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Think this game will get a sequel or is this it for another decade and a half?

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I know it's too soon to be talking about sequels, but I can't help but wonder if this is just a one time thing for the Doom series again before id really needs money again and fail at another IP. Because I think Doom deserves to be continued. I don't think it needs another game right away, but hopefully we can see a future for the series before the next generation starts.

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Wolfenstein: The Old Blood came out a year after The New Order. Pretty sure we'll see an expansion of DOOM within the next year or so, too.

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I have a feeling this new iteration of id software will be cranking out games at a slightly higher pace than times of old. If it's just rehashing their old stuff or maybe (heaven forbid) a new IP, we'll see.

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Wolfenstein: The Old Blood came out a year after The New Order. Pretty sure we'll see an expansion of DOOM within the next year or so, too.

But id didn't make The New Order and Old Blood, did they?

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I doubt Bethesda bought id Software with the idea of only releasing one new Doom game in the 2010s. If there's one thing they like, it's franchises...

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GeorgeCostanza94 said:

I know it's too soon to be talking about sequels, but I can't help but wonder if this is just a one time thing for the Doom series again before id really needs money again and fail at another IP. Because I think Doom deserves to be continued. I don't think it needs another game right away, but hopefully we can see a future for the series before the next generation starts.

I expect a new Doom game ASAP. ZeniMax paid good money for id and they're looking to make a healthy profit off of it. Expect more Doom games/DLC soon, and expect more milking of the core id IPs (Wolfenstein, Doom, and Quake).

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Linguica said:

I doubt Bethesda bought id Software with the idea of only releasing one new Doom game in the 2010s. If there's one thing they like, it's franchises...

Even within the confines of the Classical Dooms, there's definitely still room for expansions. They haven't even hit all of the Doom 2 roster, yet, and, though he makes a cameo appearance, there's no proper fight with the Icon of Sin. Personally, I hope any remake of the Icon of Sin fight has him as a proper demon since they're no longer bound by the limitations of the 2.5-D engine. Maybe have him as a colossal demon whose upper torso is sticking out of something, not entirely unlike Doom II RPG.

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looking at bethesdas prev. tactics, Jumping back and forth between two ips seems like what they consider a sweet spot, It looks like id will be jumping back and forth between quake and doom. We're not done with doom yet but I'm sure we'll see another doom game by 2022. Wow that's really weird to type out.

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I really hope, if they do Quake, it'll be Medieval Castle themed like the Original. The whole Strogg with Marines thing, while it was a nice gap between the Doom games, it felt too much like Doom for comfort. If you want to play as a bad-ass marine with a mixture of bullet and energy weapons against cybernetic equipped monsters, that's what Doom is for isn't it? I think they should make Quake its own beast with an emphasis on Gothic style. Hopefully not as rushed and messy as Quake I's development was, either. If anything, it goes well with Bethesda's style. You've got one that's more modern/futuristic styled and another one that's more Medieval Fantasy.

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on the single player front I agree, but quake champions seems quite like q3 already so i think singleplayer will be taking a back seat, unless they have machine games work on sp, which would be very cool. I wonder if that's what that new ep they made was hinting to or if it was just a nice treat.

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It could always do both, have a more Quake 3 styled multiplayer with a Gothic Architecture styled Single Player. Little gameplay elements like jump pads can be hand-waved as fantasy magic as Quake was intended to be about.

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MrGlide said:

looking at bethesdas prev. tactics, Jumping back and forth between two ips seems like what they consider a sweet spot, It looks like id will be jumping back and forth between quake and doom. We're not done with doom yet but I'm sure we'll see another doom game by 2022. Wow that's really weird to type out.

2022? Ummm by the end of this year you mean. Do you wish i commit suicide?

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massivefanofdoom said:

2022? Ummm by the end of this year you mean. Do you wish i commit suicide?

What? How did you even get statement?

Strangely, i also think we'll get a Doom game in 2022.

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@massivefanofdoom, you do understand these games take in insaine amount of work right? 2022 is 6 years away and id will be working on quake champions, if they dont mess with anything else 2022 will be a bit early if anything. We'll see but I'd very suprised if we have to wait another decade.

