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Rewatched the Disney/Walden Media adaptation of Prince Caspian last night (and I actually had watched it again the week before). Now originally, when it first came out (I still remember seeing it in theaters) I wasn't very fond of this film because of certain aspects that really veered off the book. I liked it, but not as much as I could have, and even now I still think it would've been a better film if there were certain things fixed and certain stuff shown that would've given more context. BUUUUUT, I wanted to watch it again without a critical eye, seeing what they got RIGHT, as well as things I liked about it whether it was in the book or not, and honestly  I appreciate this movie more than I used to. There were lines on it that were really touching, and it is truly a story about losing faith and finding it again. I even came to appreciate a few of the changes because they were still explored in a way that fit Narnia and its themes, so I gotta give props to the screenwriters for that. Overall, despite some of the veering, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had originally felt toward it, and I still think it's a good movie and adaptation, I just wish we had more scenes with Caspian and Cornelius because a lot of context is lost if you don't know the books, and also....



I still don't care for the whole Susan/Caspian pairing. That did not happen in the books and was just totally cheesy in this thing, but props to the screenwriters for not making this a main focus, it really was a very small subplot and doesn't quite affect canon since, well, Susan can never come back to Narnia again anyway. So at least the silly kiss was a "goodbye kiss".


But yeah, overall, this film is among one of my favorites. It might not be as good as the previous film, but a worthy sequel and I do love the darker themes because honestly, Narnia (even in the books) can get pretty dark so to see it on screen was interesting. I never hated it when I saw it in theaters, I did like it, but again I let the problems with it affect how I felt toward the movie more than I should. 


Also fun fact.... I notice a certain DOOM sound effect used a lot in the battle scene lol. Makes sense since DOOM used a lot of stock SFX, but it was still fun to spot as a DOOM fan!

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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For shits and giggles, I got together with some friends over Discord and streamed Battlefield Earth. Yes, the horrible "definitely not Scientology-related" sci-fi flick with John Travolta. I was expecting it to be miserable but we were all laughing our asses off at all the terrible decisions, horrible dialogue, and awful effects. It was a terrible film by all counts but it was a hilarious, idiotic mess I'm even amazed anyone made with a straight face.

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Again with rewatching a film with less of a critical eye, after a long while watched the Walden Media adaptation of Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I literally had only watched this movie like twice years ago, and I kinda originally hated it... not completely, and upon my rewatching of it I.... I don't love it, and I still find it a bit disappointing due to its huge potential, but I gotta give credit where credit is due because there were so many lovely things about this movie it was a shame it turned into a narrative mess during most of the middle (this one really veered off the book in some sections).


Let's start with everything I loved about this movie;


- The film had an excellent, strong start! I especially loved the scene when they stare at the painting and it starts to come to life and suck them in, that was a visual delight!


- Eustace's character was spot on! He is such a terrible little brat, and I found myself laughing at his log entries. They were perfect, and whilst a bit changed up, are on par to what he would write in the book. Nobody wanting to buy him when they were captured by slave traders was the most hilarious scene!

- The Dawn Treader looked absolutely beautiful! They truly did a lovely job at bringing this ship to life!

- Reepicheep comforting a crying Eustace-now-turned-into-a-dragon was heartwarming and a great way to show the start of a friendship, since Eustace initially hated Reepicheep since he hates mice

- When Lucy ripped a certain page from the book of incantations and you hear Aslan's roar, and he calls out her name, it gave me chills. And whilst what they did with this scenario of Lucy doing things she should not with this book was a different approach in this movie compared to the book, I understood it made more sense in a movie adaptation with the route they went, with Lucy feeling inadequate to Susan's beauty and wishing to be her... the scene when she casts the spell and her reflection changes, and she briefly sees a world without her existing, when Aslan appears in the mirror and tells her that she wished herself away, and not to doubt her worth... it was beautiful

- The film has a strong ending! Literally brought me to tears, happy tears. First off, for all of the film's veering off course, I was gushing with happiest when my absolute favorite line from the book (and probably the entire series) was kept. I literally thought this line would be dropped, but to my pleasant surprise, when Aslan tells Lucy and Edmund they could no longer return to Narnia, there it was..."in your world, I have another name, you must learn to know me by it" breath-taking. And then of course seeing Reepicheep's dream fulfilled as he sails away into Aslan's country, and then Eustace's ending log entry as a completely changed person, saying when his cousins left that he missed them with all his heart. 

