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Inspirational WADs

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Because I'm still struggling with motivation, I've decided that perhaps looking at some WADs for inspiration on what I can do with my current levels design-wise might help.

Does anyone know of any good WADs that might help? I use GZDoom, in case you're wondering.

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HEROES.wad (random 90s maps megawad) and SCYTHE.wad

also there's this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDgq-ne3xsk so I guess also Dimensions of Time/DOT.wad

I suppose also look back at what you think are your favourite WADs

EDIT: oh and think about the kind of map you think has never ever been made before so you want to be the one that hits all the marks you specifically want if that works for you >~<

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Pretty much any skillsaw maps will get me in the mapping mood, Valiant in particular. Seriously he makes amazingly good looking maps.

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I agree with Scythe, like Plutonia it has inspired a lot of the best PWADS made.

I also find D2TWID inspiring for how much it squeezed out of IWAD level simplicity of Map design and also for the surprising rare throwback to Doom 2 style gameplay which seemed to be lost pretty quickly in PWAD evolution.

The BTSX series is also an obvious inspiration for pushing limits and for map design even discounting the vanilla limit.

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Doomkid said:

Doomkid said:

My earliest WADs were Doom City, HELLRUN, Area 51, Bermuda, Doomed 2 Die and DROPDEAD. I'm missing a couple but I loved all that shit pre-2000 and still play them once in a blue moon.

Oh I also had Simpsons Doom and DBZ Doom back then which I'm sure everyone has seen by now.

All of this stuff definitely had an impact on my approach to mapping and modding, great wads overall.

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MAP 09 of Doom 2 is my ever-present inspiration =P Eternal, epic2 and ALT are important to me too and they all add up to say, "Make the layout that makes sense to you, not necessarily to anyone else!"

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