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Where is CACO dammit!?


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Ive been looking at all of these new Doom3 screens, and reading about different monsters that have already been introduced, but im really scared about one thing.

I am scared that they are not going to include everyones favorite monster, the cacodemon! I see they have the lost souls, the zombies, the imps, the cybernetic demons and the such, but those new bastards at id better not forget about the cacodemon damnit.

Just imagine how cool the cacodemon would look with graphics that good, and with as many changes they did on the characters.

Sides that, anyone know anything about weapons in Doom3?

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it will be there, don't worry ;) they are saving the best for last, i hope...

uh weapons:
the confirmed ones so far are the pistol, sub-machine gun, shotgun, and chaingun (don't know if you can use that though)

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I am almost positive that there is a Cacodemon in Doom III. I seem to recall a thirdhand account of seeing a Caco in the game, or something. In any event if there is no Cacodemon I will be very surprised.

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gatewatcher said:

the confirmed ones so far are the pistol, sub-machine gun, shotgun, and chaingun (don't know if you can use that though)

Where the hell did you get a submachine gun from?

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Linguica said:

Where the hell did you get a submachine gun from?

the machine gun with the counter on the top. it's not an assault rifle, that's for sure.

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Sure it's a rifle. It seems to have a horrible firing rite, but it's a rifle as far as I can tell.

id has also mentioned they will include the rocket launcher, and probably the chainsaw and BFG too.

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Like zaldron said the cacodemon is the most cartoonish demon in doom. It'd going to be hard to put in a giant floating tomato into doom3 and make it look realistic. It would be really cool if they added some tech stuff to the caco like they did with the fleshy.

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orion said:

Like zaldron said the cacodemon is the most cartoonish demon in doom. It'd going to be hard to put in a giant floating tomato into doom3 and make it look realistic. It would be really cool if they added some tech stuff to the caco like they did with the fleshy.

hmm I don't know. I like the caco as it is. I'm tired of seeing new versions of the monsters. I want to see some of the old monsters now, like they were.

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Old ones?.. nah.. that would be stupid.. the whole thing of doom3 gameplay is, it is ment to be focking scary.. and the cartonylike cacodemon isn't scary at all.. so they need to change it untill it looks realisticly scary.. Que?

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Shaviro said:

I'm tired of seeing new versions of the monsters. I want to see some of the old monsters now, like they were.

No, the old monster designs just would not fit into the new Doom style.

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Old ones?.. nah.. that would be stupid.. the whole thing of doom3 gameplay is, it is ment to be focking scary.. and the cartonylike cacodemon isn't scary at all.. so they need to change it untill it looks realisticly scary.. Que?

The caco is scarier than a zombie.

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I didn´t found the Cacodemon that cartoonlike (the most cartoonish design was the Revenant IMO), it somehow resembles indonesian demon masks, which are colourful but look nevertheless scary.

Something like that:

Here is even a one-eyed demon, just like the Caco:

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Tetzlaff said:

I didn´t found the Cacodemon that cartoonlike (the most cartoonish design was the Revenant IMO), it somehow resembles indonesian demon masks, which are colourful but look nevertheless scary.

But the point is you can easily make a realistic revenant enemy in doom3 while it's much harder to do the same for a caco.

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I don´t understand what you mean with realistic in this case, is the Cacodemon unrealistic because he can fly? But the Souls fly as well... Or because he is such a weird creature?

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It's difficult to imagine a realistic Caco - because of it's shape and the fact the one in Doom looked like something out of a comic.

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GS-1719 said:

It's difficult to imagine a realistic Caco - because of it's shape and the fact the one in Doom looked like something out of a comic.

I don't agree.

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I dunno, I reckon it could look good, maybe less circular, with slimy geen scales, maybe massive spikes running along it's back and inside is an electric blue firestorm....or actually, anyone who played Alice.. remember that level where the room split into two and sky was this Massive blue and purple whirl? something like that in side the caco would be very cool, also the big yellow eye should return, alot bigger and glows red/purple.

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orion said:

Like zaldron said the cacodemon is the most cartoonish demon in doom. It'd going to be hard to put in a giant floating tomato into doom3 and make it look realistic. It would be really cool if they added some tech stuff to the caco like they did with the fleshy.

Realism smealism. Strange frightening creatures that defy physical and biological laws is what Doom is all about. All this cybernetic shit with the demon and lost souls troubles me. To me, Doom has always been about the collision between technology and the occult. It seems we are getting the technology in spades here, but where's the occult?

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Just wait till you get a glimpse of the Hell levels, there'll be occult enough for all :)

Seriously, I can imagine a perfectly scary Cacodemon, it's just hard to type it into words.

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DooMBoy said:

Just wait till you get a glimpse of the Hell levels, there'll be occult enough for all :)

Seriously, I can imagine a perfectly scary Cacodemon, it's just hard to type it into words.

Yeah. I think the caco has the potential to be the scariest monster of all.

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Lord FlatHead said:

Sure it's a rifle. It seems to have a horrible firing rite, but it's a rifle as far as I can tell.

this looks like a rifle:

but if you look at the scene in the 11 min video, arround 4:00, the gun looks more like an mp-5 size than a rifle size. if those two guns aren't the same, what's the marine in the screen shot holding?

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I'm pretty sure those two rifles are identical. And stop linking to images on your Geocities webspace, they show up as X'es unless we copy-n-paste the adress into a browser window.

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Lord FlatHead said:

And stop linking to images on your Geocities webspace, they show up as X'es unless we copy-n-paste the adress into a browser window.

ok ok. is there any other place i can put stuff and will show up here?

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gatewatcher said:

this looks like a rifle:

but if you look at the scene in the 11 min video, arround 4:00, the gun looks more like an mp-5 size than a rifle size. if those two guns aren't the same, what's the marine in the screen shot holding?

i think it's the same gun-

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Well, I certainly wouldn't want THAT thing coming out of a nukage pit to eat me! Then again, glowing green nuclear waste wouldn't fit in too well with the more realistic aproach of the new game.

In any case, I think good old Hissy would fit right in. The only changes I'd make would be to make him/her/it about 2/3 the original size and give it the same color(not shape, mind you) as the Doom64 Caco.
For the death sequence, they could set it up so when you deliver the final shot, the critter would spray that blue shit from the point of impact, altering it's trajectory as it falls slightly, and causing it to sort of roll around on the floor spraying nasty gunk everywhere, until it collapses in a steaming heap. Based on what I've heard, I'm pretty sure the engine could do that.^^

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ahh.. no.. not a steaming heap of blue gew.. it should stay realistic.. its not a focking vampire that dissapears in a heap of asshes

you should just have a dead body.. with maby a rib sticking out here or there where you have hit it.

A steaming mass of geww wouldn't look good because if you shoot it with a pistol in the same place you can't expect a body that looks like a bomb exploded in its face.. you just need a body with a hole in his head where you consanly shot it. and when you walk against it you dont step on it but you push the body so that it would leave a trail of smutched out blood.. remember the blood in the leaked vid.. it looked way more realistic and splat like than the blood in the legacy.. (bathroom scene)


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