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Superposed sectors kinda don't work [solved, yippee]

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OK, so here's the deal. I follow the instruction from the Doom Wiki, but I see only the surface sector when I run it in the game. (no depth, of course)
What I'm doing, step by step:
1. I make a big 640x640 sector and 2 128x512 sectors inside of it.
2. I change the ceilings of all of them to F_SKY1.
3. I change the floor of the "surface" sector to FWATER1.
4. I sink the "bottom" 200 units into the floor, put FLAT10 as floor flat and ASHWALL as the missing lower textures. Also I change the brightness to 112.
5. I connect the lower left and upper right vertices of the bottom sector.
6. I drag the "surface" over the "bottom"
7. ???
8. no profit. Again, there's just the surface.
I use Doom Builder 2 with ZenNode as nodebuilder.

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Umm... I redid all that with "Merge Geometry" off and now there's not a damn thing visible. Just the big sector. The automap does show the two longer lines of the surface-over-the-bottom sector, though.

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bzzrak said:

I redid all that with "Merge Geometry" off

Only the last step (dragging surface over bottom) requires "Merge Geometry" off. The previous steps (especially drawing anything) should be made with "Merge Geometry" on.

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I've tried doing it myself and found what's the problem: ZenNode. It works ingame if you build nodes with BSP-W32.

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Well I'll be damned! It works at last! Big thanks!
Though, it worked only if you create the surface sector AFTER the bottom. Still, it works and you're great.

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