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DOOM III contains....


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  • *Chainsaw
  • Pistol (Funky Pirate blaster 2000)
  • Shotgun
  • Assault Rifle
  • *Minigun
  • *Rocket Launcher
  • *BFG

    The *'s are for rumours and what iD has told us.

  • Zombie Guy (Hanging corpse in DOOM)
    Melee attacks
  • Heavy Weapons Dude(guy with minigun)
    He shoots with a minigun
  • Tentacle zombie
    He kicks and throws a tentacle whip at you. Watch out.
  • Zombie #4
    Another Melee zombie.
  • Fat Space Janitor
    Another melee zombie. This one's fat, though.
  • Zombie #6
    Another Melee zombie
  • Zombie #7
    Another Melee zombie
  • Imp
    These imps leap, crawl and throw fireballs. They also scratch like in the old DOOM(hit like slaps :])
  • Lost soul
    These posses marines/scientists and the like. They are only on fire when they posses.
  • Mechanical Lost Soul
    We know nothing about it. We only saw a sketch in the legacy video.
  • Demon
    Now has cybernetics. Attacks like the old Demon did.
  • Skeleton dude.
    As seen in the macworld video. His jaw is loose.
  • Drooly
    The new hell knight. He's big, bad, he drools and he's a medium monster in doom(!) I can't wait to see some of the bigger monsters
  • Birdman
    I am pretty sure this is the new Baron of Hell. His eyes glow when he spots prey.
  • Cyberdemon (that's what we've heard, anyways.)

  • Arachnotron/Spider Mastermind
    We saw the concept art.

    It seems there are variants of the monsters. There are a lot of diferent zombies and the lost soul seems to have a mystical mechanical partner. I think iD is making atleast 2 variants of every monster. (probably not the bosses). My guess is we are going to see a traditional demon without the mechanical skeleton.

    Other notable stuff DOOM III includes:

  • Scientists
    This is gonna be fun >:D
  • Soldiers
    There's nothing like a combat scene with a couple of soldiers vs. a droolydemon or worse
  • Glass with reflections
  • Big machinery.
    It seems you are able to interact with these machines.
  • Security Codes
  • Shelves with shootable stuff
  • BarrelsĀ“O' fun
    I hope some of them go BOOM.
  • Ceiling Fans.
    We are going to see a lot of these, I'm sure.
  • Teleporters?
    Did I see the player entering a teleporter in the good video?

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Lord FlatHead said:

No you didn't.

hmm. He walks up the stairs and suddenly he's in another room. We also hear a strange sound. Oh well. Could be something else.

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The 'good' movie? Don't know which one that is but if you're talking about the gameplay one I thought it was just another map loading?

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orion said:

The 'good' movie? Don't know which one that is but if you're talking about the gameplay one I thought it was just another map loading?

that's some fast load times.

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If you're referring to 08:07, I think the ShakyCam guy just turned off his camera for a few seconds, then resumed filming. He didn't film the beginning either, which is unfortunate.

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Lord FlatHead said:

If you're referring to 08:07, I think the ShakyCam guy just turned off his camera for a few seconds, then resumed filming. He didn't film the beginning either, which is unfortunate.

he is an idiot.

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gatewatcher said:

i dunno, maybe someone noticed him and he hid his camera for a second...

Well. That's possible...or maybe he just fell asleep :P

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