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DM1 Wad

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Hi there,

Mediafire tends to be problematic for some people these days; try using sendspace.com instead for your wad.

It also helps to upload a screenshot of the map so we can see if it's worth downloading before doing so. Use imgur.com for this.

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So im working on screenshots but ill paste a new link using sendspace in the op thanks for your input!

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I just updated both download links in map 2 im just playing around with 3d floors and slopes and hopefully have a way better map than map01

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Judging from the screenies, the map looks flat to a fault. I don't mind the old-school feel of the texturing and architecture, but it greatly needs more height variation. My biggest tip to you would be to play many, many DM maps and be observant of what makes them work well, as well as what faults they have. From there, build something better; no offense but this does not look like something I would play. Though I would take a guess that the RL and PG would do wonders in a map such as this... hehe.

I do want to invite you to quakenet.org's irc channel #dmstuff. We have a good group of folk who love to DM and would be willing to give you a good crash course. Stop on by some time.

Also +1 to Decay's comment about Mediafire being problematic.

Btw, it's a good thing nobody took me up on that bet, heh.

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I actually just figured out how to get slade to make 3d floors and slopes so hopefully i can do something way better than map01

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I strongly recommend following Fonze's advice and going out and investigating popular dm sets and maps to see what those authors did. Start with some of the old popular duel maps, such as SSL2, Moo2D, Judas23_, POBLA8, Dwango5 map01. Then check out some DM sets such ExecDM, Onslaught, Brit series, maybe even CyberCrime3, EonDM. If you want to see how modern maps with 3d floors work out, check out DBABrm (Don't be a Bitch Remastered) and AeonDM. Flow is super important. 3D floors and slopes don't instantly make a good map (and can easily make it worse). Give more consideration to visibility and weapon accessibility (nobody likes starting with just the pistol). Don't include secrets, nobody wants nor cares to find these things out. It also puts most people at a disadvantage until the secret isn't a secret anymore (and then what's the point?). Best advice anyone here can give is play more dm, because playing more will bring you more ideas.

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Ive added new Screenshots to Imgur, Original Map01 is now Map31 I dont like it at all and new Map01 is not done but i thought Id release what i got done for any advice its still not great but its alot better than my first one its not complete trash In my opinion this time

Screenies - http://imgur.com/a/0Vj4s
Downloads - https://www.mediafire.com/?8srpckkz95xdhjd

Screenshots and Downloads also in OP

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