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Anyone else "done" for now?

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JohnnyTheWolf said:

Although I am not a big fan of Painkiller, I had fun replacing the soundtrack with Devil May Cry tracks and pretending I was playing a Devil May Cry FPS.

That is the worst idea ever and I love it!

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Ironically, Painkiller never grabbed my attention for long. It always felt sluggish and clunky to me, and the cluttered level design didn't help.

I love the movement in Painkiller. Of course it involves spamming spacebar to keep bunnyhopping but the feel of it and the speed you can reach is pretty darn satisfying.

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Not done but not playing as much. They need to released the Multiplayer DLC and Update ASAP. I like the Multiplayer, but we need more maps, more mods and a server browser.

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Chickensoup101 said:

I don't know man, Some of their PC copy of Doom didn't crashed... Maybe just your pc?

Not to defend him because his attitude is complete crap but a lot of pc players report daily crashes. Mines does too (not every day - god forbid) and my new pc is only known brand names in its components and I got all of the latest drivers.

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If you want a PvE arena in its pure, distilled form, you should try Devil Daggers. Yeah, it was hyped to death on RPS and other sites a few months ago, and is now already forgotten again, but it's still a cool as fuck little game.

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I have stopped my Dooming until the patch is released. I'm just playing a bit of Death By Daylight for the time being. Thumbs up on the tension...

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Not really. I'm enjoying the new Doom's campaign, and I'm continuing to play it. Plus from what I've been playing so far, I'll probably replay the campaign again and again and again, if only because of how fun it is.

Until SnapMap gets a bit better though.... when SnapMap gets a bit better, I'll probably play more SnapMap.

But at the moment, I'm enjoying campaign.

Multiplayer is pretty fun and straightforward, I'm enjoying the Multiplayer. My only complaint is how OP the Combat Shotgun is. :P

It's STILL really fun though, I can't see how anyone can be done with a game that's as kickass as the new Doom. :3

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Snapmap is great. It took 30-40 hours of failed map attempts, and playing other good snapmaps to get an idea for proper design. Now I have a blast designing my own maps, despite the limitations. The snapmap update in the future is probably just going to keep me hooked.

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not really done with it yet, but my Nightmare run got put on ice for now because i can't figure out how to get past the freeze at the end of Argent Tower. if i knew how, i'd probably keep playing this up unto Ultra-Nightmare since i'm a nutjob.

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tuo said:

Doom 2016 is not a piece of shit/trash. Have you tried to contact bethesda support, sent them the crash log?

I don't know about the game (I just finally got it to run last night after a month and a half) but Bethesda's support most certainly IS trash.

For anyone else having trouble:
I reinstalled Windows. Nothing else worked.

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I found myself going back to Doom 1/2 half-way through my second playthrough. I've played it more since then but not as much as I thought I would.
I think the upgrade system had no place being in this game, either you collect them and the game gets laughably easy even on Nightmare, or you don't bother and get killed in 2 hits or make combat arenas drag on. I didn't like the armour/health upgrade system in Wolfenstein TNO and I didn't like it here either, rather than combat relying entirely on skill it also relies on the developers assuming you got enough upgrades to tank hits while they spam enemies. Same with the weapon upgrade system and its challenges that make overpowered weapons (the gauss canon) even more powerful. The runes break game balance even further, especially the one that makes enemies drop ammo since that means you can spam the gauss cannon and rocket launcher forever and ever.
These are made worse by the fact that it's a Doom game, I don't think it should've ever had a lite character/weapon upgrade system at all. At most, I think the weapon mods carried by the flying robots should've been relegated to secret areas, but I would've gotten rid of everything else related to the combat challenges, praetor tokens, argent cells and such.

Other than that, it's a very good game. There's a couple of weird pacing issues - there's almost no build up to the final boss/level and ending - but I chalk it up to id wanting to be done with this game after all its development issues.

Late Edit: Grammar.

