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List your Doom projects thread


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It would be nice to get a visual of how busy some people are. It may also help Doom mappers stay on task and remind each other what things they are expected to be working on! How many projects are you involved in? How close are you to finished with them? How long do you estimate you'll be working on them?

A thread like this could help people who are interested in starting projects find who might be most available to help them work on it, or if someone is interested in starting a Community project, getting an idea of how generally busy the community is with mapping might help them decide if it's a good time or not to roll it out.

If you are working on a project that is "secret" you may list the title as question marks so as not to reveal it yet. As you work on your projects, update your list by editing your post to reflect the progress you've made. You can use percentages or estimated time to indicate how much of it is done. You may also post other details related to the project if you choose to disclose them.

Here's my list, listed in order of priority

Project Lead

90% Mutiny Community Project
60% Ezekiel

Mapping projects I'm contributing to

85% ??????
60% ??????
30% Cereal Killer
5% ??????
5% ??????

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Shit I'm working on in no particular order:

My Projects:

50 Monsters: so close to being done, just need to do a few things
"Violence 2" (not actual title): not much done yet and I don't want to reveal much, though I will say this: Every map is planned to be a collab, and I need two more people that would be interested in helping out on MAP04 and MAP05 (possibly not actual mapslots). PM me if anyone is interested for more details. I'm looking for people with mapping styles that might work well in combination with mine.
secret: resources exist
secret: resources exist

Things I'm Contributing to:

secret: layout is close to done, starting thing placement as well
secret: layout, thing placement are very close to done (need to do one more area, then difficulty setting everything)
Mayhem 2016: my map has still not been started \ o / but considering the size I have in mind it'll probably only take a few days
possibly other things I'm forgetting about right now

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Plutonia map for Simon666 - 40% (still need to create 2 major areas, some minor ones, complete thing placement for some rooms). Haven't worked on it in like a month, where is inspiration?

That's it. Nowadays I always work on only one project.

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Right now:

AutoDoom - I really want to work on this right now. I want to make it more easily available for people to download.
Eternity - as long as Quasar isn't available and people ask for blatant bug fixes and I'm available.

I also have a dormant megawad for MBF, called Too Evil... I'm considering moving it to Eternity, but that won't help me map better (but I'll have portals, and E1M2 is already a vertical monster limited by Doom's engine). Actually I should really move it to Eternity. If I get active with an Eternity megawad, I'll have more reasons to develop EE.

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Right now:

Darkmoon: This is my main project, along with z0k's, currently making another map, and i have been stuck at it for quite long! hopefully i will be able to finish my map before the month ends and we will release another mapset for it so that people can check it out.

Also i have quite some dormant projects, and ideas... but darkmoon it's taking my free time, so at the moment it's the only one

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- 4 new maps for sd20x7
- 5 new maps for jq2
- 2 new maps for nefertiti, though yakfak practically has a catalog worthy of a megawad tbh :)
- 1-2 new maps for SF3
- an unnamed giant sprawling map of some sort
- a mutiny map
- a revilution map (fuck off, vanilla-compat mapping :p)
- doing some visual stuff to an aeondm map
- about a dozen or so half-complete layouts that may or may not end up in anything
- I also have a couple dozen scans of childhood drawings that may or may not motivate me to make more stuff for znud

my ratio of in-progress projects to actual time spent mapping is getting out of hand.

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-Legacy of Heroes, a new map is almost done
-finishing a map for another project, no spoilers
-Nova III, actually put on hiatus for a while

For the rest I'm planning and preparing for future stuff, and maybe a one-man megawad too.

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Suicide Mission II (WIP) - A Plutonia map inspired from Impossible Mission - much like my first one from Plutonia Revisited only I'm trying to go for something more original with it and not follow the source too closely as I may have with my other map.

Starcove (WIP - thing placement + testing) - Almost done with this map; I'm paying tribute to Ty Halderman who passed away last year by making an Icarus map replacement for the original Starhenge on MAP27. I would have contributed to the THT project but I wanted to work with the Icarus textures, and as far as I know they won't allow for them to be used outside of Icarus unless it's used as a source if I'm getting this down correctly (much like Eternal's Icarus 2015 WAD). Hope to post this one real soon.

???? - very close to getting this out there so I look forward to the announcement. :)

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Okay, let's see..

Doom Beyond (1997-2006) My personal megawad I started long ago, before some current Doomers were out of training pants. I haven't worked on it in a decade now but it's always on my mind.

Bey Deathmatch (2006) While tinkering with the Cajun Bot I had the idea to make 5 deathmatch-only levels to be released with Doom Beyond. I had never done this style before and I think they turned out well, I've only played them with a few friends over LAN a really long time ago, it was super fun.

Nilla 2 (2004-2016) Nilla Doom was originally to be 11 levels, but I released 7 so people would have something to play with full intention of having the rest follow shortly. The original lineup is done, and the rest (map12-20) are in place but need serious playtesting and refinement.

Fist of the Berserk (2012) A small tyson/BFG vanilla set I made just to amuse myself, it has a handful of maps done, I think it's really fun.

Legends of Phobos/Deimos/Inferno (2012) After the high of doing DTWID, I wanted to try my hand at classic Doom1 style maps. This also has quite a few maps in it but little or no monster placement and needs a lot of work.

Anchorite (2010-2012) A huge Boom level I made for CC4. I never included it in that project, it may see the light of day if another iteration on this series comes about!

The Lost City (2006) I made a map for Torn's December Advent Calendar, which was really fun, so I continued that theme into a larger, spooky Lovecraftian style map for Boom. It's really far along but has no monsters and is yet unfinished.

Sigma 7 (2006) A 7-map project with esselfortium and dittohead that I'm passionate about, but it's stalled and has been languishing for some time. I know we'll finish it someday!

