ZeroMaster010 Posted June 26, 2016 I figured I'd take the difficulty of the new doom a bit further, by skipping every single upgrade on ultra-nightmare. From the video description: "No upgrades are: - No weapon upgrades - No armor upgrades - No runes - No argent cells (first cell is forced) And no glitches\sequence skips, as that would make it trivial. - No weapon upgrades does a lot less damage. - The armor upgrades are very useful for preventing massive damage from barrels and self rockets, and also missing faster weapon switch as well as more effective powerups\grenades. A single barrel or a face rocket can end your run very quickly. - No runes will not allow me to grab runes like for example saving throw which gives me a second chance, rich get richer which gives me infinite ammo, or equipment powerup which allows me to get armor from the siphon grenades. - No argent cells gives me a lot less health, armor and ammo. I can't afford to lose my health from the mega health powerups later on, as I can't go over 100\50 from pickups. The lack of ammo makes it very important to be aware of where the ammo pickups are and not to waste the chainsaw ammo." I would recommend giving no upgrades a try if you want to up the difficulty a bit, for example you could compare my gameplay here to my previous UNM run ( and you'd see that it's a bit more fun this way (instead of gauss spam on all the later levels). Movement and ammo management becomes much more important. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deatheye Posted June 26, 2016 Holy shit dude that's so awesome :D I always believed in you :O Too bad KingDime lost interest in it :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
antares031 Posted June 26, 2016 That's even more impressive than glitched speedrun. +1. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted June 26, 2016 Zero Master - Proffesional Doom Player, that should be your custom title 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chezza Posted June 26, 2016 Well that's about it. You achieved the ultimate Doom 2016 achievement barely anyone else will ever achieve again relatively close to the game's launch. What's next? Win the Campaign in ultra Nightmare with only the Pistol? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AnonimVio Posted June 26, 2016 Damn dude you are a fucking machine designed to rip Doom apart. Great job. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dime Posted June 27, 2016 On 6/26/2016 at 12:45 AM, Deatheye said: Holy shit dude that's so awesome :D I always believed in you :O Too bad KingDime lost interest in it :D Expand I didn't lose interest in it, just got really interested in dead by daylight. I know you're probably kidding around but you would be surprised at how quickly people think you've completely quit a game on twitch if you do other things for a week. Either way zeromaster's restrictions are even more strict since he's not allowed to use argent cells. Pretty ridiculous! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HorrorMovieRei Posted June 27, 2016 Hot damn, you delivered again. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chickensoup101 Posted June 30, 2016 Seriously dude, you should be in SpeedrunnersARCHIVESDA! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
massivefanofdoom Posted June 30, 2016 No argent cells means low health and low armor and low ammo max capacity. No runes means for me, -no saving throw so compounds the low hp / armor issue -no vacuum so gotta get real close to get pickups -no ammo boost / rich get richer so really gotta be economic on ammo and make sure all the hits get in and you are using the right tools for the job every single time. Way less bfg ammo gained after level 8 overall, so way less aoe dps potential and you will get out of oh shit situations easily much less. No praetor is also crazy, you cant heal with powerups and they last way less. Equipment like grenades is underpowered at endgame and takes forever to recharge. Barrels, environment and rockets become very damaging. Area scanning can be ignored since this is not about secrets. You will swap weapons and mods and grab ledges slower, which has an impact in crowded arenas. No weapon upgrades is just crazy. Lots of slow reloading, less aoe and directly less damage on a lot of weapons. Makes the job waaaaaaay harder. In short, you are one of a kind. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ZeroMaster010 Posted June 30, 2016 Thanks everyone! I definitely won't be doing any pistol only or something like that, not necessarily because it's too difficult (though it probably is), but mainly because it would be very boring :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
massivefanofdoom Posted June 30, 2016 On 6/30/2016 at 8:05 AM, ZeroMaster010 said: Thanks everyone! I definitely won't be doing any pistol only or something like that, not necessarily because it's too difficult (though it probably is), but mainly because it would be very boring :) Expand I have a question, are you using keyboard or gamestick/pad? Because how do you pull off that gauss-rpg-shotgun combo so quick? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
methy Posted June 30, 2016 I've beat UN difficulty and thought I was done with the game but this actually inspired me to try a no-upgrade Nightmare run. It's actually quite fun as it forces me to use very different tactics and to manage ammo carefully, but I wouldn't be quite ready to do it in UN yet as I've reached Argent Tower and died 3 times already. Although in Argent Facility ammo wasn't a problem, between the supplies of Chainsaw gas and the ammo boxes, you should always be near max. Plus, I think that if you enter and exit a Rune challenge world, it resets the ammo boxes. Thanks for the idea though! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MrGlide Posted June 30, 2016 On 6/30/2016 at 9:56 AM, methy said: Thanks for the idea though! Expand you're welcome. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ZeroMaster010 Posted June 30, 2016 On 6/30/2016 at 9:42 AM, massivefanofdoom said: I have a question, are you using keyboard or gamestick/pad? Because how do you pull off that gauss-rpg-shotgun combo so quick? Expand keyboard + mouse of course! just make sure to bind your weapons to keys that are easy to reach. On 6/30/2016 at 9:56 AM, methy said: It's actually quite fun as it forces me to use very different tactics and to manage ammo carefully, but I wouldn't be quite ready to do it in UN yet as I've reached Argent Tower and died 3 times already. Although in Argent Facility ammo wasn't a problem, between the supplies of Chainsaw gas and the ammo boxes, you should always be near max. Plus, I think that if you enter and exit a Rune challenge world, it resets the ammo boxes. Expand I died several times myself when I did it on nightmare without upgrades after completing UNM, probably not too far off from how many times when I did my first playthrough of the game. I had some really bad ammo problems at a couple of points later in the game, even in one of my earlier UNM attempts (the area before the hell guards). The mastermind fight can be a problem if you waste the BFG's too. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MrGlide Posted June 30, 2016 On 6/30/2016 at 9:42 AM, massivefanofdoom said: I have a question, are you using keyboard or gamestick/pad? Because how do you pull off that gauss-rpg-shotgun combo so quick? Expand it's called reload cancleing, on keyboard your weapons are assigned to the number pad, so fire gun1, and as your firing press the button for gun 2. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
massivefanofdoom Posted June 30, 2016 On 6/30/2016 at 11:20 AM, MrGlide said: it's called reload cancleing, on keyboard your weapons are assigned to the number pad, so fire gun1, and as your firing press the button for gun 2. Expand thanks and thankyou zero master for the replies. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Caffeine Freak Posted July 1, 2016 I remember during one of the SP pre-release dev streams, the guy from IGN said 'I wonder who's gonna be the first person to do Ultra - nightmare, without dying, without doing any upgrades at all', and Marty said something like 'that would be quite a feat'. I guess now we know. Good job man. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomguy #876 Posted July 6, 2016 I think the most impressive thing is that he didn't CTD. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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