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The DWIronman League dies to: Crusades

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August, 2016

>>> Download Crusades <<<


  1. # Survived +1 [01:15:03] Ribbiks - Ribbiks rises to the challenge. A hundred thousand furlongs of baron corpses later... he rises to the top!
  2. # Survived +1 [01:26:27] Demon of the Well - The recipient of an almost resplendent splattering; Ironman's expert survivalist rakes in another.
  3. # Survived +1 [01:54:56] Saint_Guy - Very slow and very steady... and still very much alive. Your free shipment of stress balls is forthcoming.
  4. # Survived +0 [01:13:11] Ancalagon - e4m4 almost pulls him under (and Keith!), but our hero emerges from adversity with the chocolates. Happy days!
  5. # Survived +0 [01:19:49] Veinen - First past the post in every way but one. Who will rise to the challenge? Mad props.
  6. # Survived +0 [01:20:02] ClonedPickle - A mostly unscathed pickle; still good for use in sandwiches, burgers, and further Ironman runs. Here's to next month.
  7. # e4m8: ClumsyDoomer - Chowed down on a big brown one. Delicimo!
  8. # e4m6: WH-Wilou84 - Cuddled up to a fleet of cacodemons.
  9. # e4m6: mouldy - Tried to tango with a cyberdemon. Couldn't keep in step with the music.
  10. # e4m5: Vorpal - A desperate escape from our friend in the YK cave... straight into the waiting arms of Hell.

  11. # e4m5: Marcaek - KEITH!!! <3 <3 <3
  12. # e4m5: TGH - Contributed his being to the mountain outside Keith's teleporter ensuite. It rises ever higher.
  13. # e4m5: Altazimuth - Ah, a genuine Good At Doom submission! Yes, the end-of-month statistics round-up should make for good reading!
  14. # e4m5: Alfonzo - Ravaged by Keith, the Cave Baron.
  15. # e4m5: 40oz - Corned by the Disciples of Keith, who came to avenge their master's death (just run with the Keith narrative, people).
  16. # e4m5: Archi - Good At Doom. Great At Doom.
  17. # e4m5: MegaBlast - Keep calm and die to barons.
  18. # e4m4: Dime - Australia > Canada and everybody agrees.
  19. # e4m4: Gordon - Jumped out of his skin, and then out of the map. Unlucky, Gordon :(( * (DNF)
  20. # e4m4: Revved - In Richard Wiles' Crusades, green is the warmest colour.
  21. # e4m4: Breezeep - This is a picture of a green stress ball. Remind you of anything? * (illegal comp settings)
  22. # e4m4: rehelekretrep - The third victim of Crusades' most criminal game-stopping bug. Aw, shucks :'( * (DNF)
  23. # e4m4: Surreily - Lost soul is lost no longer; finds Surreily cowering in corner. Welcome to Spooksville!
  24. # e4m4: an_mutt - Ladies and gents, we have a new DSPDIEHI! Get our technicians working on the upgrades immediately.
  25. # e4m4: Suitepee - A fair dinkum tradegy; joined Gordon in the land of the silhouettes. * (DNF)
  26. # e4m3: TheMionicDonut - Carta Blanca and the boxing days of yore!
  27. # e4m3: 4shockblast - Gave the entire episode's baron stock the cold shoulder; ignorance has its price.
  28. # e4m3: Eris Falling - Screamed to death. Annoying little bastards!
  29. # e4m3: cannonball - BLOCKMAPPED hahahahaha
  30. # e4m3: DaIcemann76 - Killed by a lost soul with a backstage pass. A messy end.
  31. # e4m3: rossy - The screamy little bastards strike again!
  32. # e4m9: Anima Zero - Met his match in a BROWN1 straferunning event.
  33. # e4m9: NoisyVelvet - Bravely swam out to meet his inevitable fate.
  34. # e4m2: Jaws In Space - Out of ammo, out of luck, and out of time. Should have picked up that final shotgun!
  35. # e4m2: JudgeDeadd - Double-teamed by a flying skull and a cacodemon with some kind of weird spatial awareness disorder.
  36. # e4m2: Walter Confalonieri - The latest phase in Doom's rapidly-evolving mockery logistics sees the arrival of ham-fisted poetry. Yes, you have died to a shotgun guy; don't rub it in my face or anything.
  37. # e4m2: thaquoth - Went out on his own terms; guns blazing and cussing with a profound civility.
  38. # e4m2: Preliatus - Crashed to desktop; avoided an entire hour of baron negotiations. * (DNF)
  39. # e4m1: Solarn - Couldn't acclimatize to the new and exciting lost soul environment. An impish end.
  40. # e4m1: Jimmy - Alrighty then.

