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Disabling Marine NPCs in Brutal Doom

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Alright, I am going to assume discussing Brutal Doom is allowed here, unlike on ZDoom.org.

Does anyone know how to disable rescuable Marine NPCs in Brutal Doom and revert them back to Invisibility power-ups? I know such feature was announced for v20, but I am not sure if it has been ultimately included and I do not know of a good way to get in touch with Sergeant_Mark_IV.

Thanks in advance.

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Here is a mutator that can be loaded with BD to replace the marines with Invisibility Spheres. I remember the option being there before, as well as one for disabling screen cracks and the like, but now they're gone and need aditional .pk3's to activate. Enjoy playing Doom the way it's meant to be played!

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Thanks! Where did you find it? I remember there being a mutator restoring the invisibility sphere before, but if memory serves, it was not working with v20.

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Googled "brutal doom invisibility" and it was the top result with the file in the last comment. :P I first tried the "bd_blursphere" command but that didn't work, then got that file.

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