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Most recent movie you saw

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Last film I recently watched, not a new film, but my brother and I found for cheap on DVD "Dante's Peak" which is a film we had not seen in years. I remember when our parents rented it from Blockbuster when we were kids (or was it Warehouse? It's been so long I can't remember, one of the two rental stores lol). My brother hardly remembered the film at all whilst I still remembered bits and pieces. Anyway, was fun watching the film. The action and special effects were neat and aged very very well, the behind the scenes were cool, it also generally had a lot of neat and emotional moments, but the flow of the story itself did feel choppy in places. Like there's a lot of good vignettes strung together haha. Overall though, still a good movie, and I liked how they tried to lean toward a more realistic portrayal of volcanoes. It's amazing how they made all that ash look like real ash, and yes, that is realistic that volcanoes will spew that much ash.... I know because I have a friend in Indonesia where, a few years ago the nearby volcano just spewed ash one day covering the entire town. It was just caked and everyone was warned to stay indoors, so from her dorm window she showed a picture and it looked insane. So when I saw that depicted in "Dante's Peak" I was like "yup, that's very realistic!"

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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I watched two movies today, a rare occurrence.


The first was The Kite Runner. I read the book a long time ago while working a crap job with tons of down time. One day a few years later I saw it in the bargain bin at Dollar General and thought "oh, there's a movie of that" and bought it. Then it sat in a drawer for years because I rarely have a goddamn moment to myself, forget two hours. It was very good, but I'd still recommend reading the book first.


The second was Blade Runner 2049, with a similar story behind its purchase. It was still wrapped in its cellophane until today.


This was a damn good movie. I'm still processing it. It's a rewatch by default, it was so fucking good. I can't even

Edited by Megalyth

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Stone, with Robert Dr Niro and Edward Norton. Sad movie about what out preconceived notions and our mistakes and guilt can do to us

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Billy Liar, it looked similar to another film I watched a couple months ago, Fade to Black so I decided to watch it. It was ok, not brilliant but not terrible either. I also watched The Most Dangerous Game today, the acting is laughable and the dialogue is also not that great but it passed the time for an hour and for a film made in 1932, it still kind of holds up.

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Watched Paprika for the first time in 10 years.  Lots of fun, trippy and sometimes unsettling but also a far cry from how trippy and unsettling Japanese animation can be.  The similarities between Paprika and Inception have been discussed to death, Nolan has never been secretive about the inspiration he drew, and both are great films with their own voices in spite of all that.  I love animation in general and that combined with Paprika's whimsy and totally insane soundtrack mean I probably like it a bit more, but I haven't seen Inception in an even longer time so who knows.  Point is Paprika is a great movie and y'all should watch it

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw Old by Night Shyamalan.

The pitch is crappy, the story is crappy, the end is crappy.

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watched the new texas chainsaw massacre movie with @Kuro_mahoh



i cant tell you how excited i was when the annoying main character got her head sawed off at the end of the movie


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I saw The Summit of the Gods (a French anime based on the Japanese manga series of the same name by Jiro Taniguchi) about the Everest and some of its climbers wannabe. Nice, the jargon is rightly used… but one of the character should not have fallen from a stand. It’s not possible.

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I liked it a lot. It uses a science-fictional high concept and a low budget, but the great performances, the creepy ending, and its fake-out towards being a "puzzle box" movie like Primer, really endeared me to it. Watch it if you like horror that doesn't try to gross you out or shock you with killers and ghosts popping into the frame.

Edited by Mr. Alexander

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4 hours ago, Mr. Alexander said:



I liked it a lot. It uses a science-fictional high concept and a low budget, but the great performances, the creepy ending, and its fake-out towards being a "puzzle box" movie like Primer, really endeared me to it. Watch it if you like horror that doesn't try to gross you out or shock you with killers and ghosts popping into the frame.



Whoa, that's crazy! I just saw that movie! I'm not so certain my opinion's as positive as yours (though that might just be because the premise is like, shaky) but I guess it's one of those Amazon recommendation thingies.

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Cool World (1992). Movie about relationship between real man and animated character.

Sometimes I wanna live in this world where everybody is cartoon. And sometimes thinking about love with an animated character.

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  • 2 weeks later...
49 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:


Did you enjoy it?

I have to go back to it some day. I did watch it not all that long after it was released, but young me didn't deal well with the glacial pace.


Yes, I enjoyed it.  Just remember that Memories of Murder is a murder mystery, after all, so you should expect the pace in that kind of a movie to be a bit slow.  This isn't a Jackie Chan movie, you know.  :D 

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4 hours ago, Master O said:


Yes, I enjoyed it.  Just remember that Memories of Murder is a murder mystery, after all, so you should expect the pace in that kind of a movie to be a bit slow.  This isn't a Jackie Chan movie, you know.  :D 


Yeah, I'm also twenty years older now oh god what so I think I'd give it a fair shake these days.


4 hours ago, Piper Maru said:

Just finished watching Antlers.





First half of the trailer had me thinking it's gonna be one of those "the child is the real monster" type deals, but I think I could enjoy this. What'd you think of it?

Edited by Daytime Waitress

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Last night The Green Mile was on TV so i gave that a geez.


It was very good, my only nitpick is...


at the very end when Tom Hank's character goes on about living for an unnaturally long time and watching everyone die. I know the idea is that Coffey gave him a bit of his powers when he touched him but it was just a bit of a dissatisfying note to end on. I reckon it would've been fine if the movie ended right after Coffey's execution. 


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4 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:

First half of the trailer had me thinking it's gonna be one of those "the child is the real monster" type deals, but I think I could enjoy this. What'd you think of it?

I really liked it! A very interesting take on the Wendigo lore.

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Some utterly idiotic pseudo horror thing from 2000 called Island of the Dead. Pure, undiluted gabage, I loved it.

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On 8/20/2022 at 7:36 AM, Piper Maru said:

I really liked it! A very interesting take on the Wendigo lore.

Speaking of which, I came across this essay about the creature's unfortunate commodification by pop culture.


That is not to say that you are wrong for liking its depictions (I happen to like Until Dawn very much myself), but it is an interesting read.

Edited by Rudolph

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