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Preferred BFG two-shot pattern.

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I'm more comfortable with the last movement being to the left (left-right-left more specifically). I'm also oddly comfortable with cramped two-shots that force you to start firing while facing one way and then reverse orientation before the ball is released. Proximity naturally makes it easier (as long as you don't get hit by a rocket).

What's yours?

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Left, Right, Left is what I usually do as well. Although I have seen two strafes in one direction and then a change when going in close, i.e. Left, Left, Right, in some demos.

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You mean there's a pattern other than charging in and shoving it right into cybie's ass?

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left right left, mostly because it´s the same pattern as for the mancubus. doesn´t matter with the cyb. what matters is to pull the trigger exactly when he fires his second rocket, so you catch him with the rays right after the third.

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Pirx said:

left right left, mostly because it´s the same pattern as for the mancubus

Heh, I was wondering how long it would take until someone else noticed this.

Everyone prefers l/r/l because it's what they already do for another monster.

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Left right left. Tis the only way to truly use the BFG against Cybies. As for Spidies bum-rushing them while unloading into their face and making them die in one hit is nice too.

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Probably the mancubus pattern is most comfortable, but it's good to try different patterns because you never know when you'll have to improvise.

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I honestly don't get how that speedrunner on Go 2 It was able to two shot the Cyberdemon, I try it and the Cyberdemon pumps me full of rockets before I can get the second shot in.

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Well, watching speedruns isn't the same as making them, and the speedrunner probably tried doing that 2-shot more times than you did.

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