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I watched Willow yesterday with my kids. It’s a ⩾12 year old film; O_o, what the fuck. Because of a smoking character? Because of fake blood? Because of the funny trolls?

Now, I wonder how they made these special effects.

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Dan in Real Life, Superbad, Devotion, and Scott Pilgrim vs the World - in that order. 


This was over the course of like a month. I don't watch movies as often as I'd like to, so I've been remedying that. I'd seen Dan in Real Life before, but it had been long time. It really is a great movie, perfectly cast too. I also love the soundtrack, really beautiful acoustic music. The titular Dan is played by Steve Carell and he does such a good job. The pain he feels is relatable. It's probably just ny stage in life but I feel for Dan in a lot of ways. 


Superbad, is a bit different heh. But it has Jonah Hill and Micheal Cera, hard to go wrong. I'd never seen this before but my brother recommended it. I loved it, the perfect mix of stupid comedy and enjoyable characters. Really quotable, especially anything with McLovin and the cops. "It's called read a book" has entered into my vocabulary regularly heh. But yeah, fun movie and I enjoyed it. 


Devotion is a recent movie, went to the theaters with some friends to watch it. Solid film but it's writing is a little wishy-washy. Mostly because it seemed like the focus shifted often: I thought it was about the new pilot in the unit at first, then I thought it was about racism (this is set in 1950 and it's based on the true story of the first black pilot in the Navy), then I thought it was about the Korean War, then about the new recruit and the black pilot's relationship. It was enjoyable but it never really fully committed to any one of these themes. Just kinda dabbled in and out. Worth watching though, the acting is good. 


I'd never seen Scott Pilgrim either and I loved it. My brother and I decided to watch more Micheal Cera movies after Superbad and we decided on this one. It's about Scott wanting to date a girl but can't until he fights her seven evil exs. Really entertaining movie, the editing really stuck out. It has weird jarring cuts and special effects that give the movie a totally unique atmosphere. Lots of fun. 


Not much of a movie critic, but this is a fun thread. 

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Watched Goonies with my kids. Obviously I'd seen it before but not since I was a kid myself. It's still a great movie with that classic Speilburg feel, me and the kids both loved it. Noticed things I didn't get years ago, like Mouth's translations to Rosita about where the drugs are kept and Chunks confessions are hilarious. Actually quite surprised Amazon rated it 7+, there's a few swears, the drug references and a shot in the head dead body, doubt it would get such a low rating today. Didn't bother me or the kids mind, just seems weird when they rate films 13+ nowadays if they have "fantasy violence" like superhero movies.

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3 hours ago, Rudolph said:

 Oh, you have kids? How old?


Two daughters 24 and 16 with my ex-wife and 3 boys with my girlfriend aged 8, 7 and a 5 week old baby. Though they probably shouldn't, both the boys are massive Doom fans also (though their only allowed classic Doom of course, Doom3 is a bit scary and the new games are far too violent). Are you a father also?

Edited by Wyrmwood

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24 minutes ago, Wyrmwood said:

Two daughters 24 and 16 with my ex-wife and 3 boys with my girlfriend aged 8, 7 and a 5 week old baby. Though they probably shouldn't, both the boys are massive Doom fans also (though their only allowed classic Doom of course, Doom3 is a bit scary and the new games are far too violent). Are you a father also?

Alas, no.


But wow, dude, that is quite a large family you have! I am glad that you were able to get at least some of your children into Doom. :D


But back to what you were saying, I remember my parents letting me watch some fairly violent movies as a kid: the Indiana Jones trilogy, the James Bond series, Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters and even Jaws and Alien! Weirdly enough, the movie that ended up scaring me the most as a child was Ghostbusters 2, because for some reason, I could not help but be scared of Vigo the Carpathian, which for some reason I kept remembering as a giant floating disembodied head; however, when I rewatched it years later, I was rather dismayed to find out that, while Vigo himself is a fairly intimidating villain, he actually does not do much throughout the movie and the whole "disembodied head" was just some lackluster effect that is not even scary. Even weirder, Ghostbusters 1's scary scenes (notably Dana's abduction) never bothered me. Memory really is a strange thing...


However, I have never seen The Goonies and it does not really looks like something that would appeal to me now.

Edited by Rudolph

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11 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

Alas, no.