- I love how the end credits shows the original illustrations from the books



Now let's start with everything I disliked about this movie;


- The film starts to fall apart with the introduction of the green mist. To be fair, if done right, this addition--since related to Dark Island--could've been used in a more interesting way but it was just so cheesy and a weak attempt to have a "villain" when there wasn't really any villain in this story, it's legitimately just an adventure story about finding lost lords. But then they had to add finding 7 swords to bring together to defeat this cheap mist and ugh.... I hated it so much, it really ruined the film for me. Like the beginning was so perfect! This whole plot device is responsible for so many things wrong with this entire movie.


- Eustace being a dragon for so long. I honestly would not have been so objected to him being a dragon just a bit longer than in the book, but this was dragged out for far too long, which also diminished the meaning of Aslan turning him back (which, when he finally does, is kinda squeezed in during a sea serpent battle they moved over to the climax, and so there really isn't focus on this important moment for Eustace, it's more of an after thought almost....)

- Oh speaking of sea serpent.... yeah.... that battle with the sea serpent being moved near the climax, that in itself would've been fine... the battle was pretty cool... if they had not messed up other things, such as Dark Island itself.... which was a mysterious and awful island Aslan destroys himself when they got caught up in it, but in here, it only gets destroyed when the 7 swords are brought together (and this is where the "green mist" originated from, and again, I would not have hated this added plot device if they knew what they were doing with it, but it was such a mess it was like they made things up as they went along but not entirely since it was entangled with things in the book, like trying to shove it in and shove it in poorly... yes I just hate this green mist... and why is it only the swords brought together can "destroy" it? It made this feel like some generic fantasy lol)

- The musical score for this film is very weak. It sounded like generic fantasy music. Not bad, but there was no memorable track, aside from the one when they arrive in Aslan's country which is of course a softer rendition of the score we've come to know these films by (so yes that song was fine, everything else was... just so generic... un-Narnia like)

- The magician, Coriakin, not only has lessened screentime, but it was left out that he was a former star, but was stripped of that position by Aslan as punishment because he did some form of transgression. What that was, we don't know, but it would have been an interesting tidbit to learn that this was an ex-star. 

- The retired star, Ramandu, was not shown

- And also there wasn't enough screentime, I felt, with Ramandu's daughter, whom Caspian will later marry! This would have been a perfect time for there to be chemistry between the two, like in the book you felt a subtle connection so by The Silver Chair you are not surprised when you learn he married her.... but here, you get like this one little scene where she says "if my appearance is distracting, I can change forms" and Caspian quickly says "no!" (at the same time Edmund does). That's about it.... this is precisely why I was frustrated with the whole Susan/Caspian thing in the previous film since it takes away from the fact he married the daughter of a star, and when we finally get to meet said daughter of a star it just felt empty

- The quality of this film.... varied. It did not feel has cinematic and epic as the previous two (sometimes it felt more like a film straight to streaming). It's sad because it had a very strong start AND end. But all the bits in the middle varied in quality. I admit some of the middle parts were well done, like Reepicheep comforting dragon Eustace, and Lucy's struggle with her self-worth, but everything else was all over the place and it felt like the film wasn't sure where it was going with its plot. I also found it odd Edmund was struggling with what Peter did in the previous film. It was handled well with Peter, I thought, but with Edmund it just felt off. The acting, too, whilst mostly really good, at times felt stilted and forced, like it was being rushed to get done sometimes... one big example is when Lucy in a mind prayer calls for Aslan to help them during the nightmares of Dark Island, and then light bursts through... the way it was cut felt too quick, and it just seemed cheesy...

