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Where do demons go when they die in Hell ?

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Demons are spawned so I assume they just die. The game doesn't allude to them having souls or even a higher form of consciousness than that of a beast.

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Hell's Hell. Doom 5 has you dealing with an invasion from Hell's Hell, which sets up the mission pack's campaign of fending off demons from Hell's Hell's Hell.

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They go to the one place those who sin too much for even hell deserve as a fate: Doomworld. Where their forever torment is to endure threads like this one.

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Detroit. For a more serious answer, I guess their souls go to some deeper level of Hell since they no longer have a living body and the way the Archvile works is simultaneously calling back the soul while repairing the damaged vessel, obviously it doesn't work on vessels that are too badly damaged (Justifies the boss enemies not capable of being revived, they pretty much explode).

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Arctangent said:

Hell's Hell. Doom 5 has you dealing with an invasion from Hell's Hell, which sets up the mission pack's campaign of fending off demons from Hell's Hell's Hell.

Mhm, Makes sense, I thought they go to some Wierder location like Super Hell or something, k thanks .

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rileymartin said:

Better yet, why is hell full of well-trained and heavily armed former humans?

Well trained? Heavily armed? OK, chaingun dude maybe, sarge maybe up close,but zombie is a joke. Maybe that's his punishment...

Also, dead demons are simply resting. Actually, they are pretty grateful to Doomguy or whoever allows them to lie down and rest, after spending an eternity jogging in-place and roaming bad maps. The Archvile is actually an asshole for making them rise again.

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Well trained my ass, they look at you and fire whatever gun they have. Shotgun Sargents may get lucky and happen to be up close when they fire sometimes but it's not like it was a deliberate tactic. They're simply possessed humans.

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Strangely enough, when the zombieman is in close range he cant hit the broadside of a barn, and yet, he can be on the other end of the map and pick me off with deadly accuracy. That is hellish in it's own right.

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rileymartin said:

Better yet, why is hell full of well-trained and heavily armed former humans?

That's where space marines go when they die. They're not nice people.

Demons don't go anywhere. Their digital souls explode, releasing an invisible cloud of depleted electrons, some of which lodge in your monitor's silicon guts and eventually cause component failure, starting with a rise in the dead pixel count. If you're really unlucky, a dead electron overload will fracture the display controller and release its magic smoke.

Moral of the story is - killing demons is bad for your monitors health. Try playing pacifist instead.

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GreyGhost said:

Moral of the story is - killing demons is bad for your monitors health. Try playing pacifist instead.

That's why Doom is best enjoyed on a CRT: those dead electrons just end up splattered on the phosphor coating, which can resist the impact of live ones.

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Swine & Roses said:

The lucky ones get reassembled as revenants.
The unlucky ones get pinned to the wall as decorative items.

That'd actually be kinda interesting from a lore perspective, now that I think about it...

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They go to a different dimension where they roam around until an IoS spits them out again or the Archvile revives them

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They don't go anywhere. You can clearly see their bodies staying in one place. Lost Souls and Pain Elementals explode into dust.

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TheNerdTurtle2 said:

They respawn on earth or mars, then when they are killed they respawn I'm hell. It's a never ending cycle

That's the Chevalier Vampire idea from Heavy Metal magazine!

HorrorMovieGuy said:

They respawn. Nightmare difficulty is cannon.


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Maes said:

That's why Doom is best enjoyed on a CRT: those dead electrons just end up splattered on the phosphor coating, which can resist the impact of live ones.

The trade-off being prolonged exposure to low level x-rays.

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GreyGhost said:

The trade-off being prolonged exposure to low level x-rays.

TCO'03 my friend, TCO'03 ;-)

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