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Remapping weapons-switch keys


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Using keys 1-7 to switch weapons isn't optimal when you're using WASD to move.

What keys do you recommend binding switch-to-weapon-[1-7] to?

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Typically I just bind "weapon up/weapon down" onto the mousewheel, and then count the clicks to get the weapon I want. Never have to take my fingers off of WASD that way.

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I have the mousewheel bound to weapon switch, but I prefer the number keys. I can press 1-5 fairly quickly, while for 6-7 I'm kinda training my reflexes (and frequently die because of that).

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I just use 1-7 because I've got long fingers, but I only play DOOM in single-player.

You could bind 5, 6, 7 to Q, E, R though, I used a similar setup for Quake III multiplayer and it worked really well (Q for plasmagun, E for rocket launcher and R for railgun, also T for BFG and F for lightning gun). In Doom I'd probably put rocket launcher on R to avoid accidentally killing myself with it.

P.S.: I'm surprised to see so many people counting clicks - it seems like a waste of time and concentration, especially when you're in a tight place.

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I am also doing the counting, because my mouse wheel is disabled. I found that I need to have proper weapon before the fight, or practically I will not be able to change weapon if I do not retreat.

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dugan said:

Using keys 1-7 to switch weapons isn't optimal when you're using WASD to move.

What keys do you recommend binding switch-to-weapon-[1-7] to?

Does everyone use WASD now? am I the only 1 that uses the old school controls to move around where you use the arrow keys & the mouse to also maneuver around & use Delete & Insert to look up & down & " M " to look around with the mouse. I have found that the old school style is actually better than the controls all the new games force you to use now... at least in DOOM you can setup your own god dam controls; why the hell would they do away with setting up your control style in so many of the newer FPS games?

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Byeblothingal 1024 said:

Does everyone use WASD now?

Most people probably do (it allows more efficient fighting against deathmatch opponents or dealing with tough monster encounters), but there are many who don't (I'm one of them too).

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Byeblothingal 1024 said:

Does everyone use WASD now? am I the only 1 that uses the old school controls to move around where you use the arrow keys & the mouse to also maneuver around & use Delete & Insert to look up & down & " M " to look around with the mouse. I have found that the old school style is actually better than the controls all the new games force you to use now... at least in DOOM you can setup your own god dam controls; why the hell would they do away with setting up your control style in so many of the newer FPS games?

So you use the Arrow Keys, M, the mouse, and Del/Ins just to look and move around? That seems really inefficient, the keys are all over your keyboard that way.

The reason WASD is the norm is probably because it resembles the positions of the arrow keys, but there are a lot more keys around it to use for other functions (interacting, reloading, jumping, crouching, tossing grenade etc.), so you don't have to move your hand a lot. It is also a way more natural position than arrow keys + mouse. Some people also use ESDF, but WASD is the default control scheme in most shooters since Half-Life.

I don't think there was any "default control scheme" before WASD actually. I know some people who use WADX and even one who uses ZXCV. Some people amirite (just kidding)

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ArchvileHunter said:

So you use the Arrow Keys, M, the mouse, and Del/Ins just to look and move around? That seems really inefficient, the keys are all over your keyboard that way.

The reason WASD is the norm is probably because it resembles the positions of the arrow keys, but there are a lot more keys around it to use for other functions (interacting, reloading, jumping, crouching, tossing grenade etc.), so you don't have to move your hand a lot. It is also a way more natural position than arrow keys + mouse. Some people also use ESDF, but WASD is the default control scheme in most shooters since Half-Life.

I don't think there was any "default control scheme" before WASD actually. I know some people who use WADX and even one who uses ZXCV. Some people amirite (just kidding)

Yes, I also use "Z & X" to strafe & "C" to duck & right mouse click to jump. It works really well for me, im really good at the game with those controls.

WOAH yea I USE "ZXC" but not "V"

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