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DoomNess - Part 1 & 2 / New levels - Feedback wanted


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I have completed and published DoomNess Part 1 and Part 2. Both maps have been tested and are fully functional. You can check out the complete play through of both levels in the videos below:

DoomNess - Part 1: The Awakening

DoomNess - Part 2: The Darkness

These maps are very hard to complete. I created these maps to challenge players by overwhelming them with enemies while completing objectives. I am starting part 3 of this series and I will continue to create more content in this series, as long as I can come up with new ideas. Please post your comments below if you have tried out these maps.


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Will give a shot and review later. Will edit this post once i've given my run through it!

Edit: Gave it a run. I really want to like this map, i do. But there's just one glaring issue with it...

Gameplay: 3/5 - I always had this sense of urgency throughout playing this map, and I like it! The ticking down score system definitely makes someone want to rush this map as hastily as possible. Although once the hellknights tackled in, difficult really skyrocketed. Also just two guns. Come on…
Difficulty: 1/5 – One life runs aren’t my cup of tea, and that REALLY hampers this map. I like the gameplay and map aesthetics, but the one-life rule forced me to glory kill every possible enemy just to get ammo/hp! Also just shotty and burst rifle? That isn’t good! The farthest I got was to the baron, and I WAS REALLY PUMPED, TOO.
Map Design: 4/5 – I don’t know much of this map, but of the three times I play it, each time had the fires rechange my direction of traversing the map. That was damn neat! Even the green core changes places!
Sound: 4/5 – I was far too rushed to understand what VEGA was saying, but the fact I got some info of what he was saying is good use of sound! Also music! Great!
Uniqueness: 4/5 – Burning building ship, great use of POIs, and a map that implements a feeling of rush! Nice stuff!
Technicality: 3/5 - One life battles are never fun. It needs some serious life mechanic in there, cause I dislike reloading maps all the time. Also the fire insta-kills (but i only ran to that one wall of fire in the beginning cause i'm a dumbass). I don't know if the rest of the fire hazards do the same, but i kept my distance from them. But otherwise, no bugs is always good!

I'm gonna play this map again and WILL BEAT IT. But the one-life run WILL annoy me to no ends. Sucks me and a good amount of others on leaderboards are 0 to completing this map

THIS MAP NEEDS A LIFE SYSTEM OF SORTS. let it deduct 1000 points every through, or have limited lives, cause one-shot runs just, to me, SUCK. And this map IS GOOD. It just needs THAT, and i'll play this again and again for sheer fun!

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Thanks for the review Potatoguy. We are supposed to be receiving campaign support in the next update, so I am hoping this will resolve the 1 life issue by allowing players to restart the mission in game. There are a lot of different elements in this map that can't be reset or would require more network (which I do not have) to reset.

As for only 2 weapons available in this map, these maps will be episodic and you find new demons/weapons/items in later episodes (part 3 is more than halfway complete.)

I want the difficulty to be very high. I thought about nerfing the difficulty, but that would take away from the panic feeling you get while playing. The 1 life system also gives you that feeling of panic.


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A good amount of maps (my own included) have a life system implemented in with the use of player proxy's and an interger! It really only takes at max .20% memory to implement. I don't think ID needs to put a life system in since it's already been workaround with logic strings.

Now, about part 2...
Gameplay: 2/5 – Some nitpicks I ignored last map are now complaints in this one: health and ammo. It SUCKS HARD that the only way to get them from enemies is by glory kill only (or from one-time boxes) THIS SEVERLY damages the gameplay since it’s a one-time runthrough. I really hate that the guns kill the enemies 80% of the time instead of leaving them poised for gloriousness.
Difficulty: 2/5 – Just like last map, the one life thing really hampers this map.
Map Design: 4/5 – Still a great looking map, with the same positives I had with the first part.
Sound: 3/5 – VEGA got a bit more irritating this time, I don’t know why. But good music/use of sounds nonetheless.
Uniqueness: 4/5 – The greatness of the last one sticks with this one. Burning ship, good POI usage, all that good stuff!
Technicality: 3/5 – Again, the one-life problem. Try a life system, or at least a continue system of sort. This map is much more difficult than the last, and the glaring issue with glory kills being the only way to get HP/ammo really makes this map unfortunately less fun than the previous.

A continue system, such as "play again, but with 1000 score loss, will REALLY improve the replayability of this map. Its a great map in concept! But to me, the one-shot run just damages this map more than it benefits it.

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Alright, looks like you are going to convince me to add a life system. It is easy enough to also add health and ammo drops on regular kills, maybe increase the amount you receive on glory kills only.


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You can input a life system, but if you wish to keep the one-life run, you can insead go for a "continue option" sort of logic. Where when the player dies, theyre taken to a room to either continue (but lose score), or quit.

That would give the player incentive to try again and again as i have, but try each attempt better. Cause you know, scores.

Also the health and ammo got bothersome cause only glory kills can give it. How about have it that any kill gives ammo, but not health. Or vice versa. It would still make glory kills a needed action, but wouldn't dampen the playing experience. At least when a player kill enemies, they'll get ammo. But to geat HEALTH, they'll need to go the extra mile and get them glory killed.

As you mentioned, you want to keep this map one-life run, and that can be done with a continue system. I can help you out on programming such a thing, if you need to! The first map was excellent except for the thing i mentioned. Hopefully this helped in giving you advice on what can be improved upon. I'm not a master critic; maybe other's will have a different take on your map.

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