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Anything that will mass-delete monsters?

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I have a slaughterfest/invasion wad that I really like (invasion uac, the french one) and even with the fast weapons and unlimited ammo you get in single player, the maps are a chore. Can I somehow delete 90% of the monsters in a map without having to be able to do it by hand? Or can I kill all monsters of a single type with the kill command in zdoom? Or somehow just some kill command that doesn't kill every single thing?

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invictius said:

Can I somehow delete 90% of the monsters in a map without having to be able to do it by hand?

Yes. You can write a monster randomizer in DECORATE for each monster type, that will spawn the respective monster only X % of the time, otherwise do nothing and disappear.

invictius said:

Or can I kill all monsters of a single type with the kill command in zdoom?

Yes. Type "kill <classname>" into the console, where <classname> is a monster type. See here for monster classnames in Doom.

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scifista42 said:

Yes. You can write a monster randomizer in DECORATE for each monster type, that will spawn the respective monster only X % of the time, otherwise do nothing and disappear.

DropItem "BaronOfHell", 64, 1

Is a 1 in 64 chance of spawning a baron?

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No, it's a 64 in 256 chance of spawning a baron. And beware that this only works if the spawner inherits from RandomSpawner class.

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