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I saw Dune (part 1) recently.

It's hard to say how good this film is because it heavily depends on how good part 2 is, which is unreleased yet. OR maybe that means this part 1 film isn't that good, but I don't know. I can say the visuals are very good though. It is on the slow side. One thing that bothers me is that this 2021 Dune film somehow manages to do less story building in 2.5 hours than the 1984 Dune film did in a single hour. For example, if you watched the 2021 Dune film without reading the book, you wouldn't have any idea what a Mentat was.

Edited by RDETalus

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  • 1 month later...

 I saw "Black Eagle" with Jean-Claude Van Damnmnemnnmnnmne...how do you spell that? Oh, right, Van Damme. Pretty Good. The ending is a real surprise for fans of Van Damme. It has pretty good fighting action, but not as much as you would expect from Van Damme movies like "Bloodsport". There are elements of romance, family, politics, and foreign espionage. Not too spoil too much of the hit, this movie has BOATS. It's a real good cold war classic. Who knew it would all come to the end, eh?


If you like the Cold War, Spies, Van Damme, or light fighting, watch this one.


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My wife and I saw the new Dune, Part One out at the theater last night. We were quite impressed. Not too impressed with the performance of the person playing Lady Jessica - she seemed a bit two-dimensional. Fortunately, her character will have a bit more to do than stand around and look weepy in Dune, Part Two. I felt like Dr. Yueh's part wasn't played up enough prior to his betrayal of the Atreides family. However, we both agreed that the character of Paul was well played, if maybe a bit underbeefed.


We're looking forward to Dune, Part Two. Can't come soon enough for us.

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Saw Conair with a couple of my buddies a few weeks ago. Super fun and over the top film, that I'd highly recommend, and although I'm usually indifferent towards Nicolas Cage films, this one was really fun. 

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Dune Pt 1 in IMAX. Some of the best visuals I've seen since... Well, the last Denis Villeneuve movie that I watched in IMAX. Favorite visual director of this era, undoubtedly. Some other people said it was too "part 1" feeling plot-wise, for which I somewhat agree. Thankfully, part 2 has already been greenlit.

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Both the last film I watched and the most recent film at the time was Suicide Squad back in 2016.

I remember the taste of the food I was eating more than I remember the movie if that says anything.

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And I must say I was pleasantly relieved. At first, the previews had me pumped. Then the chatter made me nervous. By the time I sat down in the theater, I just didn't know what to expect. I had reread all six of the original novels in the lead up to this, so my expectations were high. Long story short; I liked it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw "Aftermath" with Edward Furlong. An interesting movie about nuclear apocalypse -- Pretty good writing and casting, coupled with good make-up/effects made this movie really shine. I recommend watching it.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I woke up around 2am so to kill some time until I could fall asleep again, I watched a movie called "We Need To Do Something".


I have incurred permanent, irreparable brain damage from viewing this "film" and if you have Hulu, I would seriously recommend uninstalling it and burning any devices that it may have been installed on so that you are never, ever tempted to even think about participating in this merry-go-round of stupidity. I can't even imagine how this was greenlit.


Christmas is ruined forever.

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On 11/9/2021 at 9:57 PM, JustCallMeKaito said:

Both the last film I watched and the most recent film at the time was Suicide Squad back in 2016.

I remember the taste of the food I was eating more than I remember the movie if that says anything.

I've never seen it, don't really intend to either. I'm not big on the whole superhero genre in general, so I really have no desire to watch it.


What I do remember about it, was that I was working at Toys R Us at the time, and the number of Harley Quinn posters that I saw stashed around the, behind boxes and what have you was impressive. I wonder how many of the posters actually grew legs and decided to walk out to some kids bedroom.


Anyway, the last movie I watched was Die Hard With a Vengeance, never watched it before. It was okay. It seemed like either Bruce Willis was getting kind of tired of playing John McClane, or he really wanted to get into character and he actually was extremely hungover every day they were shooting. Samuel L Jackson was very enjoyable though, as he always is. It wasn't bad, wasn't great. I'm not sure if I even want to watch Live Free or Die Hard. I probably will though, at some point.