UDTWID (2015-2016) I've contributed one map to this to-be-released project.

Okay I think that's it, thanks for reading.

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I start a lot of things...

Cyndrome (Was aiming to make a standalone game similar to Bomberman 64 using SNES-like graphics. Might release...something out of it one day.)

Earth Base MAP09 (MAP07 and 05 are complete)

Autumn Flock

Back to Saturn X E3 MAP?? "Silence before Violence"

MAP20 "Infernal Carrier" (Was like 80% complete before I submitted it. In Xaser's hands now I believe.) and MAP30 "The New Technology"

Hacx 2.0 MAP10? "Anarchist Dream"

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I'm not working on any WADs, but I do have some doom related stuff in the works

1. Drawings of the old doom levels in the art style of doom 2016

2. I'm in the concept phase of a WAD idea I had (a super Mario parody) I need to learn how to map first :P

3. I've been asked to do concept art for Codename: Doom, so that'll be fun to do once I start

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Hold on now, I recall a thread similar to this one already existing... Ah, here it is. Took a small amount of effort to find, but that's having known exactly what to look for.

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* Megadventure 2 for MM8BDM , So far 22 meps r done
* LMS Urban Pack for AD2, 30%, too slow because i'm lazy playing Doom `16
* Sonic Doom Deathmatch , since 2013, i got like 7 maps done, eventhough i announced the cancellation 2 years ago .

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I'm working on 468457 projects, but I would prefer to say some names :


Community projects :


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I like the idea of this thread hehe. I personally think I'm working on maybe a bit too much at once and may (hopefully not) end up getting overwhelmed but, anyhow, here goes:

Main project


"Fortress of Misery" -ZDOOM/GZDOOM

A map I started working on in early november of last year. Previously intended to be part of the DW megaproject 2015 but due to the growing scale of it, I decided to make it a standalone map.

For screens: http://imgur.com/a/3KxvO

For a rather outdated video:

For the actual project thread and well, more info: https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/85358-zdoom-gzdoom-fortress-of-misery-wip-was-a-dwmp15-entry/

Status: Surprisingly enough, it's currently on hold xD. I know, it's kinda weird for a main project but, due to some mapping blocks/lack of inspirations, I decided it would be best to put it on hold for a little while and try working on simpler stuff to get more inspiration. Other than that, it's like 95% done (only have the final encounter to do and well, this is what's been irritating me tbh).

Side Project

"Bunker" (title subject to change) - BOOM

This is more or less my "main" project right now. At least, it's the one where most of my attention is at. It's a map I started working on after I hit a stale point on my fortress map. I decided that instead of just fucking looking at the layout of the fortress map and not doing nearly enough shit on it, I decided to start a new map altogether in hopes of getting more inspiration. Thankfully, it's working hehe.

This map is not gonna be anything groundbreaking, it's just gonna be a fairly standard map in terms of progression and gameplay (Grab 3 keys, open 3 keyed door, end?) but, I'm still trying to make it somewhat exciting by adding some non-linearity, interconnectivity and well some nice combat scenarios (hopefully).

For screens: https://imgur.com/a/NaLFc (I believe the first screen to be the best of the bunch imo ^^)

For a rather outdated video:

For the actual thread: https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/88704-boom-bunker-title-subject-to-change-a-wip/

Status: I got one out of 4 main encounters basically done, 3 to go hehe. Layout is, I'd say, 70%-80% done.

Other secret projects


A map that I started sometime in the beginning of this year. Will not come out anytime soon (will first get rid of my 2 major projects and other potential future stuff).


Some sort of sequel to a map I made a few years ago.

Anyhow, that's about it. 4 ongoing maps (fml...) with about 1 of them being actively worked on (the boom one). However, I guess I set my priorities right so I don't end up dropping any of these hehe.

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The projects im working on right now:
Innocence X 2 - 74% complete

Resident Evil inspired HUD - 90% complete

Innocence Alpha - 2% complete
-- It will have some RPG elements similar to strife so its gonna take a while to get finished.

Unnamed powerslave-ish project - 3% complete

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franckFRAG said:


3 Heures d'agonie 3, Necromantic Thirst, what does TN stand for? I'm always eagerly awaiting the cool projects that seem to come out of the french community :)

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Guest Unregistered account

15Fragger - a 15 map Vanilla Duel pack which is being released to celebrate my 15th birthday, despite the fact that I had my birthday on May 22nd.
Oh, and the challenge is: there are only 15 sectors in each map. ;)

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Ribbiks said:

3 Heures d'agonie 3, Necromantic Thirst, what does TN stand for?

Thirsty Necromant.


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Ribbiks said:

3 Heures d'agonie 3, Necromantic Thirst, what does TN stand for? I'm always eagerly awaiting the cool projects that seem to come out of the french community :)

Tangerine Nightmare, an 8 maps project with a metal/orange hell theme. There was Wilou, JC and Datacore on it as well when I last looked at their progress.

Edit: gotta add that I find this title way too cool.

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This is pretty cool. Lots of fun projects, I'm tempted to fill my plate with projects to contribute to and help finish!

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Going to ask JC because I want to know as well. I played through SiH recently and really loved some of its maps.

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kuchitsu said:

What about SiH2, does it still exist?

I wish to reinvest the maps for a new project, less restrictive. I keep always your map! Btw, you are free to make a new map for 3HA3 :)

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Wait, I feel like I misunderstood what SiH2 was refering to. That's what missing out on the community for years does to you.

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Kira said:

Wait, I feel like I misunderstood what SiH2 was refering to. That's what missing out on the community for years does to you.

You have been too long absent :) SiH2 was an idea of mine, but I quickly understood that it's difficult to resume the style of SiH. That's why I prefer to make a new project, with more freedom.

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