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MrSkeltal said:

I found myself going back to Doom 1/2 half-way through my second playthrough. I've played it more since then but not as much as I thought I would.
I think the upgrade system had no place being in this game, either you collect them and the game gets laughably easy even on Nightmare, or you don't bother and get killed in 2 hits or make combat arenas drag on. I didn't like the armour/health upgrade system in Wolfenstein TNO and I didn't like it here either, rather than combat relying entirely on skill it also relies on the developers assuming you got enough updrages to tank hits while they spam enemies. Same with the weapon upgrade system and its challenges that make overpowered weapons (the gauss canon) even more powerful. The runes break game balance even further, especially the one that makes enemies drop ammo since that means you can spam the gauss cannon and rocket launcher forever and ever.
These are made worse by the fact that it's a Doom game, I don't think it should've ever had a lite character/weapon upgrade system at all. At most, I think the weapon mods carried by the flying robots should've been relegated to secret areas, but I would've gotten rid of everything else related to the combat challenges, praetor tokens, argent cells and such.

Other than that, it's a very good game. There's a couple of weird pacing issues - there's almost no build up to the final boss/level and ending - but I chalk it up to id wanting to be done with this game after all its development issues.

yes great idea, let's just never expand games with cool upgrade systems, let's just stick with the past and keep all its glory

and what are those 3d graphics? doom 3 did that as well, this shitty 3d garbage and we all know how bad this game was - let's go back to the roots

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"Doom 2016 and the rest of the mainline (ie not Doom RPG) franchise shouldn't have RPG-like upgrade/customization systems" = "DOOM 2016 SHOULD'VE BEEN EXACTLY LIKE DOOM 1993"

Ok I guess!!!!!!

Edit: VVVVVVVV Uhhhhhhh.

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Zemini said:

Havn't played in a week. If they remove load outs for SnapMap and MP I will be back.

SnapMap will be getting the weapon wheel from the campaign in the next update, plus a Hell theme and more.

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MrSkeltal said:

I didn't like the armour/health upgrade system in Wolfenstein TNO and I didn't like it here either, rather than combat relying entirely on skill it also relies on the developers assuming you got enough upgrades to tank hits while they spam enemies. Same with the weapon upgrade system and its challenges that make overpowered weapons (the gauss canon) even more powerful. The runes break game balance even further, especially the one that makes enemies drop ammo since that means you can spam the gauss cannon and rocket launcher forever and ever.

I don't believe this outlook is entirely true.

On Ultra-Violence the game is well balanced and you can certainly play through that difficulty with a minimum of upgrades. You can probably put that first upgrade into ammo and ignore the rest if you'd like. Weapon upgrades/Runes are also optional, ignore them if you like or use them if you want.

Putting the game down based on a difficulty designed to be overly-difficult or knocking it for optional systems that you have to choose to participate in don't really hold too much merit, imo. In wolf TNO you might unlock a small handful of challenges just by playing, but most of them you had to go out of your way for and changing to pace of combat to try and unlock upgrades didn't do much for me in that game, so I ignored it and I managed to still have a fantastic time on the "hard" difficulty.

edit : the only weapon upgrade i consider mandatory is the Super Shotgun reload-speed upgrade, who doesn't want to put their shells in a bit faster with that mammoth of a gun? That upgrade feels so good to use.

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Hurt me plenty aswell, i ran out of ammo many times and that caused me to die before finding it, runes were helpful at this point, Quad Damage, Berserk and Haste helped me alot to kill enemies faster, Sometimes i forget the runes were placed there and initiate the lockdown before picking them up and that makes the fights tougher.

I Really needed to upgrade my Rocket Launcher before going to the Last level but i couldn't find that flying weapon upgrades thing (whatever It's called), Same thing for rune challenges .

But for most time the game felt really well balanced and i really understood the need to upgrade weapons,suit and pickup runes before moving to next arenas, they were useful .

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

Hurt me plenty aswell, i ran out of ammo many times and that caused me to die before finding it, runes were helpful at this point, Quad Damage, Berserk and Haste helped me alot to kill enemies faster, Sometimes i forget the runes were placed there and initiate the lockdown before picking them up and that makes the fights tougher.

I Really needed to upgrade my Rocket Launcher before going to the Last level but i couldn't find that flying weapon upgrades thing (whatever It's called), Same thing for rune challenges .

But for most time the game felt really well balanced and i really understood the need to upgrade weapons,suit and pickup runes before moving to next arenas, they were useful .

Yah. I'm playing on Ultra-Violence. It whupped my ass at first, but once I got the hang of it... it wasn't so bad. Granted there are some parts that are pretty hard and some enemies that will fuck you up, but overall I'm enjoying my playthrough. I'm on Argent Facility (Destroyed). :D

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