But wow, dude, that is quite a large family you have! I am glad that you were able to get at least some of your children into Doom. :D


But back to what you were saying, I remember my parents letting me watch some fairly violent movies as a kid: the Indiana Jones trilogy, the James Bond series, Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters and even Jaws and Alien! Weirdly enough, the movie that ended up scaring me the most as a child was Ghostbusters 2, because for some reason, I could not help but be scared of Vigo the Carpathian, which for some reason I kept remembering as a giant floating disembodied head; however, when I rewatched it years later, I was rather dismayed to find out that, while Vigo himself is a fairly intimidating villain, he actually does not do much throughout the movie and the whole "disembodied head" was just some lackluster effect that is not even scary. Even weirder, Ghostbusters 1's scary scenes (notably Dana's abduction) never bothered me. Memory really is a strange thing...


However, I have never seen The Goonies and it does not really looks like something that would appeal to me now.


Yeah Goonies is great, it's a family movie but I fully enjoyed it as an adult too,  I definitely recommend it.


My parents were very relaxed also when it came to movie ratings, I was allowed to watch all those movies except Alien, had to read the novelization from the local library for that one. Strangely I was allowed to watch American Werewolf in London which scared the crap out of me. The scariest thing I remember watching though was an old episode of Doctor Who. His nemesis the Master had this device that removed all the water from people's bodies leaving them as tiny withered husks. Had nightmares about that for ages

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1 hour ago, Wyrmwood said:

Strangely I was allowed to watch American Werewolf in London which scared the crap out of me.

Yeah, I saw this one recently. It holds up quite well as a horror movie. Really a shame that John Landis is such a piece of shit...


1 hour ago, Wyrmwood said:

The scariest thing I remember watching though was an old episode of Doctor Who. His nemesis the Master had this device that removed all the water from people's bodies leaving them as tiny withered husks. Had nightmares about that for ages

I think there is also an episode of Extreme Ghostbusters where the ghost of the week has a gimmick like that.


Of course, it being Extreme Ghostbusters, all the victims return to normal once the ghost is defeated... -_-

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Been a while since I saw any film, but the latest one I recall seeing was Batman & Robin. Can see why people think its so bad, although I did enjoy certain things about it. Was surprised to see the lead actress from Clueless showing up as Batgirl.

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To its credit, it is probably the only live-action Batman movie where Batman actually manages to convince the villain to stand down.

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Great movie, except for the scene with Alfred Molina, which feels too theatrical.



I do like how the protagonist's final target is played by an actor who looks a lot like Brett Kavanaugh, which is probably not a coincidence.


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Darling. Sean Young has a basically bit role, but this younger woman moves into a house, goes into a room she was told not to go, and afterwards, can't get the picture of a man she sees on the street later out of her head. Honestly, it kind of sucked because it left a little too much unexplained.

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Coincidentally, I just saw another movie with "Darling" in the title: Don't Worry, Darling.



Great fucking movie, with excellent performances, memorable visuals and sound design. Also, I could totally see the premise of the movie working as a prologue in a Fallout game and not just because of the 50s aesthetics.


Amusingly enough, Chris Pine's character is reportedly fashioned after the infamous Jordan B. Peterson, but honestly, I do not really see it. Or rather, I do see what they were going for, but unlike his real-life inspiration, the character is suave, coherent and, most importantly, not a blubbering ineffectual mess. Plus, at one point, he is seen eating a carrot, which is definitely out of character for Jordan B. Peterson.



However, I must say that his character's demise felt forced and unwarranted. I get the implication, but there was no lead up to it and the moment does feel like the resolution of a subplot that did not make it into the final cut.


Edited by Rudolph

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Shrek 2. Believe it or not, I'd never seen it until just the other night. IMHO, the Puss in Boots role was extremely overwrought. I hope they did more with it in the sequels to justify a standalone movie.

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8 hours ago, leejacksonaudio said:

Shrek 2. Believe it or not, I'd never seen it until just the other night. IMHO, the Puss in Boots role was extremely overwrought. I hope they did more with it in the sequels to justify a standalone movie.


Watched them all with my kids and no, they were just wringing cash out the franchise in all the sequels. John Cleese's small role as the frog king was about the only good thing about them. Dreamwork's just kept churning out sequels to this, Madagascar and Ice age until they went bankrupt, you can definitely skip them unless your trying to entertain kids. Loved the first Shrek though.

