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Weapon wheel?

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The way they did it is stupid.

They set the weapon wheel to the "Switch Weapon" keybind; HOWEVER, for most of us that will still be set to Mousewheel Up/Down, which effectively makes it impossible to open the wheel.

What you have to do is assign "Next Weapon" and "Previous Weapon" (two brand new keybinds) to Mousewheel Up/Down, respectively, THEN assign "Switch Weapon" to the key that you want to bring up the weapon wheel.

They really should've either told us about this or reset the keybinds, but apparently they didn't test it very much.

Also, in order for the weapon wheel to be visible I think the player must have at least 3 weapon slots (via the Player Loadout logic object).

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So you can't bind each weapon to a key like singleplayer even after this update? That's a fail then. Scrolling up and down to select weapons is for noobs.

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symmetron said:

So you can't bind each weapon to a key like singleplayer even after this update? That's a fail then. Scrolling up and down to select weapons is for noobs.

It's exactly like singleplayer, so you can use the # keys or the weapon wheel.

What I was saying in my last post, though, is that they screwed up by not automatically switching Mousewheel Up/Down to the brand new Next/Previous Weapon keybinds (upon installing the update). Since it's still bound to Switch Weapon, which the weapon wheel now uses, you have to go in and make the changes yourself in order for the wheel to even be accessible.

Thankfully the # keys work by default, so you don't have to make any changes there. I find the weapon wheel to be the best option for keys 6 or 7 and beyond, though, because they're so difficult to reach without taking your fingers off WASD.

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