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Watched Lawrence of Arabia last night - it's been many years since I'd last seen it. Love the cinematography and the visual storytelling. Did this after watching a couple of older David Lean films for the first time last month "Great Expectations" (1946) and "Oliver Twist" (1948).

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The movie best known as the breakout role for Marlon Brando, the method actor, as well as the phrase "I coulda been a contender".


Fans of the anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure will no doubt recognize the above actor's last name, which is shared with one of that series' main villains Dio Brando.

Edited by Master O

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David Cronenberg's The Fly


*sigh*... I really did not like it. The script was extremely dumb, it's pretty much just schlock and I find it hard to believe he made it after Scanners, Videodrome and The Dead Zone. 

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Got covid for Christmas, spent a week lying around watching Ghibli. I don't have a strong affinity for japanese pop culture, but I was in awe of their excellence and thoughtfulness.


I also rewatched the Matrix trilogy before seeing the new one. I'm happy to find that I like the Wachowskis more and more as time goes on. For my taste, I found that on this last viewing I don't even find Revolutions much more wonky and bloated than Return of the Jedi (which I also like), and the things that make them unique are even more appealing to me after many years.

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Nixon (1995)


best film I've seen in some time, and probably the only biopic I've seen at all that seems to actually have an interest in experimenting, the whole thing's got a surreal and dream-like quality to it, the editing was definitely the best part to it, which obfuscated whether what you were seeing was actual fact or just an old man's fractured memory, which is very fitting in the post-modern age, in fact for 1995 it felt very ahead of its time with its emphasis on a highly divided national identity and a lack of a clearly identifiable truth, but I'm not an analyst, I'm just a guy who likes watching movies, and I liked this one.

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Last film I watched was "Twister". I just never get sick of this movie. My brother and I wore out the VHS when we were kids lol. Now we got it on DVD and don't have to worry about that anymore. I just love this movie, it's nearly the perfect film. I also love how the side plot of the two main characters doesn't drag the film, but enhances it in a way. 

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw Max Payne with Mark Wahlburg. Max Payne is based on a video game by Rockstar games. It was a pretty good movie overall, but some of the plot was a little more twisted than your run of the mill thriller/suspense movies...Psychologically intense, that's it. It wasn't bad, or anything. The atmosphere was good...you could watch Disney movies if you want to lighten up a bit; An edgy cop thriller movie, Dark and Moody.


Watch it.





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By most recent film, you mean that it was out yesterday or that I saw it yesterday?

Ha, I’m reading the comments: the second choice of the alternative.

Then, I saw Psycho yesterday.

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Spiderman: No Way Home


Deserved the hype and then some. Dafoe and Molina were the highlights in a movie already packed with very strong performances. One of the MCU's best for sure.

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Did a Tarantino double feature last night with Django Unchained and Inglorious Basterds.


Even though Django had 15 minutes more run time, it felt MUCH more snappy than Inglorious, maybe I've just been sort of disappointed by the way Americans (and others) have created Nazi-related media but Inglorious felt more like a fantasy, it didn't help that there was a super-serious BJ Blazkowitz type character in there as well which added to the ridiculousness of it all. Some scenes in Inglorious dragged way too long- I get that it's Tarantino's style but they dragged in a way that did not feel beneficial to the plot.


Django on the other hand, while the coarseness of the language took me a bit by surprise, served its time period setting well- it's a brutally honest look at American slave trading and if you're uncomfortable watching it, it did its job. Jamie Foxx did a phenomenal job as Django.

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I'm not that much of a movie watcher, but I recently watched all five parts of Death Wish with Charles Bronson. Yes, the uncut version. It's pretty good, I especially like the more violent gore scenes. I kinda don't like part 4, it feels like a glorified anti drug movie with guns.

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I rewatched Hellraiser, and followed it up by finally reading The Hellbound Heart in one sitting. I am particularly interested in the changes made in the adaptation to another media form, especially given I'm currently doing something like that with Devilman Lady. 