Streaming Schedule

Post the time and channel at which you plan to stream and I'll link it here in the OP. Rake in an audience for your jaw-dropping, ball-bustin' ironman run. Here's an easy-to-read time zone website for ease of planning: http://everytimezone.com
What is the Doomworld Ironman League?

The DWIronman League is a monthy competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given mapset, preferably in one sitting. Click below for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome; it could change the way you play Doom!

  • One attempt per megawad/mapset. Good luck!
  • Demos (PrBoom+ and GLBoom), stream highlights and single-take video recordings are the only accepted proofs.
  • UV only continous; no pistol-starting.
  • No auto-loaded wads unless they are purely cosmetic.
  • No hard-coded cheats or features that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set).
  • If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatability options, you must not enable any flags that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port. In most cases, this will mean that you can comfortably use "Doom/Boom(strict)" behaviour in ZDoom, for example. You must also display these settings on-screen before your run.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels will rank higher than his competitors.
  • You do not have to complete your run in a single sitting. Such runs are considered to be "hardcore" runs. For stream and video recording users, you need only load a savegame that has been shown to be set during the previous segment, and again displaying the same compatability options. For demo users, you may continue using the same recording using a save file linked in the thread alongside the demo, assuming the -complevel allows for this function (e.g. -cl 9). Otherwise, the run must be completed in a single sitting or in segments separated by forced pistol starts (mandatory death exits) and episodes.
  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point. This includes "scouting ahead" for map details "just to check on something."
  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. Your viewers may, however.
  • If you die for any reason, tough luck! Your little brother snuck into your room while you were paused and getting tea and walked your marine into an inescapable pit? Brilliant. You went to answer the doorbell but knocked over your mug of hot chocolate and a baron ripped your arm off? Walk it off, hot stuff! You're through.
  • If your operating system fails during the run with you having progressed beyond the most recent save point then it's a write-off, sorry!
  • In the event that the leaders are tied having died on the same map, the player to have arrived at the map of death in the fastest time will be deemed the winner.

Previous Threads

Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well)

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Ah yes I remember playing ??? but I don't have fond memories of it, the layouts were confusing. I thought its sequel !!! was much more surprising.

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I don't get it. I have time to play doom now but I don't know what my situation will be like later down the month. Are we picking our own megawads or what?

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The mapset gets revealed (and the OP updated) with the inaugural stream in 20 minutes time. Posting the thread early allows streamers to notify others of their plans so that they can amass an audience ahead of time.

And we're off to the races!: https://www.twitch.tv/st_alfonzo


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Well played Alfonzo, I'm hoping I'll get that far, but I'm expecting the E4M2 rumble in the jungle encounter to wreck my shit D:

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Okay, so Jimmy's stream went kablooey before it even got underway. Apparently he died, but there's no evidence of it and as far as I'm concerned the viewing experience of a stream is more important than the legitimacy of the run itself. We did not get a viewing experience, in this instance; we got a slideshow. I'm introducing a new clause in the rule set.