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MrGlide said:

@massivefanofdoom, you do understand these games take in insaine amount of work right? 2022 is 6 years away and id will be working on quake champions, if they dont mess with anything else 2022 will be a bit early if anything. We'll see but I'd very suprised if we have to wait another decade.

Cant they have 2 sub teams? I mean that cliffhanger endingg is dead obvious for xpac or sequel, if xpac i doubt more than a year wait. It's not like they arent working on mp dlcs already. This franchise alone with the new lore has the potential for at least 2 sequels and 1 or 2 prequels, 5-10 years for each game = brb /ing wrists

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MrGlide said:

@massivefanofdoom, you do understand these games take in insaine amount of work right? 2022 is 6 years away and id will be working on quake champions, if they dont mess with anything else 2022 will be a bit early if anything. We'll see but I'd very suprised if we have to wait another decade.

It shouldn't take a competent game studio six years to put out more single player content for this game.

If we don't have an expansion pack by next year, then we've got a problem.

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Thats if they do a single player expansion like the old blood, and that would be with them not working on the current doom mp dlc, and the announce Quake Champions. You guys seem to think games just fall out of studios's asses, especially ones of this quality. If you think a true sequel would come in anything less then at least 3 years your delusional or ill-informed.

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Yeah, with Unto The Evil and Quake Champions in the works, I think we might have to wait quite a few years for Doom 5. I bet around 5-6 years. AAA titles nowadays take over a hundred of people on staff, cost tens of millions of $USD (if not over a hundred), and are made in at least 3 years. It is a miracle that Doom 4 got completed after over a decade of development, and double miracle that it is of such quality (just look at Duke Nukem Forever for a daily reminder of what we easily could get instead). Needless to say, I am more than satisfied with things for now. id needs not to rush, as far as I am concerned.

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shotfan said:

id needs not to rush, as far as I am concerned.

Exactly. id rushed the original Doom 2 and most of it is terrible. I hope that they can deliver an outstanding sequel for an outstanding game.

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GeorgeCostanza94 said:

You're very clever.

Thank you! I thought so myself :P

Anyway I feeling they have more than just one core team making Doom and Quake. I'd say they have two rather decent sized and skilled teams working between the games consecutively to get the most work done. Either way I can't wait for both. As long as we don't get Quake 3: Overwatch..

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MrDeAD1313 said:

Thank you! I thought so myself :P

Anyway I feeling they have more than just one core team making Doom and Quake. I'd say they have two rather decent sized and skilled teams working between the games consecutively to get the most work done. Either way I can't wait for both. As long as we don't get Quake 3: Overwatch..

Very much hope so. id absolutely does need to cower before Blizzard. Quake Live may not do too well these days, but copying Blizzard and their fancy to mix everything they can grab to cater at wider audience (talking about World of Warcraft here, but Overwatch seems similar judging from its ads - sorry, not interested in doing actual research) cannot succeed anyway, because anyone interested in such games will not leave Blizzard. id was from beginning more focused on minimalism (albeit I am not familiar with Commander Keen), which I find welcome against Blizzard's hodge-podge glut style. Just do not sully the Quake tradition, and id may have a chance to make another excellent installment (that attracts enough Quake fans for them to get profit to boot).

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MrGlide said:

Thats if they do a single player expansion like the old blood, and that would be with them not working on the current doom mp dlc, and the announce Quake Champions. You guys seem to think games just fall out of studios's asses, especially ones of this quality. If you think a true sequel would come in anything less then at least 3 years your delusional or ill-informed.

No need to get personal, this is the only forum I have avoided confrontation so far and you seem like a nice guy.

All Im saying is, can't they have 2 separate teams? Is it out of the realm of possibility?

And an expac (not a sequel) will not need a new base and engine, it's 'just' adding more levels. I know the thread title is sequel, but I think it was put in place of more sp content. We can agree that doom 2016 was a bit short, 13 levels including the intro.

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Almonds said:

Didn't Tim Willits say that Q:C was gonna be free to play?

Ouake Live had been free once, but not anymore. I guess Q(5)C will be the same way eventually, becoming payable at some moment, or maybe featuring premium accounts. Otherwise it just does not add up - why to make an absoultely free game (from developer's/publisher's standpoint)? They are not a charity after all.

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