It's interesting to think, really, that the Cenobites and in particular Doug Bradley as the lead Cenobite (as he is credited), was seemingly what people attached to, and thus is pretty much what all of the sequels concern themselves with. But the original story is minimal, focused, about its human characters. A horror story about lust which are personified by the Cenobites. They are the least interesting part of it in some respects, yet nonetheless are the main source of Clive Barker's creativity in the narrative. It's no wonder they never really knew where to take the story, there's not really anywhere to go without changing things away from the original core of The Hellbound Heart. But making the Cenobites into demons/generic monster villians was very uninteresting as well.


So for the remake, I'm curious if it will be concerned with adapting The Hellbound Heart, which I think could be interesting to reconsider today, but more likely they'll probably just make something they can more easilly turn into a franchise, and the effects will probably be CG and way less impressive.


Because the effects in Hellraiser, as grotesque as they are, are still quite incredibly to watch now, in particular Frank's "rebirth".

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On 2/13/2022 at 1:30 PM, Major Arlene said:

Did a Tarantino double feature last night with Django Unchained and Inglorious Basterds.


Even though Django had 15 minutes more run time, it felt MUCH more snappy than Inglorious, maybe I've just been sort of disappointed by the way Americans (and others) have created Nazi-related media but Inglorious felt more like a fantasy, it didn't help that there was a super-serious BJ Blazkowitz type character in there as well which added to the ridiculousness of it all. Some scenes in Inglorious dragged way too long- I get that it's Tarantino's style but they dragged in a way that did not feel beneficial to the plot.


Django on the other hand, while the coarseness of the language took me a bit by surprise, served its time period setting well- it's a brutally honest look at American slave trading and if you're uncomfortable watching it, it did its job. Jamie Foxx did a phenomenal job as Django.

Largely agree with your assessment of Inglorious Basterds. Although I do really like that one scene where the protagonists wind up playing the sticky note game with a Gestapo officer.

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On 1/18/2022 at 10:06 PM, Kokoro Hane said:

Last film I watched was "Twister". I just never get sick of this movie. My brother and I wore out the VHS when we were kids lol. Now we got it on DVD and don't have to worry about that anymore. I just love this movie, it's nearly the perfect film. I also love how the side plot of the two main characters doesn't drag the film, but enhances it in a way. 

lol, that was a really great film. 


Last film I saw, I think was Matrix Resurrections.  It was okay..

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Uncharted. Yeah the Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg video game movie. As a fan of the video games I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Yes the casting was weird, but in a weird way it kinda worked. No the prequel aspect doesn’t make a lick of sense since we already saw how Nate and Sully met in the 3rd game and Nate was supposedly 13 during those flashbacks and in the movie he’s supposed to be the same age as he is in the game (I think). 

The story is decent, action is fun and it’s never boring. I never once thought I wasn’t watching an Uncharted movie. It’s definitely an Uncharted movie for sure!! Is it perfect? No. Enjoyable? Sure!!




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  • 2 weeks later...

I watched the first 30 minutes of Wayne's World, stopped, walked a mile in the rain on a pitch-black night, and bought a bottle of red wine which I then took home and drank in its entirety to make watching the remaining hour of Wayne's World bearable.

Edited by Cammy

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19 hours ago, Cammy said:

I watched the first 30 minutes of Wayne's World, stopped, walked a mile in the rain on a pitch-black night, and bought a bottle of red wine which I then took home and drank in its entirety to make watching the remaining hour of Wayne's World bearable.

Dear lord, are you okay?  L-o-v-e that movie!  Game on!

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The Batman


I think I loved it. 


I certainly really liked it. Batman is one of the major comic book properties that can still draw me in, that I still can like a great deal, and this was a strong effort; kinda blatant in its inspirations but can't fault the execution. I'll be paying attention to anything Matt Reeves is involved in if he continues to make DC movies, he demonstrated probably the strongest understanding of the character even more than Nolan, and certain the Nolan movies were the best ones up till now. This maybe borrowed too much from The Dark Knight to fairly say it's a better movie but it was comparatively strong. 

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