If you're streaming your run having scheduled in advance the time and place (i.e. it's up in the OP, a "sanctioned stream") you are entitled to begin your stream and run again assuming all of the following conditions:

  • No more than 20 minutes have elapsed
  • There's no indication that you've died
  • You're dropping frames like a museum curator with parkinson's and have been for most of those 20 minutes (I'll have to talk to a techspert to see if we can't agree on a figure)
  • You haven't restarted before.
Feedback is appreciated, and any other suggestions are welcome, too!

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Crusades? Never heard of it. It's a Ultimate Doom wad, which at least means that no Revenants are going to mess up my game.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/89415187/DWIronman2_JudgeDeadd.lmp (prboom+ -cl9)

E4M2. Everything was going so (relatively) well, then a surprise cacodemon stabbed me in the back, and a lost soul got me while I was trying to get out of the pincers.

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Well my first demo was cut short by an accidental MDK (so I've unbound that), but here's my second attempt, which may desync due to accidental console opening (I recorded after that point though). This was using -vanilla on Eternity. I will note that I personally advise going to the secret level (which I managed to find mostly by luck).


Cause of death: 5 is not 6, rockets are not plasma, dead enemies should not mean dead me.

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The 'tube video makes for a nerve-racking watch, Altaz. Dropping into the BK pit and shooting expectantly at the walls - yikes!

Where did the MDK occur? I've pre-emptively put the run up on the board but I can't get too lenient in allowing for second runs when these sorts of slip-ups happen.

EDIT: Whoops, I just checked out the demo. Sans the secret level running time, which only gets re-added if you survive the set, you reached e4m5 ~30 seconds before I did. That puts you on top of the board. Couldn't even hold onto top spot for a day :(

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Just done my run, video will be up later. All I'll say for now is...

2016-08-01  12:54:50  <Hyperion>	lost souls can fuck right off


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Aight. Thought this might be fun to partake in.


Died most gracelessly in E4M2. Ran like a headless chicken at the mere sight of a cacodemon into the welcoming arms of a few shotgunners who happily proceeded to perforate me. Let this be testament to my shame.

Edit: also I seem to have bonked up the audio on the video. Dang. Well, you can imagine the sound effects I suppose.

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Great to have another voice on board - welcome, thaquoth! You needn't worry about any accidental jumps or crouches or anything; I like to blab about rules but that level of harshness is probably beyond me. Hopefully we'll see you around in the coming months. And hopefully having survived a bit longer as well ;)

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prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom.wad -file .\CRUSADES.WAD -skill 4 -episode 4 -record noisycrusades_IRONMAN.lmp

i was excited to find the secret map and had the balls to take it, but those balls hung too low and could not withstand being dragged through nukage

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Okay, here's my video. Died on E4M3 to a swarm of lost souls (segment starts at 24:29). Where was the chaingun ammo D: Also it's only in 360p, because this video is kinda long, and my net speed is shockingly bad.

Although I got past the point of Alfonzo's "rumble in the jungle" where I expected to die, I'm still kinda disappointed. Probably beating E4M2 made me overestimate myself. Never got to take on Keith, heh.

It's also quite a wonder I got this far though. Some other key moments in the video would be a rocket at 12:25 that could've gone horribly badly had I fired a second later. Everything should have ended at 17:10, and 23:10 shows a very rare case of RNG actually working in my favour. Twice.

Well, that's that for another month. Maybe next time I'll include real commentary rather than occasionally typing something.

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Alfonzo said:

Where did the MDK occur? I've pre-emptively put the run up on the board but I can't get too lenient in allowing for second runs when these sorts of slip-ups happen.

It was during E4M3, on a run which I failed to go to the secret level on (I failed to chance upon the level). It was on a cacodemon (it was bound on middle mouse button).

EDIT: I would have given another try today but noticed a bug in Eternity so spent the day fussing other that with Quasar instead and now it's too late to start an attempt that I'd plan on finishing. Heh.

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E4M3: Overrun by Cacos in the Red Room after getting cornered.

EDIT: oh crap, I forgot to record this. Probably isn't going to count I guess.

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