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I saw the first "Smurfs" movie for the first time. Casting some Smurfs that you know and some Smurfs that you don't, Neil Patrick Harris plays a believable guy who lives in his believable world. Not to spoil what happens, but basically you either like the Smurfs or you don't.
 The casting is good, and the scenes look bright and modern. It makes a fine children's show; The mystery of what Mom and Dad do at work, etc. This film has a real positive story about good guys doing something good earns a reward.


I'm a long-time fan of the original children's show, and I say watch it.

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8 hours ago, Eurisko said:

Scrooged. An absolute Bill Murray classic. 

I really should watch this again while it's kind of still Christmas time. It's a great movie, I really don't think I've seen Bill Murray in a bad movie. Well, except Garfield. 


He said he agreed to it because he thought Joel Coen, of the Coen Brothers fame, wrote the script. It was written by Joel Cohen. Not the same person.


Otherwise Murray has a pretty great track record.

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2 hours ago, Jello said:

I really should watch this again while it's kind of still Christmas time. It's a great movie, I really don't think I've seen Bill Murray in a bad movie. Well, except Garfield. 


He said he agreed to it because he thought Joel Coen, of the Coen Brothers fame, wrote the script. It was written by Joel Cohen. Not the same person.


Otherwise Murray has a pretty great track record.

Bill is one of my all time faves and yeah, give it a another go - well worth your time.


I heard that about the Garfield script. Quite funny when you think about it.


Try and find a film he did called ‘Quick Change’ an absolutely awesome movie. 

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Spider-Man: Far From Home. I thought it was a pretty fun, fan-service-y movie. The user reviews are preposterous, though. According to Rotten Tomatoes, it's ranking higher than Schindler's List, The Godfather, Citizen Kane, etc. Don't trust the internet about movies, folks.

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saw a few this last days.. 

Don't Look Up (Netflix original) - pretty funny and kinda depressing on how real it feels, probably heartwarming if you have one of those things. 


Matrix Ressurections - It feels like a Matrix movie, although it could be a bit heavier on the action. How much you'll enjoy it depends on both how much you like the first three movies and how much "meta" you can stomach. I personally liked it and thought the meta was well justified in movie. 


Dune, part 1 - a really pretty movie, follows the plot from the book quite well, while still removing a lot of.. clutter. Waiting for the second part with hope and some fear, hoping it won't take them too long to make it. (saw Dune 1984 immediately after, for the hundredth time or so, and still like it better, despite the deviations from the book) 

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Just saw Matrix Resurrections


Strange movie, but I liked it a lot. It’s for people who like the philosophizing in the original trilogy. Action fans will be disappointed. The movie feels like a fairy tale, but maybe that’s the entire point. It has some visually powerful and clever scenes as well.

Edited by RDETalus

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Den Blomstertid nu Kommer, or "The Unthinkable" according to whomever translated the title. I can't speak Swedish and even I know that's probably a stretch, if not blatantly incorrect. Fucking Americans and their stupid movie titles.


Anyway, it's a decent drama thriller about a chemical attack against Sweden that causes rapid-onset dementia. It didn't blow my mind, but it held my interest until the end, which is a goddamn sight more than most movies these days can accomplish. 

Edited by Megalyth

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2 hours ago, Megalyth said:

Den Blomstertid nu Kommer, or "The Unthinkable" according to whomever translated the title. I can't speak Swedish and even I know that's probably a stretch, if not blatantly incorrect. Fucking Americans and their stupid movie titles.


It's not a translation of the Swedish title at all. The Unthinkable was picked as an English title before the movie was even filmed.

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20 hours ago, Jaws In Space said:


It's not a translation of the Swedish title at all. The Unthinkable was picked as an English title before the movie was even filmed.




You're stepping all over my bit. Where has the humor on Doomworld gone? I knew the literal translation before I posted that, because I have the power of Google Translate. I would have thought that my comment about "fucking Americans" would have been quite obviously humorous as I am, in fact, an American.


I've joked about including a disclaimer on my posts, but now I'm seriously considering it. I luv ya Jaws, please relax that trigger finger just a bit.


I started watching the latest Mortal Kombat last night, but I was too tired to care. Somehow it managed to retain that 90s cheesiness while updating the special effects to modern television quality. What really ruined it for me is the 60 frames per second (or maybe higher?), it makes everything look like a soap opera. If there's a setting on the TV to change that, I couldn't find it.

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