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Chaingun-Pistol Sound in ZDoom

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Can someone tell me how I can change the chaingun sound of chaingunners to that of the pistol? I read that ZDoom supports this feature. Thanks.

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rchowrc said:

Can someone tell me how I can change the chaingun sound of chaingunners to that of the pistol? I read that ZDoom supports this feature. Thanks.

You can merge the PSX sounds with your Doom2.wad with Deepsea.
That's what I did (with the music.wad too) and it's awsome to play
PC Doom with PSX atmosphere !

Click F7
merge-import Files and Pwad/Combine Pwads
Open target (doom2.wad)
Add Lump file (your psx sounds wad or/and your musics wad)
Save all files
You must overwrite all the sounds.
It works, enjoy !
(after that, your wad reach about 61M...)

You can have a PSX sounds wad and PSX music wad on Elbryan42's site

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I tried importing and renaming the pistol sound lump into zdoom.wad and then a sound pwad but it doesn't work. Can you tell me exactly how to do it?

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rchowrc said:

I tried importing and renaming the pistol sound lump into zdoom.wad and then a sound pwad but it doesn't work. Can you tell me exactly how to do it?

You must do that in the doom2.wad I guess, not the zdoom.wad

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You need to make a lump called SNDINFO. This is just a simple text file that you import as a lump. Export the one from Zdoom.wad if you are not sure of the format.

In your SNDINFO you need to add the entries that will tell Zdoom which sounds to use for the weapons you want to change. The ones you are asking about are:

weapons/pistol for the pistol and weapons/chngun for the chaingun.

You need to add your own sound lumps to a WAD, and then set up your sndinfo to point to them. So, if you put 2 sound lumps into a wad (we'll call them MYSND1 and MYSND2) you could set things up like this:

weapons/pistol MYSND1
weapons/chngun MYSND2

Note, you should not copy the entire original SNDINFO from Zdoom wad, you should just put in the modified entries you want. The sndinfo lumps are cumulative, so Zdoom reads its own sndinfo and then adds any changes based on what is in your own one. Using the whole SNDINFO in an add on WAD causes problems as some entires need to be in the Zdoom.WAD only, and nowhere else.

This will not work with Zdoom 1.22, you need the newest Zdoom version.

SNDINFO can be used to change a great many sounds, including things that were impossible previously, like making SSGuys, Spidermaterminds and Shotgun Guys all use different attack sounds, or defining sounds to be placed into DEHACKED patches over and above the limited number of sounds possible in Doom, or defining ambient sounds...


Ack, I just noticed you were asking about the chainguy, not chaingun. My bad.

Oh well, I'll leave the other stuff up as it may be useful. In Zdoom, you can still do this by creating a SNDINFO lump.

Make a text file that reads:

chainguy/attack dspistol

and then import it into a WAD as a lump called SNDINFO.

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rchowrc said:

Can someone tell me how I can change the chaingun sound of chaingunners to that of the pistol? I read that ZDoom supports this feature. Thanks.

I made a DeHackEd patch that made both the pistol and shotgun use the double-barrel shotgun sound. It worked, but the single-barreled shotgun didn't sound like a shotgun anymore. ;)

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