- There's two characters added that add nothing to the story



So although I loved many aspects about this movie, and the beginning and ending parts were great, it all just gets really messy in the middle. Some of the changes really mess with the plot and at times undermined key moments, so whilst this film isn't terrible, it is quite a disappointment, mostly for what it could have been.... a great adventure story. I don't mind some changes, and I know you can't do a 1 for 1 adaptation from book to film, it just doesn't work. I loved The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe since it stayed close enough and the little changes and rearranging made sense, and some changes and additions I actually appreciated because it enhanced the experience and kept the spirit of Narnia. Even Prince Caspian upon a non-critical rewatched did the same, and at least with their changes and additions, was done so in a way that made sense to the narrative and still felt in the spirit of Narnia as a whole. 


Anyway, I still enjoyed the film, but it just feels lacking (an epic sailing adventure reduced to a generic fantasy by the middle), like it could've been something more. I guess my final consensus if that I have a lot of mixed feelings about the movie. Even so, props to all they did right, and the strong, emotional ending. 

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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Watched Kingsmen: The Secret Service for the umpteenth time. Loved it just as much as the first, with the exception of the truTV censoring. It's a much better movie uncensored.

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After commenting in the thread about Russia possibly cutting off access to the internet, and mentioning Come and See, in regards to how horrible War was. I watched it again last night. And it's as absolutely horrible, haunting, and soul crushing as I remember it. 


It's not one of those movies that you can watch a clip of and get the gist of it. And I couldn't find a full video of it. But anyone who's reading this should watch Come and See. There are plenty of clips, but they don't do it justice; you have to watch the full movie.


It is part Soviet propaganda, that's to be sure, but it's a very human story. A young man, wanting to rise up and defend his country, and seeing atrocities committed against his family, neighbors, and country. But he never witnesses these atrocities, he's always pushed towards an uncertain goal. But he never fights, he tags along, and becomes part of the misery. And it becomes worse when you know that those very same Partisans he's trying to join, even though they eventually held back the Nazis, were purged. They gave their lives fighting for their homeland, and when they got back, Stalin didn't want a well organized militia. So most of them were killed.


It's not the best produced movie in the world, but I think it's a movie every human in the world should watch. If you're looking for a movie that pin-points the futility of War, it's Come and See. 

Edited by Jello

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I finally saw Indiana Jones 4 (2005). I'm a fan of this movie franchise, so I don't really know what to say. It was an Indiana Jones movie. Since it was the first time I saw it, I guess I feel kind of numb overall. Mind = Blown. Watch it.


Next I saw Cobra (198x) with Sylvester Stalone. I heard a lot about this movie not being that good, but I can't really say that it was a bad movie. It had a lot of action, and with no sequel...well, not too many unanswered questions here. Mind = Blown. Watch it.


And also, I saw Blowing Up Spies - The Belgian Job. This movie is just French. It has English subtitles, but the whole idea is just French. The art was good, the sound was very nicely done, not much to complain about here; It didn't look cheap. It was like Ren and Stimpy or Looney Tunes with real people. WTF. Watch it.


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I watched the DC animated movies Constantine: City of Demons and Catwoman: Hunted. Both were pretty different, one was kind of lighter than the other, to say the least. I enjoyed both quite a bit and would recommend them to any fans who haven't watched them yet. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/19/2022 at 6:35 PM, leejacksonaudio said:

Rewatched Ghostbusters II. Annie Potts is/was a babe. I miss Harold Ramis.

As much as Ghostbusters II was a child of the 80's, and it was so amazingly bombastic, over the top, and almost a music video: I still love it. Because I was a kid. It hasn't really held up, but nothing about it holds it down. The original movie was such an out of the blue premise, with such a budget, that it couldn't help but make itself an enjoyable film.


