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GZDoom 2.1 : OpenGL driver not accelerated!

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So, I've just downloaded GZDoom 2.1. I try to start it, and it tells me

OpenGL driver not accelerated!

And ceases startup.

I've tried the other copy posted on the release thread for it, and downloaded the 1.9.whatever one. That says the same thing, tries to switch to the software mode, shouts "You must restart to change renders!" at itself, and then gives me a very fatal error.

I'm running Win 10 on a HP Pavilion. The computer originally had Windows 7, was then restored using a restoration disk to remove some awful viruses, and the upgraded to windows 10. That was over a year ago, though.

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You probably haven't installed OpenGL drivers. The drivers that come from Windows and Windows Update do not support OpenGL, you'll need to go to your chipset maker's website (Intel, NVIDIA, AMD...) and manually install the driver.

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But I was able to run GZDoom 1.0.5 just fine. I do have openGL drivers.

EDIT: Just used GL extensions viewer. It reports that I have GL version 3.1, which should be able to run 2.1, right? At least, it sure as hell should be able to run the 1.9.whatever one. I'm just not sure how, or what "OpenGL driver not accelerated!" means in this situation.

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What video card does your system have? The older Intel ones cab be pretty hit and miss. Also, not all games will work with a card that doesn't always have Hardware T&L, even if the driver formally reports that it supports OpenGL 3.1 or DX11.

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Windows 10 + Intel? There's a very nasty and incredibly stupid bug in Intel drivers where they refuse to work with applications that report to be compatible with Windows 10. The only fix is to use a this tool to patch gzdoom.exe to remove the mention of Windows 10 compatibility from its manifest, and then it will work.

Just place it in the GZDoom directory, open a command window there (shift + right click) and run "wtfi gzdoom.exe". Alternatively, drag and drop gzdoom.exe on wtfi.exe, should work too.

And yes it's a really nonsensical bug and there's a reason the patching utility's name starts with WTF. But it's entirely Intel's fault, not GZDoom's.

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That sounds useful, but suspicious. I won't run it until I get confirmation that that executable does as it's described.

You have the source code to it available if you want to check it out yourself and compile your own build; and the person who made it is the author of the port of GZDoom to Mac OS X. I'd trust him.

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  • 6 years later...
29 minutes ago, Stefan said:

is secure? 

Do you even need it? I mean, this is a topic from 2016 for an old version of GZDoom (unless you are using that version specifically).

Either way, given the nature of the program, I believe it shouldn't steal or encrypt anything if that's your concern. You should checked the diagnostic on the SecureAge row to see what it tells you.

EDIT: just a confidence score based of a machine learning algorhythm. Nothing to worry about

If you are using an up-to-date version of GZDoom (4.10.0 as of now), have you tried running it on Vulkan? If your gpu supports it of course...

Now in spanish/ahora en español:


¿Siquiera lo necesitas al programa? Digo, es un tópico del año 2016 para una versión vieja de GZDoom (a menos que estés usando esa versión específicamente).

De todos modos, dada la naturaleza del programa, quiero creer que no debería de robar o encriptar nada si eso es lo que te preocupa. Deberías revisar el diagnostico en la fila de SecureAge para ver que te dice.

EDIT: solo un sistema de confianza basado en un algoritmo de machine learning. Nada de lo que preocuparse

Si estas usando una versión actualizada de GZDoom (4.10.0 en este momento), has probado arrancarlo en Vulkan? Si tu GPU lo soporta claro...


Edited by Drywtler

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  • 3 months later...

Yo, new here, btw im having the same problem with the lastest version, how i can change to vulkan or another hing?, im spanish too but, yeah better make this more comfortable to the others


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4 hours ago, Carl said:

Yo, new here, btw im having the same problem with the lastest version, how i can change to vulkan or another hing?, im spanish too but, yeah better make this more comfortable to the others

Your GPU must support it. If it doesn't, it can't. It should be in the launcher when you are about to launch a game (Direct3D/OpenGL/Vulkan) where it tells you to select an IWAD, or in the Video Mode > Preferred Rendering API setting if you are actually in-game. (If you're using the Spanish translation, I don't know what those are, sorry.) I think the latest GZDoom needs Direct3D 9, OpenGL 3.3, or Vulkan 1.0, but before too long, OpenGL will be deprecated entirely, and Vulkan will be considered the main renderer.


If you don't know what your GPU is, the best thing to do is to download GPU-Z and paste screenshots of all the tabs. That will let us know what your GPU is capable of supporting.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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can i show something like, the properties of my pc? like, ill leave them here just in case

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That one's an ultra-low end first generation OpenGL 3.0 GPU. If you want to start GZDoom on that you will have to use the GLES backend, but even then there's no guarantees. On that generation successful startup is somewhat hit and miss. You may have to consider using the latest LZDoom if nothing else works.



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