)

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Ah...I see; Yeah, my anatomy and movement isn't the best and Arthas' sword slashes barely look like how they should, but I don't think I'm that good at it yet and may be a bit to lazy with how much work it'd require than my current Anime Studio Pro bone animations...

Still, the level design will probably get improved, and...maybe the weapons, but it's unlikely from me...I don't really consider myself an artist.

Also, since threads like these usually have updates, Mary can now squish enemies with her umbrella, though this isn't in any version on the internet yet; I'll release a new version...eventually.

Also, @joe-ilya, here's the reason the first person graphics are...in need of mpovement; I don't spend time making each frame (a suck at 3D perspective/anatomy anyways) and instead I make the frames in Anime Studio Pro:

By the way, I hope people try this out and tell me how...probably bad the gameplay is.

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Constructive criticism is always great like i said but there is a respectful way to go about it..
And this game is in its early stages from a first time game maker and he is doing it all on his own with no money or former education on the art.
Xane you are doing a great job.You have learned so much and i have watched this game being built from the beginning. From character design to the music you have made it all.Most games takes years and many many people to make with lots of years of college under their belt.You will be going to college hopefully in the Spring and then you will be able to learn all the things you are having problems with now.If anyone knows of any good learning software on character design that would be sweet😉So keep your chin up bud.Anyone coming on here to just be negative nancy is just being straight mean and doesnt even deserve your thoughts or reply..People can be helpful and dont have to speak so negatively to others but some are just ignorant and selfish. People like us just ignore people like them. Good luck on your game Angel 😉

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BamBamBrandi said:


You uh

If you're actually not just the OP using a sockpuppet account, you might want to stop this because that's what it really looks like.

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@BamBamBrandi: Thanks, again. Yeah, I just hope someone here dowloads and gives this a try, it just may look odd, especially if anyone's used to Doom and how it looks.

@Arctangent: I don't know how I can prove it, but we're actually different people; If it's because of IP addresses or something, we're on the same internet. BamBamBrandi's my mom.

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No I am his mom ;)lol
N the only thing I am saying is be nice and have a little respect for others and their feelings.So if you cant be nice children then find some other place to exist..Have a good night.

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That last post...it isn't a double-post; it says she doesn't have permission for some unknown reason to delete her own post! Could a moderator come delete the second post by BamBamBrandi above?

Still, here's the newest modifications!

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Wow!!you know that is so kool that you worked on the level to make it less flat and it was amazing to watch all you have to do to make everything..totally 👏👊👍👌

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BamBamBrandi said:

So if you cant be nice children then find some other place to exist..Have a good night.

Just how many pairs of sunglasses did you put on after posting that?

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The forest area now has trees and a new rail texture's used for the "Electric Lounge" as Kirby Air Ride'd call it. oe of these changes are in any vrsion, but try downloading World of Kirbycraft today and let me know what you think one you see more than just screenshots and videos!

EDIT: Currently on my list of changes I've made:


• Fixed two wall jump false positives; To be precise, before when falling off an edge if you'd perform Mary's Hammer Jump or if you crouched while jumping, you'd turn around.
• Mary's crying now won't play the same sample twice in a row.
• Mary now can take a few small hits before crying; However, only two to three punches/bullets are enough to make Mary cry!
• Found unused "GrassCluster" from Doom II: The Monster Invasion and ported its "fading code" to the trees, improving pop-in quality.

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I think it looks great!!
We should definitely put it on a video game site when it complete.
Ir maybe even find a site that people put their work in progress on;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I doubt ayoe here'll download and try out World of Kirbycrat and may not care or it, but no new downloadable version yet.

Still, Hell City has some improvements:

The volcano area is being made as well, but priority is on the transitions between areas for now.

The middle of the city has two of the underground entrances though for now they don't lead anywhere...the underground area, as incomplete as it is, can be found out of bounds.

The "Electric Lounge" as Kirby Air Ride calls it now has four floors; Due to my laptop lagging only two of the floors have unique layouts.

Running on the water is improved; Now you can jump and use Mary's Air Dash while on it, as if it was ground!

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@DMGUYDZ64: Yeah, everyone's voting "No!" and clearly aren't downloading it and giving it a chance.

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