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Wads that progressively introduce enemies and weapons?

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Kind of like the iwads on HNTR and HMP, looking for ones that aren't remakes like the way id did and the like. I don't really like having all weapons thrown at me in the first few levels.

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For Hadephobia we made a point of doing this. You don't get every weapon or see all of the monsters until the 2nd episode.

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Hellbound does just that. You don't find a Plasma Rifle until map06 and the BFG and Archviles only show up after map11. Also a great wad to play continuously.

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Well , maybe it sounds kinda dumb but i think you will like my own WAD Hellebarde :) https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/89348-dazzers-hellebarde/

I hate it too when you get things like a super shotgun already in map 02 in a 32 level MegaWad ...

also at the end of every map theres a coustom monster as a Endboss and in higher levels these endbosses appear as regular enemies :D at the moment the Test Version has 8 Maps but i work on it :)

I would be happy if you give it a go and sorry for the grammar mistakes :P

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rileymartin said:

Hellbound does just that. You don't find a Plasma Rifle until map06 and the BFG and Archviles only show up after map11. Also a great wad to play continuously.

People don't play one map after the other these days? That explains wads where all the maps are eternal doom size...

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DAZZER said:

I hate it too when you get things like a super shotgun already in map 02 in a 32 level MegaWad ...

Pretty much as it is in DOOM 2, with a Rocket Launcher hidden in MAP01 (along with chainsaw and shotgun), a Super Shotgun in MAP02 and a Chaingun in MAP03. I don't think id realized just how powerful the SSG really is. By the sixth level you have all but one weapon.

The weapon and enemy progression was much more brilliantly done in DOOM (1).

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Anything that has, say, the cyberdemon and spiderdemon as boss for every 10 maps, then some new boss (not icon of sin, too predictable) on map 30?

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