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18 hours ago, HorseJockey said:

Antman: Quantumania




I paused at the 56 min mark to get some food, saw that there was 120 min left in the film and let out an audible sigh. If you are a fan of the MCU you can probably find something in here to enjoy, but I found this movie to be devoid of anything even resembling substance. It's more of the tired Marvel witty dialog schtick, leaning even harder into the sci-fi elements of the comics, but not utilizing any of said elements in any meaningful way. I disliked this movie so much, that I went back and watched Batman Returns and Thor: Ragnarock just to make sure that I didn't suddenly hate comics and superhero stuff. Just so many confusing choices, in dialog and dialog delivery, visual effects, characters introductions, the list goes on. Speaking of visual effects, I did enjoy the living homes. Its a goofy concept, and their design was both interesting and fun. That and they are one of the only things that stuck with me after watching it, there just isn't allot here that's memorable. On that note I give it ten living homes out of ten. A visually over the top film, filled with goofy ideas that are never executed properly. 

Man I miss good superhero movies

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Doom: Annihilation. I heard about it before but never watched or rather I can say I never got chance to check it when it was released and I was busy with other things that I just forgot about it. So today it suddenly came in while scrolling in Youtube and I watched just some clips.... oh right, it was enough. I wish I never watched even those clips, let's forget about watching rest of the movie. Is it even a movie? Such poor characters with poor dialogues and getup, the weapons, the Hell, the monster.... everything I saw on those clips was just so bad that I felt super disappointed. The Doom movie (2005) was thousand times better, I watched it few times and I must say that was a great movie. 

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Lullaby of Broadway and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, both from the 1950s.

Love watching old stuff from time to time.

Guess that's one of the reasons why I feel like Michael De Santa sometimes, lmao

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Apocalypse Now, and I have to say that the opening 5 minutes of that film made me appreciate The Doors more than Oliver Stone's entire biopic about them.

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I saw Toy Story 3. I really enjoyed the first two movies as a kiddo as well as the PlayStation games based on them (Toy Story 2 and Toy Story Racer), but it took me exactly 13 years to sit down and watch the third one from beginning to end. I remember back in 2010, I was at the gym and a girl who also exercised there told me to check it out, telling me "after watching it, you aren't going to want to buy another toy ever" or something along those lines. Was surprised at how moving the movie could be at times, given that I feel like I grew up with those particular toys just as Andy did, but at the same time, I felt like the movie played it relatively safe with the plot (the ending was really predictable in my opinion). However I'm curious about Toy Story 4.

Edited by MrFroz

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2 hours ago, Shakariki Heisenberg said:

currently watching rocky 2006 while commenting this so thats the most recent but ive also watched rocky4 and 5 today

That's one of my favorite movie series. I watched them back in around 2012 or so and I really enjoyed them!


After the Doom:Annihilation clips I've watched the sci-fi movie Annihilation most recently, which has one of my favorite actress Natalie. The movie was unique with an intelligent story. Although it has some really scary scenes such as the mutated bear moment was absolutely terrifying!

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Just rewatched E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial after so many years - the original cut, that is, not the 20th anniversary edition with the distracting CGI and digitally-added walkie-talkies (why, Spielberg...). That movie was part of my childhood and I must have watched it on VHS so many times.


It is quite fascinating how scary the movie makes humans - specifically adult humans outside of Elliot's mother!

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Saw Missing (2023), Searching's anthology sequel.


As far as screenlife movies go, it is very well made, even though it might be a bit cheesier than the first movie.

Edited by Rudolph

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The Whale by Darren Aronofsky is a phenomenal movie. I’ve been anticipating it since I first heard about it being worked on and it far exceeded my expectations, which is saying a lot for a director like Aronofsky. Pi, Requiem For A Dream and Black Swan are in my top 10 favorite films of all-time and I think he outdid himself with this one. Also, Brendan Fraser’s performance is absolutely incredible. Can’t recommend it enough. 

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Just saw Steven Soderbergh's Side Effects. Pretty good psychological thriller!



Leave it to Soderbergh to make you cheer for the gaslighting psychiatrist...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw Christoph Waltz's Georgetown. Eh... Not bad, but clearly there was just not enough material to make a feature-length movie.


Then I saw Gaia. It was okay. Kind of annoyed that the black guy dies first, but since it is a South-African movie, I guess it could not be helped... -_-

Edited by Rudolph

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I decided to check out Crater (2023) since Disney is about to remove it from Disney+.


It is a nice Stand By Me-esque coming-of-age road movie in a NASApunk setting.


And speaking of Stand By Me, I just realized I have never actually seen that movie... :o


6 hours ago, Manny84 said:

The Dungeons & Dragons film.

Which one? The one with Chris Pine or the one with Jeremy Irons? :P

Edited by Rudolph

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The Purge. Stayed away from the series back in the days because it just looked like some home invasion schlock, but it is actually a really solid thriller - like John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13, but good - with a surprisingly believable premise and good politics (for an American movie, that is).


My only regret is that it is not screenlife, since the most gripping and effective scenes tend to be the ones unfolding on monitors.

Edited by Rudolph

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Gothic (1987) - A sort of fictionalized retelling of the inspiration for Frankenstein with a young Gabriel Byrne and Natasha Richardson



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Evil Dead Rise




Really well shot film, if a bit much with the gore. I think the choice to make this one kid focused was effective and made the movie very uncomfortable to watch, I just wish they had fleshed out (pun intended) the characters a bit more to make the childhood trauma allegory feel a little less tacked on and more substantial. As it is, it's a fun if sometimes stomach churning Evil Dead movie (Think more Evil Dead 2013 than Evil Dead 1981) that tries to do a new angle with the childhood trauma allegory but ends up gutting much of it in favor of jump scares and staying true to the Evil Dead formula. 10 Dead by Dawns out of an "I'll eat your soul".

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Watched "The Good, The Bad, The Weird", which is essentially a Korean remake of Sergio Leone's The Good, The Bad and The Ugly set in Japanese-occupied Mandchuria (!). Of course, it is more of an action slapstick comedy, but it is still a very well-made, very fun movie.

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Moved on to The Purge 2: Anarchy. I was expecting it to be more of the same, but instead that one plays out more like another John Carpenter movie, namely Escape From New York - complete with a Snake Plissken-type character that is unfortunately not played by Kurt Russell, but Frank Grillo (who is fine in the role, still). It is cheesier than its predecessor, especially the moment the movie starts introducting minigun-toting truckers and other wacky villains that honestly feel like they are coming straight out of a Dead Rising game, but it is still an enjoyable watch.

Edited by Rudolph

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The last couple of films I watched was with my auntie.


We streamed "Disenchanted", the sequel to Disney's "Enchanted", and I was actually pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the film and thought it wrapped up nicely, and it actually had a lot of good music. I didn't dislike any musical number. Sequels, especially direct-to-video, er, streaming, can be very tricky and hit or miss, but I'm glad this was actually good. It was a fun movie and

I adored the part when Morgan had to use the wand and said "but I'm not a true daughter of Andalasia" only for Giselle to say "but you are a true daughter, because you're my daughter" that was so sweet and made me cry.


Another film we streamed was an older movie, "Candle Shoe", oh my gosh that was a lot of fun! Can't believe I never saw this before. Why can't movies be fun like this anymore? Haha. 

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