And I miss Ramis as well, part of me kept hoping for a new Ghostbusters movie for so long, and part of me knew that it wouldn't work. The original was lightning in a bottle. I haven't watched either of the new Ghostbusters movies, nor do I really care to. I would rather keep my childhood memories intact, and the original two movies were a huge part of my childhood. Along with the crass commercialism that went along with them.


But if you can't do it without Aykroyd, Hudson, Murray and Ramis, you don't have a Ghostbusters movie. I mean, even Ghostbusters II was kind of, well, 80's, but it was good. I can't see how you could make a new movie, especially without Ramis. So that's why I've never seen the 2016 movie, regardless of any kind of "social reboot barghwarble", I just don't want to taint those fond childhood memories of playing Ghostbusters with my brother. I was Ray, he was Egon. 


Probably because I was funny and he was a smart-ass.

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Watched Taxi Driver a few days ago. I'd rate it a 8.3/10.

On 3/18/2022 at 2:15 AM, Billy Baron said:

I finally saw Indiana Jones 4 (2005).

Also, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was released in 2008, not 2005. Great movie though.

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Watched Dark Star, after trying to find it for a while. It's pretty good. Now I just need to find Assault on Precinct 13 and Escape from New York for free somewhere, and I'll be content.

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Just watched both Brady Bunch movies back to back. It's funny to think that more time has passed between those movies and now than between the movies and the show, so they're stuck out of time on two fronts. I wasn't expecting to enjoy them as much as I did but they were chaotic and absurdly cheerful enough to almost remind me of Wet Hot American Summer, and things like Jan Brady with her giant afro wig and demonic voices in her head were delightfully over the top. The sequel all but abandons the stuck out of time concept, and is even funnier and wackier without the 90s culture to constantly ground it. I enjoyed the almost cynical but good spirited parody of the original show and how they didn't try and over-explain the reason they're so stuck out of time or dwell on it too much. A bit surreal with a slight wink and nod through the lens of another by-gone era.

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I saw Everything Everywhere All at Once in theaters


It was pretty funny, great choreographed fights, and good heart-wrenching in the last act. Kind of reminded me of The Matrix mixed with the weirdness of Being John Malkovich. 8.5/10

Edited by Serum

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On 4/16/2022 at 6:18 AM, Rei is now real said:

Watched Dark Star, after trying to find it for a while. It's pretty good. Now I just need to find Assault on Precinct 13 and Escape from New York for free somewhere, and I'll be content.

Last thing I watched was The Thing, and despite it being a shitty DVD copy, I was still thoroughly engrossed. I can vaguely remember catching snippets of it as a kid and being absolutely terrified of the puppies, but these days I'm just floored by the practical effects and the way the whole damn movie makes creating this level of suspense and malevolence look so effortless. And how early-80's Kurt Russell is probably the sexiest man to ever have lived.


I don't usually bother with commentary tracks, but this one has Russell and Carpenter just kind of shooting the shit over the film, so I'm gonna give it a spin pretty soon.

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Hell Night, a rather simple slasher with Linda Blair. There's really nothing of note in the movie. Just stupid teenagers doing stupid teenage things. You'd think they'd try to make these movies a little bit less predictable.....

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The las time I saw this movie was maybe 5 years ago, I decided to give it a go last monday. It was a blast



Edited by Lol 6

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On 4/24/2022 at 9:52 PM, Lol 6 said:

The las time I saw this movie was maybe 5 years ago, I decided to give it a go last monday. It was a blast



Any movie that Tim Curry was in is a great movie, for his scenes alone. There have been bad movies, but he always does his part extremely well. Well, and Christopher Lloyd ranks high up there too. I should watch Clue again.

Edited by Jello

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished the second book of the Dragonlance Legends set, the story centred on the Majere twins which I have heard quite a bit about, also heard a very nice Pyramaze song based on it. It's more engaging and character driven than the War of the Lance trilogy. 


*Ah I'm an idiot, I put this in the wrong box, should have been in the Reading topic. I'll post it there, just delete this one, mods. 

Edited by hybridial
wrong topic

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