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@Wyrmwood So do I, but to Shrek 2's credit, it provided me with the biggest laugh-out loud moment in the whole series:



Back then, I thought it was just so random, but in hindsight, that scene has aged all too well.

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3 minutes ago, xX_Lol6_Xx said:

Avatar 2: Visually striking but a very mediocre script. The moment the villain was revealed they completely lost me.

I am really curious to see if James Cameron is going to be able to go forward with his multiple sequel plans after all.


Because if that is the best he could come up for Avatar 2, then oooh boy.

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Saw Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery yesterday night (yesternight?).



Pretty good! Nothing mind-blowing and at times the movie feels like it is trying a bit too hard to be clever, but at the same time it manages not to take itself too seriously and it features some entertaining performances (notably from Dave Bautista as a Joe Rogan-type character).



I must also applaud the movie's timing, as its release just so happens to coincide with Elon Musk's ongoing self-destruction. Speaking of Elon Musk, I must say that, much like Chris Pine as a Jordan B. Peterson surrogate in "Don't Worry Darling", Edward Norton's character still comes across as much more charming and better-looking than the Divorced Apartheid Profiteer.


Edited by Rudolph

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I saw Top gun Maverick.

Now, the baddies are from Iran and they want to refine toxic waste nuclear thingies.

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A Korean movie called Silenced that's about these deaf kids that got molested by some of their teachers and the outcome's about as tragic as you might guess.

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@LadyMistDragon I saw that some years ago! Pretty good indeed. Amusingly, the lead actor (Gong Yoo) also played the creepy salesman in Squid Game, and both he and Jung Yu-mi co-starred in the fantastic Train To Busan as well.

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A bit inspiration-porny, especially towards the end, but it is good to be reminded of the humanity of migrants and that the people who either refuse to help or actively seek to harm them are scumbags who deserve the worst fate imaginable.

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Watched Tai Chi Zero after I saw someone else recommend it much earlier in this very thread.



Wacky, super stylized and oftentimes downright hilarious. Honestly, unlike mainstream Hollywood action movies, which oftentimes bore me, Chinese cinema rarely seems to disappoint; maybe it is all the stuntwork, craftmanship and creativity or the clear desire to experiment with both CG and practical effects as much as possible, but Chinese action movies almost always manage to impress me in ways that all the superhero movies out there never do, no matter how expensive the latters' budgets are. I guess China does what American't! :P

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Saw the new Puss in Boots film earlier with some family, probably one of my favorite animated films to date. To say that Dreamworks knocked it out of the park would be a severe understatement to say the least.

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Surprised that Netflix would stream this, but still, it is good that the Nakba is getting some much-needed mainstream attention.

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I watched Bullet Train on Christmas Eve. It was okay. It kept reminding me so much of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and Snatch that I had to check to make sure it wasn't directed by Guy Ritchie. And then there was a good smattering Tarantino, it seemed to reference Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, and Kill Bill often enough; if not directly then by using the flashbacks, the hitmen with awkward false names. And the dialogue about Thomas the Tank Engine seemed like something directly out of a Tarantino movie.


But, while I like most of Tarantino's movies, and Lock Stock/Snatch by Guy Ritchie, this movie failed to wow me. It all takes place on a train, so visually it's pretty dull, there's no changes of scenery to mention. The acting is fine, although I've never really cared for Brad Pitt, he always seemed to play the same character in everything he's ever done. I really don't have any ill feelings towards him, I just really don't care for his acting. And the story just came off as incredibly hap-hazard. It was confusing at best, as to why all these people were on the train to begin with, and even when it's explained at the end, it just felt hollow. It was like a game of Clue!, except Tim Curry was nowhere to be found. The explanation by the main bad guy was relatively petty and stupid, I won't ruin the movie if someone wants to watch it, but it just felt lazy. The entire movie seemed to be a cavalcade of MacGuffins, and trying to be tongue-in-cheek about it.


So if you feel like watching a somewhat enjoyable action movie, and one that's never really boring or not-entertaining, it's worth a watch. But I remember a fair amount of hype leading up to its release, and while I was watching it, I just thought I would rather watch Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, or Snatch instead.

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