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Best Doom Mappers?

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I am working on sort of an all-things-doom site just for fun but one of the columns will be graphical text links to 40 of the top mappers of DOOM. I was going to find all of the lists I could and pick 40. So far I put hyena just because. The problem is I have found no lists, and was wondering if I could either be steered in the right direction or people's opinions could gather to create on this thread our own 40 list.

Update: screw limitations I can modify it how I need to have more than 40 if necessary, so 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, more, less, or in between. As long as there are a few maps and not just one. Even then if it's good enough I can spotlight that one map as well.

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bzzrak said:

You might want to see DW's "10 best mappers" feature. It's 18 years old, but is still pretty relevant.

Where is that?

In no particular order, I remember these guys(I know more, but I just don't remember at the moment). Including only in Doomworld.

BTSX guys

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Voros said:


Out of everyone else, did you really have to choose somebody controversial?

I'd also have to second skillsaw myself but also Romero as well.

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Right now I want to say Skillsaw, Darkwave0000 and Gusta. They tend to consistently push all the right buttons for me.

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No particular order - just some names:

John Romero - duh
Sandy Petersen - double duh
Bob Evans - think-outside-the-box-kinda guy
Jim Flynn - mathematical masterpiece
Paul Schmitz - classy Doomin'
Sverre Kvernmo - aesthetics
Dario Casali - Plutonia
Milo Casali - also Plutonia
Tom Mustaine - just plain fun
Orin Flaharty - that-guy-who-made-circle-of-death-levels-kinda guy
Jens Nielsen - remember that little red button? Push the little red button.
Iikka Keranen - bridges
Anthony Czerwonka - aesthetics again
Drake O'Brien - 5000-yard hitscanner masterpieces
Jonas Feragen - fast fun hard fun
Andy Stewart - aesthetic Doom
Adolf 'Gusta' Voijta - off-the-grid awesomeness
Denis Möller - the I'm-trying-to-kill-you guy
Thomas Möller - the other I'm-trying-to-kill-you guy
Chris Couleur - Eternal Doom goodness
Paul DeBruyne - makes good Doom maps
Josh Sealy - also makes good Doom maps
Darkwave0000 - also makes good Doom maps
Erik Alm - has made a megawad or two
Alexander "Eternal" S. - has also made a megawad
Anders Johnsen - aesthetic Doom
Kim André Malde - super aesthetic
Brad Spencer - yep

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This would be my subjective list of 40 best Doom mappers: AD_79, Afterglow, AgentSpork, Alfonzo, Archi, cannonball, Darch, didy, Dutch Devil, Ed, Erik Alm, Espi, esselfortium, Eternal, franckFRAG, Gusta, Iori, Jimmy, Joshy, Kaiser, Khorus, Kristus, lupinx-Kassman, Lutz, Mechadon, Memfis, mouldy, MTrop, nicolas monti, Pcorf, rdwpa, rf, Ribbiks, Rottking, skillsaw, SuperCupcakeTactics, Tarnsman, Vader, valkiriforce, Xaser.

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Current mappers I look out for: (in no particular order; definitely forgetting more than a few, apologies)

Dobu gabu maru
Chris Hansen
Doomero (forget numbers at end of name)
Most common ASS participants (wouldn't mind if that series continued)

Really looking forward to AeonDM, some mappers there would be worth a better check for their DM maps.
DoomKid makes some very fun DM maps and his SP ones are good, too.

As I said, there are many others I'm forgetting about, but it looks like scifista got most of them.

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Yeah I think Paul Corfiatis deserves a mention as well, being as active as long as he has been and having made dozens of levels that I personally found were fun and enjoyable.

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40 seems like a strange number. Here's some names I haven't seen listed yet: Malcolm Sailor, Death-Destiny, hmmm.... Ruba?

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Jon said:

Best ever? Best this century? Decade? Year?

...Ever. I want to have compiled lists and info for each of the top mappers. Now that I'm seeing so many I'm thinking of sharing column 2 as well, and could probably have 80 or more :D

Thank you very much for all the names, and I will post progress on this thread as soon as progress is made.

Edit: I am making these lists don't worry, I'm begging not choosing :D I can do all the monotonous dirty work. It's a learning experience about the mappers as well.

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Depends on circumstances

We talking DM or SP?
We talking speedmaps?
We talking vanilla, boom, or advanced port?
We talking sheer ingenuity or mastery of a forumula?

Overall, Id make my top 5 (in no order)

Xaser (32in24-14 map27 alone)
Erik Alm
espi (rest in peace)

Second string goes to Essel, Rottking, AD, Tarnsman and Decay
40oz Skillsaw and Ribbiks also win good style points.

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And 40 was because I had to divide 600-ish by 15 pixels high. I can probably do 10 high for 60, or two columns for 80, two columns 10 pixels for 120. Whtever the case,I can mend and mold it however I need by adding what was going to be larger buttons on column 2 to the bottom of the whole thing and having 50-100.

Memfis was the one I was trying to think of earlier thanks :D

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Probably, there's no truly THE BEST one. We have a bunch of really cool mappers whose are idol for many.

But still, not the best.

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Cacoward mappers of the year and authors of cacoward/10 years of Doom PWADS would be a good place to start.

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CWolf said:

Probably, there's no truly THE BEST one. We have a bunch of really cool mappers whose are idol for many.

But still, not the best.

Don't worry; they will not be numbered.

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